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Pastor George W. Brown (center), former Inter-American Division president (1980-1993), shares a moment during this 100th birthday celebration with Pastors Elie Henry (left), president of the IAD and Israel Leito (right) former president of the IAD (1994-2018), on Jan. 14, 2024, in Avon Park, Florida, United States. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

Adventist Leaders, Friends and Family Celebrate George W. Brown on His 100th Birthday

January 19, 2024 | Port of Spain, Trinidad| Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Family, friends, and former co-workers gathered last weekend to celebrate the 100th birthday of Pastor George W. Brown, former Inter-American Division (IAD) president, at Avon Park Seventh-day Adventist Church in Florida.

“All I have felt thus far is love and more love,” said Pastor Brown as he welcomed the dozens who came to congratulate him. Also present was Pastor Brown’s wife of 72 years, Carla, his daughters, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

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“What I Learned in 100 Years”

From a young age I knew George W. Brown was a great man. My understanding of his greatness was the result, not of studying his ministerial efforts, but of my observation of him in intimate moments. I have the rare privilege as his granddaughter of seeing him as a husband, a father, a grandfather, and a friend. I’ve seen his silliness, his amazing humor, and his delighted mischief as he interacts with his grandchildren. I am also a keen witness to his intelligence. My opa possesses venerable wisdom and practices profound diplomacy. Indeed, I am afforded insight into the deeper complexity of his character.

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Annual Week of Prayer to Strengthen Pastoral Families Across Inter-America

Thousands of pastors and their families throughout the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Inter-American Division (IAD) will have to opportunity to pause to worship and pray together during this year’s annual week of prayer from January 29 to February 2, 2024.

The online event seeks to inspire pastors, their spouses, and children to study the Word of God and pray together, gain spiritual strength, serve the church, and spread the gospel in their communities.

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Holy Spirit Emphasis Week 2024

Let this week be a time of renewal of our commitment. A time of heart searching, meditation and personal intercession for special victories.

He that overcometh shall inherit the kingdom. We do need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to the overcomers.

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Pastor Ordained at Special Service in Balakhta, Krasnoyarsk

On Sabbath, December 23, 2023, a small church in Balakhta, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, hosted the ordination of Yuri Vasilyevich Permyakov to pastorship in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Yuri, with his wife, Ilona, and two children have been dedicated workers for God and the church for many years.

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Perseverance in Prayer

Hello Brothers and Sisters, Happy Sabbath.

I am happy to greet you at the conclusion of the Ten Days of Prayer. As a church around the world, we participate in this initiative at the beginning of each new year. This is a special time in which we praise God, and raise our petitions, thanks, and requests before His throne of grace.

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