Adult Sunday School and the Wednesday Lunch Bible Study classes have just completed the study of the Book of Isaiah and are looking forward to the next journey together through the Bible! Join us as we study the Gospel of Mark. Pastor Ward and Carol Schierlmann will be leading both groups on the dive into this important part of the New Testament.
The study begins April 11 at 11:30am for the Sunday class and April 14 for the Wednesday group. It will conclude on June 6 and June 9 with 2 weeks off during the time period. Preparation for the class involves reading the upcoming scripture from Mark each week as well as the accompanying study guide if desired ("Interpretation Bible Studies: Mark" by Richard I. Deibert -- available from Amazon and other bookstores).
We would love for some people to get involved with our studies who have never attended. Since our lectionary this year is from Mark, it would be a great way to better understand this Gospel. Please consider joining one of these classes. Connection information is given above under Worship and Learning Opportunities. Hope to see you there!