Second Sunday of Advent

December 10, 2023

Thank you to everyone who made our float a success!

ADVENT SERIES - December 7, 14, 21

6-6:30pm Dinner / 6:30-7:30 - DVD & Discussion

Andy Stanley "How to BE Rich" Study of 1 Timothy 6:18

Andy Stanley biblically redefines what wealth is, how to use it, and helps you practice being rich so you will be good at it. Generosity was the hallmark of the early church. They did for those who could not give anything in return. Is that how people in your communities would describe you? This study is a tool that will encourage conversation and reflection around the topic of what to do with what we have. Jesus could not have been any clearer. It’s not what you have that matters. It’s what you do with it that will count for you or against you in the kingdom of heaven.

Watch Trailer

Poinsettia Dedication

For a donation of any amount, all wishing to place poinsettias as a celebration, memorial or thank offering, may do so by sending an

e-mail to

no later than Sun., Dec. 17th. 1) Include your name as you wish it to appear in the Sunday bulletin; 2) Name of person you are dedicating to and 3) how you would like the dedication to read. A form will be available in the church narthex as well that can be placed in the offering plate.

Payment can be made by cash, check (payable to St. Paul’s Episcopal put flowers in memo) or credit card at and select Altar Guild.  Thank you for helping to continue this tradition of adorning our altar between December 24—January 6, 2018

Dec. Church Calendar - Click to view

Coffee Hour Sign-up

Philippe de Champaigne, Saint John the Baptist in the Desert

(Grenoble, France: Museum of Grenoble, 1645), oil on canvas.


“The challenge had a sharp edge to it. Someone was coming, coming very soon, and John was getting people ready. If someone came into your town and told you that the President, or the Princess, or some other great person, was on their way to pay you a visit, you’d quickly rush around smartening things up. In Britain it’s a standard joke that wherever the Queen goes she smells fresh paint.”

Tom Wright, Mark for Everyone

(London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2004), 2.





The Liturgy of the Word

10:30 a.m. Live Stream Sunday Services on  Youtube and Facebook

Repeat of Sunday services can be seen on GEUS Channel 34

on Wednesdays at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Follow us on Instagram:

St. Paul's Young Adult Fellowship - follow on Facebook for info on time and location. We focus on deep dives into scripture, discovering enriching pathways through God's Word and fellowship with one another. The group studies one book at a time, and meets on a weekly basis whenever possible at a rotating set of locations. In order to get involved, shoot us a message!


10:00am - Children's Chapel

10:30am - Morning Prayer 2

NO Bible Study. Will resume January 3, 2024

7:00pm - Bible Study in St. Paul's Parish Hall (pizza provided)

Dec. 7, 14, 21 Thurs. - ADVENT SERIES - Andy Stanley "How to BE Rich" Study of 1 Timothy 6:18. 6:00pm - 6:30pm (Dinner); 6:30 - 7:30pm (DVD & Discussion)

Dec. 9, Sat. - 11am - 1:00pm ECW Christmas Lunch & Gift Swap, Texan Theater, 2712 Lee St.

Dec. 10, Sun. - Advent II Service: 8am & 10:30am

  • Birthday and Anniversary Blessings
  • ECW - Ingathering of Shut in Items and passing bags out to be distributed.

Dec. 11, Mon. -

  • 9am - 3pm - Join the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas and the Greater Dallas Coalition for a Tour of South Dallas Ministries, lunch will be provided during this tour. Everyone will meet at St. Matthew's Cathedral at 5100 Ross Avenue in Dallas. If you plan to attend email Darell Smith at, or email Canon Evangelist Carrie Headington at
  • No Ladies Nite Out

Dec. 12, Tues. - School Board Meeting

Dec. 13, Wed. 8am Leader Breakfast

Dec. 14. Thurs. - Advent Series: Andy Stanley's, "How to BE Rich"

6:00pm-6:30pm (Dinner); 6:30pm - 7:30pm (DVD and Discussion)

Dec. 15, Fri. - St Paul's Episcopal School-Cookies with Santa

Dec. 16, Sat. -

  • 8am - St Joseph's Guild
  • 9am - DOK

Dec. 17, Sun. - Advent III - Gaudete Sunday

  • Fr. Nick's 18th Priesthood Ordination Anniversary
  • Celebration of Fr Gordon's 70 years of ordained ministry

Dec. 19, Tues. - 7pm - Vestry Meeting

Dec. 24, Sun. -

  • No 8:00am Service
  • 10:30am Advent Service - 'Hanging of the Greens' immediately following
  • 7:00pm Christmas Service
  • 10:30 Carol Singing
  • 11:00 Midnight Mass

Dec. 25, Mon. - No Services, Christmas

Dec. 26, Tues. - Office will be closed

Dec. 28, Thurs. - 6:30pm Holiday Concert

Dec. 31, Sun. - Potluck following 10:30am service


  • Diary of a Theologian - Watch Out for Bison - The world we human beings live in is strange. There are beasts out there that we need to guard against. We need, together, to be looking out for them and to help each other, not only in the lookout but also after. Most of all, we need to strengthen and encourage one another.
  • Spring 2024 Classes - Registration ends Dec. 22. Stanton Center, Jan. 20 - May 18. (scroll to bottom)
  • Acolyte Festival - Jan. 13, 8:00am - 2:30pm, St. Andrew's, 2783 Valwood Pkwy, Farmers Branch.
  • Parish Leadership Day - Jan. 27, 9:30am - 2:30pm; St Matthew's Cathedral, 5100 Ross Ave, Dallas. Includes lunch, 13 workshops (see schedule).
DOK logo.jpg

Prayers for the Church


The Daughters of the King are dedicated to supporting the prayer needs of St Paul's. They are available in the west corner of sanctuary every Sunday after the 10:30 a.m. worship service for private prayer. You can also submit intentions in the prayer box in the narthex.

Denise Henson, Eileen Jenkins, Marie and Ken Gunter, Julia Gibson,

Linda Conley, Father Gordon, Bill and Judy Shaddox.

To add names to the prayer list, please contact the church office.

(Names will remain on prayer list for one month unless renewed)