Our School Our Students Our Stories
Ethan Kravec, Grade 8
Joseph Monckton, Grade 5
Damien Tokar, Grade 7
John Monckton, Grade 4
St. Rose Young Men Take Roles in A Christmas Carol
We are proud to announce that four of our young men in grades 4-8 have earned roles in the NewArts presentation of A Christmas Carol.

Ethan Kravec is playing Peter Cratchit in the MISTLETOE cast

Damien Tokar is playing Henry in both the HOLLY and MISTLETOE casts

John Monckton is playing Boy Scrooge and “Fezziwig party boy” in the MISTLETOE cast

Joseph Monckton is playing Boy Scrooge and “Fezziwig party boy” in the HOLLY cast

You can also see them in some wonderful ensemble numbers!

We look forward to seeing our young actors and cheering them on!
“For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child himself.”
A Christmas Carol
Welcoming Advent and the month of December
“The true light that gives light to everyone,
was coming into the world.” -John 1:9
Thankful for Our St. Rose Family and Getting Ready to
Share the Advent Season!
Dear St. Rose Families, 

Was Thanksgiving really only a week ago? This time of year seems to move by more quickly than any other! I hope that is because we are so caught up in the spirit of the season, being with family and friends, and experiencing the most wonderful times of the year, that we just don’t stop to count the minutes, hours, and days; but, instead we are caught up in counting the moments and memories we are making each day that time just goes by without us watching.

Artists of the Month
Kylie Acosta, Grade K
Grace Girnys, Grade 1
Jaylen Duda, Grade 2
Anthony Kari, Grade 3
Colten Fournier, Grade 4
Haley Ventresca, Grade 5
Oscar Nordt, Grade 6
Amelia Guzy, Grade 7
Julia Bryan, Grade 8
Class of 2022
Beyond the Classroom
First Annual SRS Turkey Trot Food Drive
Blazin' the Trail in Serving Others

Don't Underestimate
What SRS Students Can Accomplish with Love!
The Results of Our 2021 Turkey Trot Food Drive:

A total of 3, 898 food items were collected!!

Violet for Grades 1 and 5 (1, 324 items)

Tootsie for Grades K and 6 (993 items)

The Turkey Duo of Slim Jim and Big Fat Turkey for Pre-K and Grade 4 (818 items)

Mrs. Violet Tater Tot Stuffing for Grades 2 and 8 (425 items)

Bob the Turkey for Grades 3 and 7 (338 items)

We can't begin to thank you for all your support of our food drive! This was an all time high for St. Rose in collecting food for a food drive. We jumped from an initial 400 items on November 10 to 2,309 food items on November 17 to a final count of 3, 898 a few days later on
November 19 when we finished! You can feel the energy and excitement that was in the hallways can't you?!

The best part was as the numbers began to climb and as thrilled as the children were to see their turkey trot down the trail; I started hearing from students, "I don't care what turkey wins, I can't wait to see how much food we can collect as a school!" I also started hearing stories of how students were using their own gift cards, allowances, and foregoing treats at the store in order to buy food to donate to those less fortunate.

I also was reminded that I shouldn't ever underestimate or set the goal too low for our students. As you can see by the trail I set up, I was hopeful that we might bring in quite a bit of food items; but I underestimated what our buddy teams could do; as you see Violet and Tootsie ran right off the trail and towards Mr. Cappiello's Music Room door! It's a given that our students, with the support of their families and teachers, can indeed achieve great things and make a BIG difference in the world!

Thank you once again for your support! As you reach for that item in the pantry or stir something on the stove, take a pause and think of those you have helped to keep feed this winter!
Eighth grader, Jack O'Connor makes the most of
a gift card he recently won!
Congratulations to Our Boys' JV and Varsity Teams for their 7point victories over St. Mary Bethel
Boys' JV 15-8
Boys' Varsity 26-19
Team Dig Continues to Find Creative Ways to Keep Us Moving and Having Fun While the Winter Winds and Snow Get Ready to Begin!
A Few More Noteworthy Bits 'n Pieces Before You Go

The Turkeys
Have Left the Building
the Reindeer are Moving In!
Turkey of Thanks from Our First Grade
Just a few of the turkeys created by our children on buddy service day. The prayer turkeys and handmade cards were delivered to our neighbors at Church Hill Village to let them know we would be sharing our prayers with them on Thanksgiving Day and would be counting them as one of our blessings!
What a joy filled month we experienced, filled with love and gratitude! The building was filling with gobbling turkeys of all kinds, but most important it was filled with friendship, kindness, and gratitude in many forms!

As the turkeys left the building and are being replaced with many different signs and symbols of the Advent and Christmas seasons; we look back at the days we celebrated and once again count our blessings as we look forward to sharing this most beautiful season together!
Turkeys were good helpers for our second graders learning about prefixes!

Did you see a turkey go by? There were a bunch that made it safely through the Thanksgiving holiday thanks to the crafty disguises made by our Lucky Ducks of 1V.
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!
A Storybook Christmas
An Original SRS Production
by Our Musical Theater Group
Let's Spread the Warmth and Joy of Christmas to Others!
We begin this Advent Season with two ways you can help spread the warmth and joy of the season to others!


Who doesn't remember waking up Christmas morning and seeing that one toy, you wished for all year, under the tree or in your stocking? Do you remember the feeling of just holding it your hand and looking at it with excitement? Then you spent hours and hours playing with it! You've had the joy of being able to give the gift of that excitement to your own child and I'm sure you have memories and pictures of the look in their eyes when they first opened it and saw it!

We have the opportunity to be Santa's helpers this year and assist parents give that experience to their children this Christmas! What a gift to them and you after these long months of social distancing!

The Knights' Toy Drive is underway! Last year, our Knights distributed your generous toy donations to 18 towns and 6 schools, giving that Christmas morning joy to more than 750 children. You can send in an unwrapped toy with your child to place under one of our school community Christmas trees. We will be collecting toys through December 17.


Our Musical Theater group is sponsoring a Hat, Mitten/Glove, and Sock Drive for Danbury's homeless and Veterans. You can bring in new warm socks, hats, and gloves/mittens for the men, women, and children of the greater Danbury area who are in need. Thermal underwear (Long Johns - cotton tops & bottoms) are also welcome and needed, especially in men's sizes (M, L & XL). We will have boxes under our Christmas trees to collect the donations. We will be collecting through December 15.

Thank you in advance and many prayers of peace and joy of the season are being said for you!

We have plans to make this the most beautiful Advent and Christmas Season throughout our hallways and beyond!

December 6 St. Nicholas Day; Reconciliation for Grades 3-8

December 8 NO SCHOOL; Feast of the Immaculate Conception

December 10 Honor Roll Mass

December 10 Christmas Door Decorating - Classrooms and Offices

December 14 Immaculate Traveling Theater

December 16 All School PJ and Polar Express Day; Christmas Concert

December 22 Christmas Mass (Dress Up Day)

December 23 Christmas Buddy Bingo

More festivities TBA


We want to get our children outside as much as possible, please be sure they have a warm coat, hat, and gloves/mittens each day. Please put their name in these items, so if it gets a bit warmer and they decide to leave them behind we can easily find the owner.

As we get into the colder weather and snow and other wintery conditions might impact our daily plans, we are prepared to move to an eLearning day. We suggest you plan with us and have these items available where your child can easily access them for lessons. Blank paper, lined paper (grade level appropriate), pencil, pen, and a small dry erase board (Dollar Tree has a number of choices) along with a dry erase marker and an eraser (old sock or small cotton makeup pads work well for this). These items will mean less interruptions for you, reduced need to use home printers and send screenshots of completed work. Please see the Student Life Update in this newsletter for more details.

Keep your eyes on your inbox every Thursday to share in the adventures of our students!