Welcome to the Weekly Newsletter!

Below you will find all the most up to date information on Sunday Service, our Weekly Rhythms, and Upcoming Events! We also answer financial questions, recap celebrations, and share God is Good moments each week as a way of leaning into our core values of Adventure, Discipleship, and Authenticity. If you ever have any questions or a need you can email those listed in an applicable section below or send us an email HERE. May Jesus meet you gently as you live into His call this week.

We can't wait to see you for Worship on Sunday!

Service at 10:00am - Worship Center & Online

If you or someone you know is NEW to Adventure, please stop by the Welcome Center to pick up a Welcome bag!

Services stream live to three places: our website, our app, and YouTube!

Need help with accessing our livestream? Check out this instruction video or email Sam. If you are watching live, please join the chat to connect! If the livestream has issues please remember to exit your browser or app and restart it. An uninterrupted replay of Sunday service is loaded to our website, app, and youtube channel as soon as possible after service each Sunday.

Sermon Series: When Light Meets Life

When the Saul met Jesus on the road to Damascus, his whole life was turned upside down. Everything he’d been living for, everything he believed and zealously lived for changed in light of Jesus. During this series are we not only going to look at Saul’s encounter with Jesus but we will take a deep dive on our own stories, our own encounters with Jesus and see what happens when Light meets life.

Week 5: The Life

Sunday, February 11th

Living in the Light is more than just a one-time response in faith. It is a daily commitment to live by an ethic outside of ourselves. As a follower of Jesus, we are citizens of another Kingdom and our lives are meant to be lived in light of that reality. Join us as we wrap up this series considering what it means to give Jesus your life.

Daily Prayers, Digging Deeper Guide and coordinating Life Group Curriculum are available each week on Sunday to further explore this Sermon Series. You can find those resources (for this week and ALL previous weeks) HERE or at the Welcome Center on Sunday.

Adventure:Kids News

This Sunday in Adventure:Kids, the kids will wrap up Unit 25 by reading from Deuteronomy 18. The true prophets of the Old Testament encouraged God's people and told them about a Savior who would come. Jesus is the Savior God promised, as our perfect prophet, Jesus perfectly reveals God the Father and fulfills what the prophets spoke. 

Key Passage: "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him." - Deuteronomy 18:15

We can't wait to see you this Sunday!

Sermon notes and challenges for families are available on the Adventure:Kids Facebook page, OR click here for a pdf version.

Nursery Wish List

Our nursery at Adventure has seen many babies learn and grow over the years, which means that many of our toys and supplies could use some updating. Consider making a purchase from our Nursery Wish List HERE to bless our babies with more activities. Thank you!


Wednesday, February 14th - Sunday, March 31st

Lent is the six-week period leading to Easter, one of the most treasured holidays for Christians around the world. It’s often understood as a period of sincere recognition and preparation for the death and resurrection of Jesus. This year we will be taking an opportunity to accept the Lord’s invitation to rest in Him during this season by putting down that which distracts us in this world and taking time to rest and be refreshed by Him as we spend some time embracing the wonder and excitement and joy that this season should bring.

We will kick off this Lenten season on Wednesday, February 14th at 6:30pm with an Ash Wednesday service. (more info below)

Much like Advent, we will be celebrating the Lent season as a church family with opportunities to lean in together throughout the week. Instead of a season-long filled box, we will be handing out "Weekly Wondering" Packets that have been lovingly and prayerfully prepared with activities and resources to help wrestle with and work through the topic for the week. These resources and activities are to support you, and whoever may be participating with you, in drawing closer to Jesus throughout this season. These Lent Weekly Wondering Packets will be available starting at our Ash Wednesday service and each following service of the Lenten season.

We will also be starting a new experience in our app, with a weekly discussion board space to share our wonderings and walk through this season together. If participating in those discussions is something that interests you, make sure you have our Adventure app downloaded and an account created! If you need help with the Adventure app, please contact Sam.

For any questions about Lent or how we will be participating together throughout this season, please contact Sam.

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 14th

Potluck Dinner at 5:30pm in Friendship Center

Service at 6:30pm in Worship Center

On February 14th at 6:30pm, we will be observing the start of Lent by hosting an Ash Wednesday service done our way. This service will have roots in liturgical greetings, prayers, and other traditional participatory practices, but we'll be doing it in a way we feel God calling us to. As an Adventure family, humbly seeking to honor Jesus and rest in Him alongside one another this Lenten season. We don’t observe these prayers and practices as rituals, but as worshipful opportunities to connect with the Lord and with one another.

We will hand out our first Weekly Wondering Packet at this service as we wrestle through the question: What is Lent?

If you'd like to participate in a potluck dinner before service, please bring a dish to share and join us in the Friendship Center at 5:30.

Let's Do Lunch

Thursday, February 15th from 11:30am-1:30pm

Trophy Lake Golf Course-Dry Fly Cafe, located at: 3900 SW Flora Road

 Join us for lunch and fellowship. It's been a few years since we've been to the Dry Fly Cafe located at Trophy Lake Golf Course, but it has lovely views of the course from the windows around the cafe. This group is for older adults to enjoy fellowship, conversation, and delicious food together! There is plenty of parking and handicap spaces at this location.

Please RSVP to Marilyn Vivian by February 11th: Call/text to 360-443-2206, or email: marviv396@gmail.com

Adventure hosts Family Kitchen

Friday, February 16th at 5:00pm

Family Kitchen meals are available the last two Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays of each month at First Lutheran Community Church at 5 pm. If you, or someone you know, is in need of a meal, please consider stopping by to grab dinner (no questions asked!).

We Need YOUR Help!  Please prayerfully consider if you might be able to volunteer once a month or on a rotation to help serve our community in this way. We also rely on the generosity of our congregation in providing the food for each meal. Please look for the clipboards that will go around during service on Sunday to sign up. This ministry served about 1,000 meals last year so thank you for your continued support of our community in this way! If you have any questions or need more info, please email Natalie or Leslie!

An update on drop off for food donations: Please drop off any time the church office is open (Mon 9-2:30, Tue 9-4, Wed 9-Noon, or Thur 9-2:30), during the Ash Wednesday Potluck, or you can stop by Thursday evening between 5-7:30pm as the building is open for Scripture Out Loud and Worship Rehearsal. Please leave donations in the kitchen on labeled carts or fridge areas.

Game Knights Interest Q&A Meeting

Thursday, February 22nd at 6:00pm

Adventure is soon to be hosting a fun opportunity for youth and their families. This Game Knight group will aim to provide a safe place for youth to gather to play games, with each other as well as "young at heart" adults. We will introduce and play a variety of games (physical, board, card, video, etc.) while focusing on teamwork, good sportsmanship, problem solving, creativity, and fun. To find out more about Game Knights, please come to our Interest Question & Answer Meeting on Thursday February 22nd at 6pm in the Adventure Cafe.

Adventure Preschool Registration is Open

 Adventure Preschool exists to help families make a life-transforming connection with Jesus Christ while supporting them in educational goals for their children. We do this by setting learning standards for students that help them grow emotionally, academically and spiritually.

We focus on incorporating areas of importance that encourage educational learning with fine and gross motor skills, phonics and literacy enhancement, and social and emotional development built into every aspect of our learning time. Our smaller class sizes give more opportunities for one on one interactions, creating positive environments that are led by two professional and nurturing educators.

If you or someone you know is interested in finding out more info, scheduling a tour, or registering a child, please visit our Adventure Preschool Website page HERE.

Adventure Finances

If you're interested in current church finances,

see our December & Year-to-Date graphics included above here.

Adventure of Faith is a very generous community of believers. 

I know this because whenever we communicate a need, we meet it.

Q - Does Adventure of Faith Church have regular audits?


A - Good question! If you're asking, "Does our church have secondary eyes on all of our financial records and systems so that we can (try to) prevent fraud and abuse?" then the answer is, yes. The terms audit, financial examination, and internal review have different definitions. There are many types of these and not every company needs a full, independent CPA audit. 

Here at Adventure of Faith Church, we perform a financial records review annually. This happens each January and the findings are reported back to our Board of Session. This is accomplished with independent volunteer participation (not paid staff). If you'd like further details regarding this, please email me.

Next week the January monthly numbers will be available.

Please continue to send your Adventure-related

financial questions to me HERE.

Weekly Schedule:

Saturday, February 10th:

Emmanuel's Clothes Closet, 9-Noon, contact Marcia for info

Adventure Crafters, 10:00am-2:00pm, see above for info

Date Night, 4:30-7:30pm

Sunday, February 11th:

Adventure Awakens Cafe, open 8:30-10:05am & 11:00-11:30am

Adventure:Equip Winter Session, 9am, see above for info

Sunday Service, 10am

Global Outreach Prayer Meeting, after service, room 102

Monday, February 12th:

Ambassadors Life Group, 1pm, contact Caroline for info

Young Adult Life Group at Williamson House, 5:30pm, contact Callie or Cory for info

Tuesday, February 13th:

Prayer Night Fellowship, 5:30pm, contact Bill, Bruce, or Craig

Adventure Prayer Night, 6pm, contact Craig for info

Men's BSF, 6pm, contact Fred for info

Wednesday, February 14th:

Ash Wednesday Potluck, 5:30pm, see above for info

Ash Wednesday Service, 6:30pm, see above for info

Thursday, February 15th:

Let's Do Lunch, 11:30am, see above for info

Grief Share, 5:30-7:30pm, contact Jean R. Scott for info

Scripture Out Loud, 5pm, contact Amanda or Tish for info

Friday, February 16th:

Women's BSF, 10am, contact Mary for info

Family Kitchen, 5pm, see above for info

Looking Further Ahead:

February 14th-March 31st: The Season of Lent including The Silent Years Sermon Series and many weekly opportunities to engage our faith!

February 19th: Office Closed for President's Day

February 24th: Emmanuel's Clothes Closet

February 24th: Alice Millard's Memorial Service, 2pm

Don't worry if you haven't heard of some of these yet...

put them on your radar and know more details are coming!

This section is a weekly reminder that God is Good!

He is good to us every single day & we will praise His name!

Psalm 16:1-3, 9-11 (The Message Translation) Keep me safe, O God,

    I’ve run for dear life to you.

I say to God, “Be my Lord!”

    Without you, nothing makes sense.

And these God-chosen lives all around—

    what splendid friends they make!

I’m happy from the inside out,

    and from the outside in, I’m firmly formed.

You canceled my ticket to hell—

    that’s not my destination!

Now you’ve got my feet on the life path,

    all radiant from the shining of your face.

Ever since you took my hand,

    I’m on the right way.

This space in the newsletter is a small way we continue to celebrate the goodness of God all year long, and practice being aware of His presence in our lives. So, if you have stories of God's goodness big or small, hit reply to this email and send them our way. We would love to hear them, pray in praise over them and talk to you about sharing them.

To spur your thoughts to God's goodness start by asking yourself these questions:

What Good have you witnessed recently?

What Good has God brought into your life?

What Good has God prompted you to do for one another?

God is Good!!

360 876-0061

Financial questions - admin@faithadventure.com

General questions - mainoffice@faithadventure.com

Prayer chain requests - adventureprays@gmail.com
