Bringing love home for over 40 years!
March/April 2021
Issue 91
From Our Director

We are officially back to March. It’s a new year, but in many ways, it feels like the calendar stopped permanently in March 2020 when Covid hit and the shutdown began. This pandemic has certainly had its effect on all of us, and our culture and society will forever be changed by the events of the last year. My hope is that our faith has grown stronger and our dependence on Him has deepened through the adversity that we have all faced. The ministry of Christian Adoption Services has certainly had to adapt and change how we do things during the past year. Through so many unknowns, it was not our strategic plan or our great team that led the way, but our faith in the Lord and trusting Him to protect and lead CAS. Having a great leadership team and incredible employees certainly helped, but God deserves all the glory and honor for where CAS is today and the growing impact we are having across the Carolinas and the world!

In a few days, I will celebrate five years at Christian Adoption Services. In many aspects, five years has gone by in a blink of an eye. With a spirit of reflection and gratitude, here are a few things I am truly thankful for.

1.    God’s call in my life to care for those in need.
2.    Jim and Doris Woodward and their tireless dedication to CAS for over 37 years.
3.    My wife Kim, who is so understanding of my work and is my greatest cheerleader in ministry.
4.    The great team I have the privilege of working with across the Carolinas every day.
5.    The adoptive families God has allowed me to meet in my time of leadership.
6.    The generous donors who support this ministry day in and day out.
7.    All who have served on our board of directors the last 41 years.
8.    To now be a ministry of Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina with their legacy of impacting children’s lives since 1885.
9.    The pastors and churches that God has raised up to support CAS over the last five years.
10. Our courageous expectant moms who make the sacrificial decision of adoption for their babies.

Please be praying for our birth mom’s retreat which will be held in April in Durham. Pray that many women will attend and for salvation for those who don’t know Christ as Lord and Savior. Take care during these trying times and know that I am thankful for each of you and your role in the CAS family!

In Christ,
Kevin Qualls
Senior Director
Kevin's Speaking Schedule
3/7 – Calvary Baptist, Rocky Mount, NC
3/21 – Raleigh Road Baptist, Wilson, NC
3/28 – Memorial Baptist, Norwood, NC
4/11 – River of Life Baptist, Sunset Beach, NC
Register Now
Charlotte Benefit Banquet
Thursday, March 11th @ First Baptist Church Indian Trail
5pm & 7pm
Charlotte friends, registration is open for only a few more days for the annual benefit banquet on March 11th. You don't want to miss this great night. Click here to register, no later than March 2nd. We hope to see you there!
COVID protocols will be in place, including limited seating.

We are excited to announce a matching gift of $100,000 provided by two anonymous donors. This means that your gifts toward this event will be doubled! Even if you are unable to attend but want to give, click here. In the drop down menu of the giving page choose 'CLT Banquet' to have your gift matched.
Apex Benefit Banquet
Thursday, April 29th @ ApexBaptist Church
Eastern North Carolina friends, save the date for April 29th for your opportunity to attend our annual benefit banquet. Seating will be limited in order to ensure social distancing. Don't miss this fun night of celebrating adoption. Join us and learn how you can help vulnerable children and expectant women find a hand to hold. 

Exciting News! We are happy to announce a matching gift of $40,000 from our generous donor, Finishin' Touch Roofing!

Click here to register, no later than April 20th. 

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.   Isaiah 41:10
Register Now for the Spring Tournaments in Spartanburg and Rocky Mount
Registration is open for our golf tournaments in South Carolina and Eastern North Carolina. Get ready for a fun day of golf that provides critical funding for the work of CAS. We are looking for sponsors and teams, so plan to join us for fresh air, fun, and celebrating all that God is doing through this ministry.

Click here to register for the tournament in Spartanburg SC
Friday, April 16th @ Woodfin Ridge Golf Club - registration open through March 18th 

Click here to register for the tournament in Rocky Mount NC
Friday, April 23rd @ Belmont Lake Golf Club - registration open through March 25th 
We are looking to the future with excitement as we count down the days to our annual Birthmother’s Retreat! This sweet photo of some incredible ladies was taken at last year’s retreat. We can’t wait to make more memories and shower these courageous women with blessings while giving them a safe space to talk through their journey and process their grief.
BUT, we need your help! This retreat carries a hefty price tag for CAS. We are still $6,500 away from our goal to fully fund this life-changing weekend. WOULD YOU STAND IN THE GAP?
The "W" Family

"Sara and I had just found out that we would probably never have biological children of our own. We were at a very low point. However, like most things in my life, I never let adversity stand in my way. Our adoption was a long journey. I feel like in the waiting is where God prepared Sara and I to become parents. For nearly 3 years we prayed, fundraised, and prepared our home for a child we did not yet know. On December 28, 2018 Sara and I received a text that there was a two-week-old boy looking for a forever family. It was his first Christmas alone. Sheryl (the Director of Domestic Adoptions) had felt the Lord lay our family on her heart because the little boy had been born with a disability of the arms. He had shortened forearms and contracture of the elbows. I (Kyle) was also born with a disability of the arms known as Vaters Syndrome. When Sara and I heard this, we immediately felt like this little boy was a gift from God. We fell in love with him when we met him two days later at the hospital. CAS was able to get us set up at Ronald Mcdonald House. What a blessing that was. We thought we would be in the hospital for 3 days but after 3 long weeks we finally brought Lukas home. He is now a 22 month old with such a great personality and always on the run. There will never be enough words to describe how much we love Lukas. We know the Lord chose Lukas to be our son. He has brought so must joy and happiness to our lives. Lukas’ name is derived from this scripture, "For with God, Nothing Shall be Impossible." Luke 1:37. This our story. I hope it inspires others to adopt and gives hope to those who are waiting to adopt."
 -The "W" Family