Welcome to the season of Advent, a time of preparation for the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. It is a time to remind ourselves of old and ancient lessons that continue to help us dream of peace. It is also a time to reconnect with friends, loved ones, and the very spirit of the God we worship.

Below, you will find thoughtful and inspiring words from your pastors, helpful information on the marvelous opportunities for worship and celebration during Advent, and a simple invitation to take the journey to Bethlehem with the shepherds and angels. I look forward to journeying with you to see the manger.

New Advent Sermon Series

by Glen Miles

How Does a Weary World Rejoice?

A common concern I hear these days is this: "I'm tired, worn out, weary." The reasons are as numerous as the stars, but the feeling is shared by many. In a world worn down by fear and worse, we may wonder how we can celebrate. In this sermon series, we will discover, as Hannah Garrity notes, that joy is a companion to other emotions. We will make space this season for both our weariness and our joy.

You are invited to stay after worship each Sunday in Advent to fellowship and enjoy Christmas cookies, coffee, and cocoa. Nametags will be available at all locations so we can greet each other by name. Invite a friend and enjoy this special season with First Community!

Daily Advent Readings

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"For Unto Us"

Rev. Dr. Glen Miles, Senior Minister

When I was a child during Christmas time, I loved to find my mom's record of Handel's Messiah and play it so that I could sing along, especially this part:

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given

And his name shall be called, 

wonderful counselor, 

the mighty God…

Handel's "Unto Us a Child is Born" is one of my favorite pieces of all time.

One of my dreams is to sing Messiah with our choirs here at First Community. They are all SO good they'll cover up my voice, and you'll hear nothing but the beautiful, amazing sound that our musicians create weekly in our worship services.

Handel's Messiah really gets me in the mood for Christmas. Julie bought a speaker system for our apartment a few years ago to play Christmas music through our SiriusXM subscription. Occasionally, I sneak into her system to try to get it to play Handel all day, all the time.

Unto us a son is given is also one of my favorite scriptures. Isaiah's words help us prepare for Christmas. There is a timelessness about them. They speak across the centuries to inspire us even in our moment as "people who walked in darkness." They are an invitation to discover in this season of joy the good news of God's universal love, a love that is there even when the world feels like a scary place.

For unto us a child is born and he shall be called,

Wonderful Counselor…the Prince of Peace.

It's advent, and it's time to prepare for Christmas and the eternal and everlasting dream of the gift of peace.

"Someday at Christmas"

Rev. Sarah Kientz, Minister to Camp Akita and Youth

One of my favorite Christmas songs is Stevie Wonder’s “Someday at Christmas” (1967). In it, Stevie dreams that one Christmas morning, the sun will rise on a world that knows no hate, no hunger, no violence, no tears. The song ends with a hopeful-yet-heartbreaking line: “Someday in a world where men are free / Maybe not in time for you and me / But someday at Christmastime.”

While pregnant with Jesus, Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John the Baptist. Elizabeth is delighted to greet Mary; I expect the two have much to share, from tales of angel encounters to morning sickness remedies. Elizabeth says to Mary, “Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord” (Luke 1:45).

I love this line. Elizabeth doesn’t say, “Blessed is she who said yes,” or “Blessed is she who went along with someone else’s plan.” She says (my interpretation), “Blessed is she who believed that she matters, that God’s dream will come true, and that she plays an important role within it.” Both Elizabeth and Mary will experience both pride and tragedy when it comes to their sons’ lives. But they don’t know that yet, and they won’t know either child’s vast and benevolent impact beyond his final day. For now, Elizabeth is simply beaming with pride for her younger cousin, as she should.

When we donate food to Heart to Heart, we commit to playing a small part in a big dream: our canned vegetables contribute to the real families who will eat them and to our belief that the end of hunger is possible. We help fulfill God’s dream. The next time you add extra soup to your shopping cart, maybe you will hear Elizabeth’s proud voice: “Blessed is she who believed.”

But more likely, you’ll hear Stevie Wonder’s voice on the radio singing “Someday at Christmas.” With each key change, you’ll hear Stevie escalate from a gentle dream to a demand. For that peaceful Christmas morning to come, we must all participate, and to participate, we must all believe it will come, even if “not in time for you and me.”

"I Am Simply Not Prepared"

Rev. Mary Kate Buchanan, Minister of Pastoral Care

“Comfort, O comfort my people,” says your God.

A voice cries out: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. Then the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” (Isaiah 40:1,3-5)

I have been thinking about what it means to prepare. For Christians, both Advent and Lent are seasons of preparation, albeit different kinds. In Advent, we are preparing to welcome and receive something vulnerable-- a baby, of course, but also a God who dared to be made flesh. How are we supposed to prepare for that?

My tree had been trimmed for a week by this time last year. The Advent wreath had its fresh candles standing proud, awaiting their turn at Sunday dinner. The date had been set for my annual cookie decorating party. Over half of the presents were already wrapped and put in a box awaiting transport to their Christmas morning destination.

This year, the spiders, pumpkins, and turkeys are starting to collect a thin layer of dust. The family ornaments haven’t emerged from their protective paper. The tree hasn’t been hauled up from the basement. The mantle is bare. And what once was a “really good start” on buying presents came to a halt about two months ago.

By all standard measures of preparedness- I am simply not prepared. And yet, I’m ready. Maybe now more than ever, I am ready for Jesus to break into the world. I am ready to prepare my heart with enough room not just to welcome sweet baby Jesus, meek and mild, lying in the manger, but the man and ministry that changed the world and turned the world upside down in the name of love. How can we possibly be prepared for that? I don’t know. But I’m ready for it. Will you join me?

The best place to start is in prayer:

Holy One,

It’s possible that we may never be prepared for the goodness, grace, and mercy you offer us. But we are so ready. Open our hearts, minds, and bodies to everything the ministry of Jesus is about- extravagant love, unimaginable welcome, unending peace. Help us see that promise and hope in the eyes of an infant born in the most unlikely places. We’re ready for that. We’re ready for you.


"Create and Be Merry"

Jennifer Garvin, Seminary Intern

…the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, ‘Let there be light'; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. (Genesis 1:2-4)

It is hard to walk the dog at night during Advent. It can be so cold and dark. I just want to stay inside. The darkness prompts me not to move and to sit in front of the fireplace. Creation is telling me to slow down and rest in the darkness. I resist inertia. I put on my gloves, scarf, and heavy coat, get the dog in his sweater, and off we go. I listen, observe, feel, and smell nature. I hear the stop-start of engines, and I see the headlights all in a row, waiting to go. That crisp air makes my nose red and makes me blink. I smell snow!

Gray and white puffs quilt

Between bare, black trees and seams

Of Christmas house lights

As I walk along with my dog, the lights my neighbors have put up reflect their joy in creating something beautiful out of the darkness, affirming that the light of creation still shines! What will you create this Advent? I know it will be great! Wishing you light and love during this season before Christmas.

Every year, First Community Church presents one of our Sweethearts with the First Rose. The First Rose of Advent began in 1935 when Dr. Roy Burkhart became Senior Minister. The red rose was delivered to our “Sweethearts” as a symbol of goodwill, affection, caring, and blessings during Advent.

Senior Minister Dr. Glen Miles presented the first rose to Nelson French this year. Nelson has been a member of First Community for more than 86 years! He received his block of wood on April 10, 1937. Over the years, Dr. Burkhart (“Burkie”) tried to recruit him to the ministry, but Nelson said it didn’t work. He is known for having been involved in the planning of First Community Village when he was in his 30s and Otis Maxfield was Senior Minister. He helped get the land rezoned to build the village after overcoming some opposition from the neighbors. First Community Village went on to open in 1963. Nelson has also been Chairman of the Board of Deacons, Board Chair of the Long-Range Planning Committee, and Chairman of the Governing Board. His service to the church has been truly invaluable, and it is our honor and pleasure to have the First Rose presented to Nelson French! 

Carols for Christmas

The 49th Annual Carols for Christmas Concert will feature the choirs of First Community Church, Whitechapel Ringers, and a brass ensemble presenting sounds of the season. Selections will include: Pinkham's Christmas Cantata and settings of carols by Jocelyn Hagen, Howard Helvey, Dan Forrest, Philip Stopford, and more. We hope you will join the FC Music Ministry for this afternoon of beautiful music!

Away from the Manger

The Youth Choirs at First Community present the Christmas Musical Away from the Manger, a tribute to Sally Beske, on Sunday, December 10, in worship at 9 and 11, FC North. This year's honored guests are the Beske family.

Please note there is no 10 am service at FC South on this day. All children will join in worship to enjoy the children's musical. There will be no childcare or Sunday school.

Christmas Workshop

Join the K-5 team at FC North for one of First Community’s favorite traditions, our annual Christmas Workshop on Wednesday, December 13 from 6-7:15 pm. This event is a chance for children to make gifts and Christmas decorations for family and friends. As children grow, learning to thoughtfully give and not just receive at Christmas can enhance their understanding of the spirit this sacred season and help nurture an awareness of the needs of others.

Christmas Workshop projects are geared toward elementary-age children, but younger children are welcome if accompanied by a grown-up.

Please register for this event by December 8 so the right quantity of materials can be purchased and prepared. REGISTER HERE

Longest Night: A Worship Service for the Weary

Wednesday, December 20

Snack supper at 5:30 pm, service begins at 6 pm

Grace Hall, FC North

For those who have experienced deep loss or personal struggle, the joy of the holiday season can feel out of reach. Our Longest Night service holds space for prayer, reflection, and remembrance amidst the twinkle lights and holiday hustle and bustle.

Revs. Mary Kate Buchanan and Sarah Kientz will host this special service that includes readings, music, and several spiritual practices. Participants will be invited to light candles, write prayers, receive personal prayer, or simply find quiet reflection. This is a wonderful service for all ages; families are welcome.

We hope this special worship can be a gift amid what can be a difficult season for so many. Bring your grief, weariness, and fatigue, and meet us in a space of nonjudgment, peace, and healing. 

How does a weary world rejoice? Advent Devotional


Make sure to join in the fun by following the calendars and tagging First Community on Facebook or Instagram. You can also download a copy of the calendar by clicking the button below.

Our friends at A Sanctified Art LLC |, have provided this year's calendars. Children’s prompts written by Rev. Anna Strickland | Adult prompts written by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity | Calendars designed by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman

Adult and Youth Calendar

Download Adult/Youth Calendar

Children's Calendar

Download Children's Calendar
Gift Card Donations
Christmas Memorials

Watch for the December issue of firstnews in your inbox on Tuesday, December 5.

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