Sunday, March 19th

Lent: A Life of Service

Those Chosen

Our church has dozens of people in leadership positions who are chosen to lead the work God has called our church to do in our community and our world. What is an elder? A Deacon? What role does staff play in our church? What about lay leaders? This week we focus on the biblical leadership structure of Adventure of Faith, as well as highlight and honor those who serve in the various ministries at Adventure in our community today.

Daily Prayers, a Digging Deeper guide and coordinating Life Group Curriculum will be available each week on Sunday to further explore this Sermon Series. You can find those resources (for this week and ALL previous weeks) HERE or at the Welcome Center on Sunday.

Lent Boxes Reminder

The Lenten season is a time when we put down practices in order to reorient our minds, hearts, and hands on Jesus. Don't forget to check out the activities, prayers, and devotionals provided in the Lent box each week to further engage with all God has for us this season. There are still a few boxes left if you would like to pick one up in the main foyer anytime the church building is open.

We can't wait to see you for Worship on Sunday!

Service at 10:00am - Worship Center & Online

As our congregation grows please remember to move to the center of the rows in the Worship Center and leave the aisle seating open for additional people and/or larger families. We have plenty of seating available, but when there are large gaps in the middle of rows it becomes difficult for people to find during the beginning of worship. We thank you for being proactive in welcoming more people into the rows to worship alongside you.

If you or someone you know is NEW to Adventure, please stop by the Welcome Center to pick up a Welcome bag!

Services stream live to three places: our website, our app, and YouTube!

Need help with accessing our livestream? Check out this instruction video or email Sam.

We know that our livestream sometimes has issues, we apologize for the inconvenience and are actively working on fixing these issues. Please remember that if it cuts out, to exit your browser or app and reload, as it won't always automatically restart for you even if we have fixed the issue. We also always try to make sure our website, app, and youtube channel have an uninterrupted replay of Sunday service loaded as soon as possible after service ends.

Adventure:Kids News

We are so glad to have your kids in 5th grade and below join us for Adventure:Kids this Sunday! This Sunday in Adventure:Kids the kids will be reading the story of Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist in Matthew 3 and Mark 1. John prepared the way for Jesus, by teaching people to repent and be baptized. Only faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross rescues us from sin and death, empowers us to live for Him, and promises us life with God forever.

Our New Key Passage is: “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29 We'd love to have you work with your child on memorizing this verse at home! 

If you plan to invite a friend, neighbor, or anyone else, please send them this link to register their kids before their first Sunday in Adventure:Kids. This is a one time only form, just to get their child's info in our system for check in:

We can't wait to see you this Sunday!

Sermon notes and challenges for families are available on the Adventure: Kids Facebook page,

OR click here for a pdf version.

Spring Church Clean-Up

Saturday, March 18th from 8am to Noon

Twice a year our church family gathers together for a big, campus clean up event. In the spring, we clean & beautify for the upcoming, busy, Easter season. We invite everyone to participate for an hour (or 2) or the full 4-hour event; alone or with your family. There are both inside and outside projects to choose from. Tools & cleaning supplies will be provided. We'll have coffee and small breakfast snacks for you in the morning and we'll wrap up right at noon (no lunch provided).

Sign up on the clipboards being passed during service this Sunday. If you do, we can send you an email reminder just before the 18th. If you have questions, contact Leslie Fetters or Mark Jones.

Adventure Crafters

THIS Saturday, March 18th from 12:00-2:00pm

& every third Saturday in Room 104

Anyone who wants to craft is welcome! We meet from 10-2 every third Saturday of the month. Please note that this week we'll start at noon after the Church Clean-up! People are encouraged to bring an extra power strip just in case it is needed. Bring your crafts whether it is sewing, scrapbooking, coloring, crocheting, knitting, whatever it is that you work on and spend some time getting to know other crafters in our church.

Questions? Want to know more? Email Annika

Outreach Interest Get Together

Sunday, March 19th from 12-1:30pm

This gathering is for anyone who is interested in learning more about how we do outreach at Adventure -- at home, in our community, in Mazatlan and in Senegal. We will be serving a light lunch.

Come join us to find out more!

Adventure Tech Class

Monday, March 20th from 1:00-2:00pm

Room 104

This class is for anyone who would like to have help using our Adventure of Faith app or any other tech we use here at Adventure. Please bring any phone/tablet/computer you use regularly. If you have any questions about this class or are interested but can't make this date, please email Sam.

Adventure hosts Family Kitchen!

Friday, March 24th at 5 pm

Family Kitchen meals are available the last two Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays of each month at First Lutheran Community Church at 5 pm. If you, or someone you know, is in need of a meal, please consider stopping by to grab dinner (no questions asked!).

We Need YOUR Help!  Please prayerfully consider if you might be able to volunteer once a month or on a rotation to help serve our community in this way. We also rely on the generosity of our congregation in providing the food for each meal. Please look for the clipboards that will go around during service on Sunday to sign up. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry and our community in this way!

If you have any questions or need more information, please email Natalie.

Join us for a Passover Dinner!

Wednesday, March 22nd at 5:30pm


Passover is known as a celebration of freedom. Traditionally, Jews celebrate the freedom that was given to the Israelite people through the rescuing from enslavement in Egypt. As Christians, we can celebrate freedom in this story from long ago, and also the freedom from sin, death, and oppressive powers of the present evil age given to us through Jesus' death and resurrection. The same God who freed the Israelites from Egypt sent His Son to rescue us from sin, and the Holy Spirit to actively battle evil in this world today. He is worthy of our praise, so let us celebrate freedom together! 

Passover is an interactive experience, it immerses us in Jewish traditions and culture while we pray, eat, worship, and celebrate. Plan to learn, eat good food, drink a lot of grape juice, and enjoy great company. We hope that this experience will also help you prepare to possibly host your own Passover dinner. We look forward to celebrating Passover with you! 

Please take a moment to register HERE

Celebrate Karen!

Sunday, March 26th after service

Karen's last day with us is Sunday, March 26th. Join us after service as we celebrate what a blessing Karen is and has been in the life of our church, and wish her well on her next adventures!

Save the Date: Youth Capture the Flag

April 16th, exact time & location tbd

We're still finalizing the details, but Youth, Youth Parents, and Youth Leaders... mark your calendars for this year's epic Capture the Flag event!

Have a question? Email Annika!


Lent All-Church Session

Sundays from 9:00-9:45am

Join us for the Lent Session of Adventure:Equip. This will be an all-church class, kids included, in the Friendship Center, led by Callie and Cory Williamson. The focus of this class will be centered around N.T. Wright's "Lent for Everyone" book, using his scripture translations, paired with reflections and prayers to walk through this season of Lent. From those just beginning their adventure with Jesus to those who have traveled far with Him, there is a place for you, and we hope you'll join us as we pursue Jesus together!

Have a question? Email Cory!

(Don't forget you can get your coffee at Adventure Awakens Cafe starting at 8:30 before your class!)

BaseCamp Lent Session

Next week join us for a special Passover dinner (info above), and then we'll finish out the Lent session of BaseCamp on Wednesday, March 29th.

For those joining us in the building on the 29th, here is the quick need-to-know info: Dinner will be potluck style, bring a dish to share at 5:45! We will be participating in the activities in the Lent box, so be sure to bring yours each week. Youth will participate with their small groups as per usual, but the night will end at 7:30. Kids will join their families for the evening, no downstairs activities with Mr. Mark.

BaseCamp will take a three week Spring Break for the beginning of April, and then we'll do a fun Bingo Night on April 26th! Mark your calendars to join us for Bingo and then our Missions in May month!

If you have questions about BaseCamp or need more details you can email Cory or Callie.

If you're interested in current church finances, see our February graphic included above here.

Adventure of Faith is a very generous community of believers. 

I know this because whenever we communicate a need, we meet it.

This week we have the newly finalized February numbers.

Next week I'll answer another one of your financial questions. Please continue to send your Adventure-related financial questions to me at:

Weekly Schedule:

Saturday, March 18th:

Spring Church Clean Up, see above for more info Adventure Crafters, 12pm-2pm, contact Annika for more info

Sunday, March 19th:

Adventure Awakens Cafe, open 8:30-10:05am & 11:00-11:30am

Adventure:Equip Lent class, 9-9:45am, contact Cory for details

Sunday Service, 10am

Outreach Info Gathering, 12-1:30pm, see above for details

Monday, March 20th:

Adventure Tech Class, 1-2pm, see above for details

Tuesday, March 21st:

Prayer Night Fellowship, 5:30 pm, contact Bill, Bruce, or Craig

Adventure Prayer Night, 6 pm, contact Craig for more info

Men's BSF, 6pm, contact Fred for more info

Wednesday, March 22nd:

Passover Dinner, 5:30pm, see above for more info

Thursday, March 23rd:

Scripture Out Loud, 5pm, contact Amanda or Tish for info

Friday, March 24th:

Women’s BSF, 10am, contact Mary for more info

Family Kitchen, 5pm, see above for details

Saturday, March 25th:

Emmanuel's Clothes Closet, 9am-Noon, contact Marcia for info

Looking Further Ahead:

Sunday, March 26th: Celebrate Karen!

Thursday, April 6th: Maundy Thursday Service

Friday, April 7th: Good Friday Service

Sunday, April 9th: Easter Services

Saturday, April 15th: Men's Breakfast

Sunday, April 16th: Youth Capture the Flag

Sunday, April 16th: Special Opening of Emmanuel's Clothes Closet

April 28-30, Northwest Christian Women's Conference

Don't worry if you haven't heard of some of these yet...

put them on your radar and know more details are coming!

This section is a weekly reminder that God is Good!

He is good to us every single day & we will praise His name!

From Leslie:

We have a beautiful new face to our Jackson Avenue street sign. I think our logo looks amazing and the words are clear about who & what we are. We are a church and a preschool. But there is a bigger aha! about it. The original street sign was installed in 2004 with a generous donation from three members (so the expense did not have to come from the regular budget). Our new street sign was also generously funded. Half came from remaining Top to Bottom campaign funds and the other half came as a surprise gift from an Adventure of Faith family. Adventure of Faith is generous because we recognize that God is generous with us. May our church and this sign point more people to Him.

This space in the newsletter is a small way we continue to celebrate the goodness of God all year long, and practice being aware of His presence in our lives. So, if you have stories of God's goodness big or small, hit reply to this email and send them our way. We would love to hear them, pray in praise over them and talk to you about sharing them.

To spur your thoughts to God's goodness start by asking yourself these questions:

What Good have you witnessed recently?

What Good has God brought into your life?

What Good has God prompted you to do for one another?

God is Good!!

360 876-0061
Financial questions -
General questions -
Prayer chain requests -