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This Sunday

This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. Peter Henry is preaching his sermon, entitled "Your Time is Coming," based on Jeremiah 33:14-16. Communion will be served at all 3 services.

The music will be provided by Sarah Allred, David Brinson, the Geneva and Chancel Choirs and our 9:45 Music Team.

The 8:45 service has returned to Lingle Chapel, while 9:45 and 11:00 are in the Sanctuary. All of our services are in person, as well as live-streamed to Facebook and YouTube. You may also listen to last week’s 11:00 service on WDAV (89.9 or WDAV.org). Free childcare is provided for all services.

Starting this Sunday, December 1, all children and adult Sunday School classes resume meeting in the main church building and Congregation House.  

  • Connections Class – will not meet this Sunday due to the Thanksgiving holiday.   
  • Covenant Class meets in Congregation House ABC – John Ryan concludes a two-week discussion on “Reclaiming Wholeness: Hospitality, Fear and Relationships in a Divided World.   
  • Jubilee Class meets Room 216 where Joe Papovich continues a discussion on the book, The First Advent.  
  • Maloney Class meets in Room 215 – Van Lear Logan teaches on The Ancestry of King David, Ruth 1-4; Luke 3:23-38. 
  • Pines Class meets in the Davidson Room on the Pines campus. Ritchie King teaches on The Ancestry of King David, Ruth 1-4; Luke 3:23-38. 
8:45 and 11:00 Bulletin
9:45 Bulletin

Thank you to the 261 households who have made pledges for 2025. Over half of our pledges are increases and we have 20 new pledges. Wow and thank you!

This is exactly the kind of stepping up we are asking members to consider for 2025 as we look to empower our committees to share even more of God's "Countless Gifts of Love."

Extra cards are in the Narthex of the Sanctuary and in the Main Office. Didn't get a card? Can't find yours? You can also pledge online here. Thank you for helping us to share God's "Countless Gifts of Love" in 2025.

Make Your Online Pledge for 2025 Here
Scan the QR code or click here.

Priority needs are:  Canned Meat – tuna, chicken, salmon; Canned Fruit – no sugar added or in juice; Canned Vegetables – no salt added or low sodium; Pasta – canned or dry boxed; Cereal – whole grain. We cannot accept food items that are unsealed, expired, loose without listed ingredients, unlabeled, or in glass containers.

Long-time member Van Lear Logan talks

about the decades-old tradition of the Gift Service.

Snow Angels 

Bless a senior member of our community with a holiday gift basket/box. The contents should not exceed $50. Pick up a card on the Angel Tree in the Burris Gathering Space and deliver back there by December 13.

Alternative Gifts to Western NC or Sigona Academy in Kenya 

Give a gift in honor of a loved one to bless a family recovering in Western NC and/or our partners in Kikuyu, Kenya. Click Here for more information. Gift cards are available for recipients in the gathering space and in front of the sanctuary.

Scan the QR code or click here to register.

The church will be decorated with flowers and fresh greenery for the Advent season beginning on December 6. If you would like to make an honoring or memorial contribution towards the purchase of these decorations, please fill out the form below and return to rboggs@dcpc.org or the church office, along with your check (payable to DCPC and mark Christmas Decorations on the memo line) no later than Monday, December 13. An acknowledgment of all gifts will be included in the bulletin on December 22. To avoid errors, please print clearly. Your contributions help fund floral arrangements throughout the year.

Click here for the Christmas Decoration Form.
Scan the QR code or click here TODAY to sign up!

We partner with Roof Above in Charlotte to host 10 guests every Friday night in the Congregation House. We pick them up in Charlotte and bring them back to a home-cooked meal, warm beds, laundry, breakfast, and a bag lunch. All this plus warm hospitality provided by our members is intended to make for a peaceful night of rest and renewal for our guests. Reach out to Robert Alexander at ralexander@dcpc.org to learn more. 

To learn more about the various opportunities CLICK HERE.  

To Fill out a Google Form CLICK HERE.

 Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer! We have 3 spots open on December 3rd so please click here.

We are excited that DCPC has a regular monthly date to serve at Angels and Sparrows Community Table! We are scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month. We are responsible for providing seven volunteers. Please see the date, jobs, and time slots by clicking here, and sign up for what works for you. If you have questions, please contact Holly Frisbie at (336) 918-6351 or hyfrisbie@gmail.com.

If you would like to make a secure, online gift, click here.