As of this email being sent
Advent's VBS is only 10 days away!
Make sure you sign up your
3 year olds - 5th graders and put
Advent into your summer ADVENTures!
6th Sunday after Pentecost
God’s word is like the rain that waters the earth and brings forth vegetation.
It is also like the sower who scatters seed indiscriminately.
Our lives are like seeds sown in the earth. Even from what appears to be little, dormant, or dead, God promises a harvest.  At the Lord’s table we are
fed with the bread of life,
that we may bear fruit in the world.
Traffic Delays Sunday, July 16
On Sunday, July 16 from 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., the OSU Tri Fit Challenge (bicyclists) will be passing by Advent and could possibly impact the traffic flow into and out of the church.  Please plan to leave a bit early to avoid being late for church!
This Sunday's
Scripture Selection

 Isaiah 55:10-13; Psalm 65;

Romans 8:1-11; Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Click on the reading above to read the selection online

Martin Luther Quote of the Week

"God doesn't love us because of our worth, we are of worth because God loves us."

—Martin Luther (1483-1546)

Luther Land trip to Europe Presentation This Sunday
This Sunday, beginning at 9:45am in the Fellowship Hall, you are invited to join Pastor Aaron and others who went to Europe for a presentation of pictures and stories from their travels!

We hope to see you this Sunday!
Old Time Gospel Sunday
and Church Picnic was a hit!
What a GREAT time we had on Sunday worshipping God and celebrating fellowship with one another at the church picnic at Fancyburg Park!

Special thanks to all of our musicians for the fantastic music for the worship service and to the Parish Life Team for organizing the picnic.

We have a request, to help make the most of opportunities like Sunday, we need a little bit of feedback.
Vacation Bible School
Craft Donations
We are in need of donations for various supplies for VBS crafts.
*  Toilet paper rolls
*  Paper towel rolls
*  Cardboard boxes

We also have a sign up sheet in the Narthex for specific items that we will need. Please sign up for what you'd like to donate and bring it back to the church by Sunday, July 16th.

There is a spot under the sign up table for the toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls and cardboard boxes as well as the other donated supplies.

Thanks for your help!

Contact: Karrie Clark, 614-353-6025 or [email protected]

Vacation Bible School Snack Donations
VBS is the week of July 24.  To donate ingredients for snacks, please sign up on the poster in the Narthex.  Please label your items with your name and place them in the VBS Snack Box in the kitchen.  If you have any questions, see Claudia Malone or call her at 614-348-4770.  

Anyone for EUCHRE?

We will be having a Giant Euchre Party again this summer.  
Sign up in the Narthex.  
Date:  August 13, 2017
Time:  After the 11:00 a.m. Service
Place:  Fellowship Hall
Bring:  An appetizer to share
Questions:  Christy Habermehl - 804.926.4266 or
                                                        [email protected]

Drinks will be provided and there will be childcare as well.  You do not have to be in a church euchre group to come and have fun!  
Men's SALT Group

The Men’s Bible Study Group has moved to a new day.  We now meet on the 1st and 3rd TUESDAY of the month at 9:30 the church. Our next meeting will be July 18.  All newcomers are welcome. Please contact Carl Lahman at [email protected] or 614.329.8639 if you have any questions.
Women's Bible Study

The Women's Bible Study Group has also moved to a new day.  We now meet on the 2nd and 4th TUESDAY of the month at 10:00 the home of Dolores Gross beginning in August.  All newcomers are welcome. Please contact Jeni Lahman at [email protected] or 614.371.4851 if you have any questions.
Advent Goes to Camp Week This Week

Please keep our youth in your prayers as two camp programs will be running simultaneously at Lutheran Memorial Camp during the week of July 16 - 21

Servant Camp - Sr. High/Confirmation youth  will be attending and traveling around metro Columbus doing various mission projects while exploring what it feels like to do God's work for others.

Pathfinders - 3rd - 5th grade youth will work as a team to maneuver through a challenge course, hike in the woods, build a basic shelter, cook a meal, sleep under the stars and experience God in nature and Bible study.

Contact Matt Pittman with questions at  [email protected] .  
Come start the school year off right by bringing your backpacks to church on August 13 for Advent 's annual Blessing of the Backpacks! 
See all of our Summer ADVENTures
on Social Media!
You do not have to be “on” social media to look us up.
Just click on an icon above and voilà!
You will see all of our postings!

Summer Ministry Guide

For Further Details go to

Prayers and Birthday Blessings This Week
May Financials
Have a Prayer Request?
We have a network of people at Advent who are committed to praying to God on behalf of others in need by lifting up specific requests, concerns, and emergency situations.  If you have such a request, please feel free to  Email a prayer request to: [email protected]
Pastoral Emergency

Should you have an emergency and need pastoral care contact the church office at 614-451-3639.