Before adding someone to our prayers, be sure you have the person's permission. Please let us know when prayers may no longer be needed. Names will be removed from the list after two months unless updates are received. Please contact to provide updates.
Illness or Other Needs
Dale Blish, member
William Brady, former member
Linda Burkhardt, friend of Carolyn & Gerry Osborne
Melissa Butler, neighbor of Refsniders
Darrin Carr, visitor to Advent
Arlene Cash, member
Helen Cheyney, mother of Pastor Steve Cheyney
Terence Connelly, father of Chris Connelly
Kay Donnelly, mother of long-time friend of Susan Lewis
Charliese Eichler, sister of Marylou Kuklentz
Sandra Eliassen, mother of Carol Swing
Edith Frisina, mother of Vince Frisina Jr.
Vince Frisina Sr., father of Vince Frisina Jr.
Dwight Hartsell, member
Susan Hartsell, member
Tom Hawk, friend of Chris & Janet Rasmussen
Tracy Heberlig, member
Ann Hess, wife of former Pastor Bernie Hess
Bernie Hess, former Pastor of Advent
Linda Holden, friend of Gerry & Carolyn Osborne
Carol Hintz Hollingsworth, daughter of Jim Hintz
Gary Homesley, father of Shannon Homesley
Donnell Horton, former member of Advent
Nylah Howard, member of Advent's girl scout troop
Shmel Hughes, friend of Advent
Amy Hull, friend of Chris Rasmussen
Joe Johnson, neighbor of Refsniders
Bobbi Keen, cousin of Lynn McKittrick
Ashley King, friend of the Strickert family
Waylon Kuklentz, grandson of Dick & Marylou Kuklentz
Bobbi Larson, member
Kevin Middleton, nephew of Ruth Middleton-Smith
Ron Middleton, brother of Ruth Middleton-Smith
Andrew Milholland, friend of Dick & Marylou Kuklentz
Lucy Mullis, sister of Dwight Hartsell
Melissa Nobles-Titchenell, friend of Gloria Peters family
Jane Ogilvie, childhood friend of Susan Lewis
Terry Park, friend of the Advent Via da Cristo community
Reagan Poli, grand-niece of Connie & Mark Searing
Joyce Quigley, grandmother of Jennie Henderson
Denny Refsnider, member
Diane Round, sister of Debbie Round
Carol Schierlmann, Advent staff member
Jack Schulte, friend of Rasmussen family
Michael Searing, cousin of Mark Searing
Pam Simyon, daughter-in-law of Dick & Mary Lou Kuklentz
Eric Sossoman, brother-in-law of Lisa Williams
Ron Stemple, cousin of Gloria Peters
Wylee Stephens, grandson of Harriett & Darrell Easley
Peter Svedin, uncle of Holly von Seggern
David Townsend, friend of Esther Abdel-Hameed
Laura Tucker, friend of Marylou Kuklentz
Michelle Veit, daughter of Don & Joyce Veit
Augustin Villacis, husband of APS teacher
Laverne Waskielis, friend of Steve & Carol Swing
Herbert Watson, member
Joan Welsh, mother of Debbie Poovey
Lisa Williams, member
Renate Wilson, mother of Tanya DeGrace
Chuck Wolfe, friend of Jennifer Canipe & Cathy Bolen
Florence Wolfel, friend of Susan Lewis
- RITI guests for January 3: John, Robert, Caleb, Alexander, Mariah, Jaylain, Cameron, Christine, Zain, Emorie, Justin, Jaquana
Deaths - We remember and celebrate the lives of those who have died, especially..
Hudson Searcy, infant nephew of Stephanie Vincent, died December 20
Gene Hardinger, brother of Sarah Sue Hardinger, died on December 24
Mary Christ Dunbar, paternal aunt of Peter Christ, died on December 27
Praise & Thanksgiving - We give thanks and praise for ...
Andrea Hankin's Masters in Project Management from Western Carolina University on December 17
Always keep ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and NC Synod Bishop Tim Smith in your prayers.
For additions or updates to this listing, please contact
Pastor Ward at, OR Pam Rhynes at