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8840 University City Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28213

Website: adventlu.org
YouTube channel -- Advent Lutheran Church ELCA Charlotte

Weekly News and Prayers on January 5, 2022

(Submission Deadline: Noon Wednesdays to Pam at Officeadm@adventlu.org

Click here to give online

Click here for the January 3rd edition of Synod News

Special Synod News from the Bishop


Sunday, January 8, 2023

10am in the Sanctuary!!!

Epiphany Sunday - Baptism of our Lord

Readings: Isaiah 42:1-9 and Matthew 13:13-17


Sunday Service also livestreamed at Adventlu.org

To access the online worship service:  

 Go to adventlu.org and then click on the link for the worship service on the home page

Note that we are communing at the chancel for those wishing to do so

Serving for January 8, 2023

Lay Assistant:  Teleah Amaker

Reader: Anne Brown

Altar: Lisa Droste

Greeters:  Joyce Veit & Sharon Thrower

Ushers:  Don Veit & Ed Efird

Children's Church: Esther Abdel-Hameed

Serving for January 15, 2023

Lay Assistant:  Jennifer Frisina

Reader: Eric Heberlig

Altar: Connie Searing

Greeters:  Caroline Grubb & Sharon Thrower

Ushers:  Claude Ingolia/Jeff Hibbeler

Children’s Church: Mary Christ

Count: Pam Rhynes/Don Veit


Sunday, 9am -- Parlor Class -- All are invited to join

Class Resumes 1/8/2023 -- "Spiritual Themes" of Water, Spiritual Growth, Sabbath, and others

Sundays following worship -- Intergenerational Events in Person

For ALL ages -- most Sundays following worship --  Watch for details of each particular event here in eNEWS or on adventlu.org      

Sunday, January 8 -- Introduction to Book of Matthew - Overview of Matthew, and explore our personal and church ancestry.

Sunday, January 15 -- Youth groups to study Dr. Martin Luther King. Adult study on "Braving the Wilderness". Entire congregation invited to participate in the 2023 Atrium Dr. King March at 2pm uptown.

Sunday, January 29 -- Fellowship event planned for congregation led by our REAP group. Will consist of a a meal together supporting a restaurant or food truck owned by a person of color.

Mondays, Lunch and Learn -- 12 noon via zoom

Resumes 1/9/23 - "The Active Life - A Spirituality of Work, Creativity, and Caring" by Parker J. Palmer

Link is:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88608765668?pwd=a0V6QzM2eWE1OU1yRnZJYVVIM1pxdz09

 Meeting ID: 886 0876 5668  Passcode: 485943

Tuesdays, Lectio Divina/Centering Prayer -- 12 noon in person/hybrid

Begins 1/10/23 - Examines upcoming readings and concludes with 20-minute centering prayer

Link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83912312270?pwd=SlFqdVEwQVFpK3MybXg3cjJjSVI0dz09

Meeting ID: 839 1231 2270  Passcode: 963208

Wednesdays, "Wednesday Word" -- 12 noon via zoom

Every Wednesday unless otherwise announced.

Class resumes on 1/11/23 with a study on the book of Matthew.

Zoom link is:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87170303891?pwd=L2dwSjB0Q2UwbjRVUnA1SWlTUFE1Zz09

 Meeting ID: 871 7030 3891  Passcode: 276035

Sunday, January 8 -- Parlor Class resumes

Sunday, January 8 -- 10am worship followed by intergeneration event to begin learning about Matthew and to explore our personal & church ancestry.

Monday, January 9 -- 12 noon Monday Lunch & Learn resumes

Tuesday, January 10 -- 12 noon in person - Lectio Divina begins

Wednesday, January 11 -- 12 noon Wednesday Word resumes

Saturday, January 14 -- 11am Celebration of Life for Emma Fettig followed by meal

Sunday, January 15 -- 10am worship followed by Youth Groups & book study "Braving the Wilderness"

Sunday, January 15 --2pm -- MLK Holiday March from downtown to Dr. King's statue in Marshall Park.

Tuesday, January 17 -- 6:30pm LMM

Thursday, January 19 -- 11:45am Adventurers

January 21 -- Play at Imaginon for 5-7th graders

Sunday, January 22 -- 10am worship -- Sabbath Sunday

Sunday, January 29 -- 10am worship followed by Service project led by our REAP group

Saturday, February 4 -- Basketball at UNCC followed by annual chili supper at Advent


On Saturday, January 14, at 11am, we will celebrate the life of our dear Emma Fettig who passed away on January 14, 2021. Because of the Covid pandemic, no service was held at that time; however the family requested several months ago that we do her celebration on the 2nd anniversary of her passing. All the Advent family is invited to join in this celebration and to stay for the reception meal afterwards.

Sabbath Sundays

Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it, God rested from all the work of Creating. Genesis 2:3

As we head into this new year of 2023, we recognize that life has been full of challenges for the past couple years. In a presentation from the Synod educator, Danielle Denise, Council and staff listened to stories of burn out impacting congregations around the country. How can the church respond? After much discussion, we decided that one Sunday per month will be a designated Sabbath Sunday. There will be no classes or meetings scheduled for these Sundays. Worship will be our point of connection and then all are encouraged to use the remaining time on Sunday to rest and recharge.


Our supplier of giving envelopes notified us in mid-December that they have had equipment problems and our order of giving envelopes has been delayed. They expected to be able to ship in early January. As soon as we receive them, a notice will be placed in eNEWS and the boxes will be placed in your mail slot. In the meantime, feel free to use an old envelope from 2022, or one of the pew envelopes, or just put your check in the offering plate. Your offering will be recorded properly. Please put any cash in some kind of envelope with your name.

Our apologies for the delay. Hopefully we will receive the shipment any day now.


On Sunday, January 15th, all members of Advent are invited to participate in 2023 Atrium Health Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday March. The march will begin at 2pm in uptown and end at the statue of Dr. King in Marshall Park where he will be honored with the annual Wreath Memorial. Details about starting location to come. Please reach out to Deloris Bainbridge (youthandmilestones@adventlu.org) with questions.


What an opportunity!! On Saturday, February 4th, the Advent Lutheran Men will sponsor their Annual Family Basketball outing at UNC Charlotte. The annual June & Mabel Porter Chili Dinner sponsored by Social Ministry will immediately follow the game around 6pm at the church. Go to the UNCC campus first for the game at 4pm in the Halton Arena, Charlotte vs Florida Atlantic University, and then come to the church for the chili dinner when the came is over. Meal donations will be accepted to support a scholarship for a Native American from the Catawba Tribe.

Tickets for the game are only $8 per person and the group will sit together. Parking is free and convenient. For more info and tickets, please see Keith Wassum in the Gathering Space after services in January or call him at 704-597-1174 to make other arrangements. Tickets payment must be paid for at the time of sign-up. Deadline is Sunday, January 29. Family & friends are welcome!


As communicated via eNEWS on December 21st, our Room In the Inn program needs more volunteers in the critical areas of sleepovers, morning clean up, and drivers. There were a number of new sign-ups after the earlier communication; however, there are still a number open.


This outreach program is only successful as a group effort, so please consider how you can pitch in. Here’s the link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e49a9aa23a13-room1#/. Be sure to look for [ADVENT] or [ANYONE] for those available to the Advent family.  We also receive support from the other 3 churches in our joint effort. If you have questions or don’t know what you’re doing in various roles, the “how to” is all well documented and not rocket science! Caroline is making sure that all volunteers are fully trained in their roles.


Many thanks to all of you who already are serving this important ministry and thank you to those who respond to this critical need.   For questions, please contact Caroline Grubb 704-608-8474 or grubb@pipeline.com


The 2023 altar flower chart is now available on the kiosk in the narthex.  You may sign up on available Sundays for altar flowers in memory or honor of a person or event. The cost remains $45 per bouquet and may be paid by check or through online giving.  In either case, be sure to note “altar flowers”.  Families are asked to take their flowers home with them following the service on the day scheduled. For questions or issues, please contact Pam Rhynes (officeadm@adventlu.org). 


The church recently received an email from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill concerning an in-home health care program for the elderly or children that is offered by pre-med students at the school. The website appears valid but beyond that we can't offer any assurances about the program. We have, however, decided to share a link to this communication in the event anyone has a need and wished to check them out. To read the information, click here.


Advent offers many ways to Love God, Serve Neighbor both outside and inside of our walls! Click here to view info on Our Neighbors' Plate, our Little Free Pantry, Sandwich Making, and serving with other Advent friends as a volunteer to a community ministry.


Using Online Giving: You may make a one-time gift through Online Giving or you may set up recurring donations which you can modify or cancel at any time. This tool allows you to use a credit card, debit card, or bank checking or savings account payment. American Express is not permitted because of the costly fee to the church.

  1. You can also designate where you want your gift to go.... General Fund for operating expenses or other special fund. A number of special funds are built into the tool already but if your choice is not listed, you can choose OTHER and type the name of the fund you want to get credit. You can do multiple donations in one entry.
  2. To use this tool you can go to the Advent website (adventlu.org) and click on GIVE in the upper right-hand corner of the main screen, OR you can click on the icon here in this note:  Click here to access Online Giving now

To mail an offering to the church: Send to 8840 University City Blvd, Charlotte 28213. All offerings received will go to General Fund unless designated otherwise on the memo line of the check.

Cash offerings should be placed in either your personal numbered envelope or you may use the generic ones available in the narthex. Be sure to put your name and indicate is you want the offering to go to something other than General Fund.


If you are interested in ordering a beautiful flower arrangement in memory or honor of someone or of an event, please sign up on the flower chart on the kiosk in the Narthex. Cost is $45 per arrangement. After worship on the week of your reservation, you may take them home to enjoy throughout the coming week. You will be contacted for particulars on colors or any details for what you would like published regarding the arrangement. For questions, please contact Pam Rhynes (officeadm@adventlu.org) or call 704-641-1686.


Church office staff are working both remotely and in person. There is generally someone in the church office on Mondays-Wednesdays from 10am until 5pm and Thursday mornings. The church office is closed on Fridays. Contact staff by email or phone.


Making plans for an event at Advent, are you the leader of a small group or ministry leader with monthly meetings? Whatever the event or gathering (even zoom meetings) be sure to let the church office know the date, time, and room or space. Doing so is a big help in keeping the church online calendar current while communicating Advent activities and avoiding the possible mishap of overbooking a particular area.  Call us at 704-549-1555 or email Pam (officeadmin@adventlu.org) or Harriett (churchadministrator@adventlu.org).  Thanks, we appreciate your help.


Completed applications for Wubben education, outreach, and spiritual development awards should be emailed to wubbendistribution@gmail.com.

Spiritual Development Offerings for all ages

Intergenerational events upcoming -- begin after 10am worship service concludes unless otherwise noted. These events are planned in mind or ALL our members and visitors regardless of age!

  • January 8 -- For all ages: Introduction to the Book of Matthew beginning with an overview of Matthew and exploring our personal and church ancestry.
  • January 15 -- Pastor Ward will begin book study of Brene' Brown's "Braving the Wildersness" for parents, grandparents, caregivers, and other interested persons.
  • January 15 -- Congregation invited to participate in the 2023 Atrium Health Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday March that begins uptown at 2pm and ends at the statue of Dr. King in Marshall Park with the annual wreath memorial.
  • January 22 -- A Sabbath Sunday -- no activities other than worship planned.
  • Sunday, January 29 -- Fellowship event planned for congregation led by our REAP group (Racial Equality Action Partners). Will participate in a service project and then have lunch together supporting a restaurant or food truck owned by a person of color.

CHILDREN'S PROGRAM -- Resumes January 8th

Godly Play and Children's Church are geared to children ages 3 and up.  At the end of the Gospel reading and before the sermon begins, the Pastor will call for the children to join the leader at the double doors of the sanctuary. They will go to the parlor on the weeks of Children's Church and to the educational wing when there is Godly Play.  Children will return to the sanctuary either during the offering or just as groups begin to go forward for communion. Parents are welcome to accompany young children to either of these programs until the child becomes comfortable with going alone. There will always be 2 adults with each group. 


Our Youth groups will meet on the 2nd Sunday of each month following worship unless indicated otherwise.

Upcoming dates are: 1/15, 2/12, 3/12, 4/9, 5/9.

Other activities:

January 15 -- Youth Groups after worship for PreK-12).

January 21 -- Play at Imaginon for 5-7th graders.

February 12 -- Youth Groups after worship for PreK-12).

February 4 - Youth bake sale at Chili Supper for a fund raiser for preK-12.

March 12 -- Youth Groups after worship for PreK-12).

March 17-19 -- Youth Mission Trip to Charleston for grades 10-12.

March 24-26 -- BYGer camp for 6th-8th grades.

April 9 -- Easter Breakfast Fundraiser for preK-12.

April 29 - Play at Imaginon for PreK.

May 7 -- Youth Groups after worship for PreK-12)

June TBD -- Senior Baccalaureate Gathering & Worship


Join Pastor Ward for a study of the book "Braving the Wilderness" by Brene Brown. This group begins on January 15th after worship and will coincide with the youth meetings. It is open to parents, grandparents, and anyone else who desires to join.

This book is a timely and important book that challenges everything we think we know about cultivating true belonging in our communities, organizations, and culture. It is a #1 New York Times Bestseller. For questions, contact Pastor Ward.

Monday Lunch & Learn will resume January 9th after their Christmas break with a study of "The Active Life - A Spirituality of Work, Creativity, and Caring" by Parker J. Palmer. This book is of great value to those seeking a model for right action in a God-created world of grace and surprises!

Contact Carol Schierlmann (spiritualdev@adventlu.org) if you'd like to join in.

Link is:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88608765668?pwd=a0V6QzM2eWE1OU1yRnZJYVVIM1pxdz09

 Meeting ID: 886 0876 5668  Passcode: 485943


The congregation is invited to join a group for a weekly dive into scripture followed by a centering prayer session. Each Tuesday at 12:00, the group will examine the bible passage for the upcoming Sunday via Lectio Divina. This ancient method of studying scripture includes a combination of focused reading, reflection, and prayer. We will end the class with a 20-minute Centering Prayer as we continue to explore how God works inside of our silence. The class will meet once per month in person and 3 times via Zoom (in person

meetings are also available to Zoom for those who prefer it). The group begins January 10th in person and continues through February on the scheduled below.  

1/10 – Begins in person/hybrid (Zoom available as necessary) & 1/17, 1/24, 1/31 – via Zoom

2/7 – In person/hybrid & 2/14, 2/21, 2/28 – Zoom

Link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83912312270?pwd=SlFqdVEwQVFpK3MybXg3cjJjSVI0dz09

Meeting ID: 839 1231 2270  Passcode: 963208

Wednesday Word -- 12 noon via Zoom on Wednesdays -- resumes on January 11 with a study of the book of Matthew.

Class contact is Carol Schierlmann (Spiritualdev@adventlu.org).

Zoom link is:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87170303891?pwd=L2dwSjB0Q2UwbjRVUnA1SWlTUFE1Zz09 

Meeting ID: 871 7030 3891  Passcode: 276035.

Parlor Class for adults -- All are invited to participate in the Parlor Class at 9am on Sunday mornings in the Parlor. Classes will resume January 8th. Just show up if you're interested in any of the classes. New topic will be "Spiritual Themes" of Water, Spiritual Growth, Sabbath, and others.


Meets monthly on the Fridays listed below, 6pm, via Zoom. All are welcome. Contact Jennie Henderson (jhendersonfit@gmail.com).

Upcoming 2023 dates and suggested books:

1/13/23 (Fiction) The Women's March - A Novel of the 1913 Woman Suffrage Procession by Jennifer Chiaverini.

2/10/23 (Non-Fiction) An Invisible Thread - The True Story of an 11-year old panhandler, a Busy Sales Executive, and an Unlikely Meeting with Destiny by Laura Schroff

3/10/23 (Fiction) - The Namesake: A Novel by Jhumpa Lahiri.4/14/23 - (Non-Fiction) - Stranger in the Shogun’s City: A Japanese Woman and Her World by Amy Stanley.

5/12/23 - (Fiction) - Invisible as Air by Zoe Fishman.

6/9/23 - (Non-Fiction) - A Line Becomes a River by Francisco Cantu.

7/14/23 - (Fiction) - When the Moon is Low by Nadia Hashimi.

8/11/23 - (Non-Fiction) - Fascism: a warning by Madeline Albright.

9/8/23 - (Fiction) - The Lioness by Chris Bohjalian.

10/13/23 - (Non-Fiction) - Fostered: One Woman’s Powerful Story of Finding Faith and Family through Foster Care by Tori Hope Peterson.

11/10/23 - (Fiction) - Anxious People by Fredrick Backman.

12/8/23 - (Non-Fiction) - What would Frida Do?: A Guide to living Boldly by Arianna Davis.

 Click here for zoom link to book club meeting each month!


The schedule for upcoming REAP (Racial Equality -- January 8, 2023, March 12, May 21, July 9 -- 4:30pm

All interested in participating are encouraged to join us. Click below to join:


Meeting ID: 832 7471 0159 Passcode: 060475.

                                  Nurture and Support


Regular stretching through zoom, lead by our own Jennie Henderson, an ACE Certified Personal Trainer. All skill levels are welcome. All you need is a water bottle, a chair, a space to lay down, and a resistance band/long towel. Any questions can be directed to jhendersonfit@gmail.comClasses are Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:30pm beginning 1/10/23.  To join click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84740894973?wd=UldFOTlxN09wSEkvbWQ2c3NPbGRwdz09 Meeting ID: 847 4089 4973   Passcode: 382321 

Advent Friends  -- Private Group

COMMUNICATE AND CONNECT THROUGH ADVENT FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK:   Join the closed "Advent Friends" Facebook group to stay abreast of events and see photos.   https://www.facebook.com/groups/169250383088993/


Don't forget - when shopping on Amazon, access the site through http://smile.amazon.com/ch/56-1182420 and simply do all of your Amazon on-line ordering through Amazon Smile.  Amazon will donate 0.5% of what you buy to Advent - not much, but if you're shopping anyway with Amazon, why not use Smile. Every penny will be used in service to God and His people.


Help our PreSchool by linking (or relinking) your Harris-Teeter VIC card to the school (note that all links must be renewed EACH August!). You may link or relink by clicking this link or by seeing a Harris-Teeter Associate at the Service Desk in the store.. The official name is Adventure PreSchool ... group #5494. Harris-Teeter gives money to the designated school based on the Harris-Teeter brands you purchase.


Before adding someone to our prayers, be sure you have the person's permission. Please let us know when prayers may no longer be needed.  Names will be removed from the list after two months unless updates are received.  Please contact officeadm@adventlu.org to provide updates.

Illness or Other Needs

Dale Blish, member

William Brady, former member

Linda Burkhardt, friend of Carolyn & Gerry Osborne

Melissa Butler, neighbor of Refsniders

Darrin Carr, visitor to Advent

Arlene Cash, member

Helen Cheyney, mother of Pastor Steve Cheyney

Terence Connelly, father of Chris Connelly

Kay Donnelly, mother of long-time friend of Susan Lewis

Charliese Eichler, sister of Marylou Kuklentz 

Sandra Eliassen, mother of Carol Swing

Edith Frisina, mother of Vince Frisina Jr.

Vince Frisina Sr., father of Vince Frisina Jr.

Dwight Hartsell, member

Susan Hartsell, member

Tom Hawk, friend of Chris & Janet Rasmussen

Tracy Heberlig, member

Ann Hess, wife of former Pastor Bernie Hess

Bernie Hess, former Pastor of Advent

Linda Holden, friend of Gerry & Carolyn Osborne

Carol Hintz Hollingsworth, daughter of Jim Hintz

Gary Homesley, father of Shannon Homesley

Donnell Horton, former member of Advent

Nylah Howard, member of Advent's girl scout troop

Shmel Hughes, friend of Advent

Amy Hull, friend of Chris Rasmussen

Joe Johnson, neighbor of Refsniders

Bobbi Keen, cousin of Lynn McKittrick

Ashley King, friend of the Strickert family

Waylon Kuklentz, grandson of Dick & Marylou Kuklentz

Bobbi Larson, member

Kevin Middleton, nephew of Ruth Middleton-Smith

Ron Middleton, brother of Ruth Middleton-Smith

Andrew Milholland, friend of Dick & Marylou Kuklentz

Lucy Mullis, sister of Dwight Hartsell

Melissa Nobles-Titchenell, friend of Gloria Peters family

Jane Ogilvie, childhood friend of Susan Lewis

Terry Park, friend of the Advent Via da Cristo community

Reagan Poli, grand-niece of Connie & Mark Searing

Joyce Quigley, grandmother of Jennie Henderson

Denny Refsnider, member

Diane Round, sister of Debbie Round

Carol Schierlmann, Advent staff member

Jack Schulte, friend of Rasmussen family

Michael Searing, cousin of Mark Searing

Pam Simyon, daughter-in-law of Dick & Mary Lou Kuklentz

Eric Sossoman, brother-in-law of Lisa Williams

Ron Stemple, cousin of Gloria Peters

Wylee Stephens, grandson of Harriett & Darrell Easley

Peter Svedin, uncle of Holly von Seggern

David Townsend, friend of Esther Abdel-Hameed

Laura Tucker, friend of Marylou Kuklentz

Michelle Veit, daughter of Don & Joyce Veit

Augustin Villacis, husband of APS teacher

Laverne Waskielis, friend of Steve & Carol Swing

Herbert Watson, member

Joan Welsh, mother of Debbie Poovey

Lisa Williams, member

Renate Wilson, mother of Tanya DeGrace

Chuck Wolfe, friend of Jennifer Canipe & Cathy Bolen

Florence Wolfel, friend of Susan Lewis

  • RITI guests for January 3: John, Robert, Caleb, Alexander, Mariah, Jaylain, Cameron, Christine, Zain, Emorie, Justin, Jaquana

DeathsWe remember and celebrate the lives of those who have died, especially..

Hudson Searcy, infant nephew of Stephanie Vincent, died December 20

Gene Hardinger, brother of Sarah Sue Hardinger, died on December 24

Mary Christ Dunbar, paternal aunt of Peter Christ, died on December 27

Praise & Thanksgiving - We give thanks and praise for ...

Andrea Hankin's Masters in Project Management from Western Carolina University on December 17

Always keep ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and NC Synod Bishop Tim Smith in your prayers.  


For additions or updates to this listing, please contact 

Pastor Ward at ThePastor@adventlu.org, OR Pam Rhynes at Officeadm@adventlu.org