Sunday service will be available as a Facebook live-stream and then as a YouTube video. If you do not know how to utilize this, please reach out to us. We will try to answer questions and assist everyone.
There are all kinds of new links like these on the Adventure website. Find them HERE
Let's hear from some Adventure leaders...

CJ Young
Adult Family Ministries
Homeschooling/Online schooling is in full swing. Coordinating three different grade levels as well as trying to entertain my youngest all the while trying to work has been a fun juggling act. I have enjoyed getting to spend some quality time with my children, but I will say that the changes in work life and home life have been a bit of a strain for everyone. I’ve been noticing how my children are acutely aware of what is going on, and while they are easily distracted, they are feeling some stress about the whole situation. My wife is a chiropractor in town and has been called upon to remain open so that she can assess and treat patients and alleviate some of the stress experienced by the urgent care and emergency room facilities, so her schedule hasn’t slowed down at all.

I’ve found that being present as a family more and being in a difficult time in our world has led to some fantastic opportunities to pray for others and to turn to the Scriptures for encouragement and reminders about who our God is as a family. We have been praying for our community and our church family nightly, and we all miss getting together with our people, but we know that God is with us and that we will soon be physically together again.

Leslie Fetters
First Impressions & Communications
I'm spending this week connecting with people in the church and on my volunteers teams (by phone). I'm happy to see that most people are doing really well and adapting to social distancing. Most are also checking in on relatives and neighbors most at risk. I love it!

Debbie Oehmcke
Church Administrator
I'd love everyone to please pray for all the first responders who put their lives, families and their comfort aside to serve us each and every day. My son-in-law is a Chelan County Sheriff and he is devoted to serving his community, just as every first responder is. Please pray for protection for all of them as they serve all of us, especially during this time. Please also include all the service men and women in your prayers.

Karen Eckland
Youth Ministries
My family lives in Chile and they are all doing well. Not sure how well stocked they are on toilet paper but they are well stocked on delicious foods and lots of wine! All the typical needs of people in Chile.

Callie Williamson
Children's Ministries
For the last few days, I’ve had the opportunity to see God strengthen our community here in Port Orchard and back home in Indiana. I’ve seen people express needs, and a tremendous response of those willing to help. My parents needed assistance getting groceries, and my high school graduating class jumped in to assist. I pray that our current situation continues to unite us all, and that we may see these opportunities to share Christ’s love with others as the huge blessing that they are.

Sam Wilkinson
Assistant to Associate Pastor
I've been finding lots of joy in the little things, especially since the girls are home all day, like sunshine and being able to play outside, video chats where my mom taught the girls an art class, and being able to read them lots of stories.

360 876-0061