A Forward Framework

Join us for the last sermon in our "Forward Framework" series! It will finish setting up our framework for how the sermon series we do over the next few years will be interconnected. This week's topic will be an overview of the book of Acts as well as tools and reference materials that will help equip and encourage us as we seek to devote ourselves increasingly to Christ and one another through these examples laid out in the first-century church.

Weekly Devotionals/Life Group Curriculum and Daily Prayers
will be available at the church or to download from the website HERE on Sunday.
Stay Connected!

At Adventure we value relationships and intentionally living into them. It is literally part of our core value statements. Be a part of what we're doing here... get connected and stay connected with our life at Adventure!

Whether you have been here at Adventure for years or you are brand new, please take a moment to fill out the form HERE. This will help us know the best way to stay in contact and ways we can help you get more connected. 
See you on Sunday at 10:00 am!
Come together for live on-site worship at the church after registering HERE or join us live on Facebook
A recording of service is available on YouTube Sunday evening.
New Sermon Series Starts Next Sunday:
Beautiful Community

It's been over two thousand years since the birth of the Christian church. Even after all this time, we can look back at how these early disciples lived and find ourselves attracted to their selflessness, devotion, authenticity, focus, the way they treated one another, and, filled with the Holy Spirit, how they ventured out on mission to transform the ancient world. In a generation, these followers of Jesus completely changed how they lived their lives, reorienting them to be centered on their resurrected Savior and living lives that reflected Him to the watching world. They lived so differently than the rest of their culture that they drew respect and ridicule, interest and irritation, curiosity and condemnation. Long after these first followers passed away, their legacy continued to spread the Gospel throughout the world. The Lord, for thousands of years, has used their devotion to day-by-day draw people unto himself. What can we learn from this Beautiful Community and prioritize what they prioritized to be a church that has a long-lasting impact for the Kingdom?
No matter how you plan to worship, we are so happy to have your kids participate with us in Adventure:Kids! For more info on our in-person or at-home worship options, visit the website!

Sign up for Adventure:Kids at-home or in-person options each week using this link. Please remember that registration is required each week for Adventure:Kids in-person classes.

Sermon notes and challenges for families are available on the
TREK Upcoming Events:

Summer Camp June 26th-29th!
For more info, visit the registration page HERE.

If you have any questions about Trek or any of the upcoming events you can always talk to Karen or Kaitlyn for more info!
Monthly Session Update!
In an effort to increasingly communicate better and live out the transparent integrity noted in our Authenticity value statement, Session will be sharing some updates from their meetings each month.

Elder Don Van Doornik brought the following motion to Session with his plan for a walking path to be added on the church’s undeveloped property:  That the session approves the creation of a dirt walking path around our undeveloped property. The initial phase will be built with volunteer labor and donated resources. Up to three work parties may be scheduled this year.  After looking at the graphic provided and a short discussion, the motion passed.

Pastor CJ moves to approve the following people for the Communion Team to be able to give in-home or in-person communion to those who are shut in or home bound after the training received in his March 6th class: Tish Holmes, Mike Gullickson, and Karen Eckland. If you, or someone you know of, would like to take part in receiving in-home, in-person communion, please contact Tish Holmes or the church office and you will be contacted to schedule a time.

Current Session minutes are always available at the church office to members. Please contact Candice Brady if you would like to have anything brought to Session’s attention.

If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to any Session member or contact Tish Holmes, the Clerk of Session.
Pastor CJ's Installation as Senior Pastor
May 2, 2021 at the end of Sunday Service.

On May 2nd, we will be installing Pastor CJ Young as our Senior Pastor. Some you may be wondering what installation is and didn’t we vote for Pastor CJ to be our Senior Pastor already? Just like with Elders and Deacons, who we vote for during a congregational meeting and then months later do ordination and installation, the same is true of pastors. Pastor CJ is already ordained through ECO and now needs to be installed as our Senior Pastor. It is a requirement from our Presbytery and ECO to have a formal installation. May 2nd during service Pastor CJ will be installed. After service we want to be able to celebrate as a church family with a bring your own picnic lunch and we will provide dessert treats! So plan on staying after church to celebrate on May 2nd. Please be watching the announcements in the next couple weeks and the newsletter for more details. Thank you.
Church Financial Update
March budget        59,591
March gifts             72,826  122%
YTD budget          178,773
YTD gifts               174,101   97%
$1 for One
Your $1 donation will go to support one specific need within the congregation or community. Donation boxes are located in the lobby outside the Worship Center and Friendship Center. Checks can be sent in made out to Adventure of Faith with "One for One" in the memo line.
This section is a weekly reminder that God is Good!
He is good to us every single day & we will praise His name!
We put out a call on Facebook this week noting that there was still a bunch of donation slots available to support Family Kitchen. Within 12 hours this Adventure Family had filled the food donations almost entirely. We love to see our church being the church and we are praying for the ways God will be known through these local outreach opportunities!
God is Good!!
If you have stories of God's goodness, hit reply to this email and send them our way. We would love to hear them and talk to you about sharing them.

To spur your thoughts to God's goodness start by asking yourself these questions:
What Good have you witnessed recently?
What Good has God brought into your life?
What Good has God prompted you to do for one another?
360 876-0061