Create Vibrant Health Newsletter
The effect of sugar on your health and what to do about itJuly 13, 2012
In This Issue
The Adverse Health Effects of Sugar
Why does one diet work for one person and another work for someone else? 
gives you the answer. 
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close up Jim We've all been told that sugar is bad for us, but most of us only have a vague idea of why and in what ways sugar is bad for our health. 

Sweet foods have a place in a healthy and balanced diet but we have to understand how sugar influences our biochemistry if we are going to intelligently consume sweet foods and not suffer the consequences of excess consumption of sugar. 

I hope you enjoy and put to good use the information below. 

All the best, 

Adverse health effects of sugar and tips on how to minimize consequences of consuming excess sugar. 

Adverse health effects of sugar
Adverse health effects of sugar
Top Ten adverse health effects of high blood sugar levels

  1. Suppressed immune system increases risk of infection.
  2. Reduced oxygen levels due to clumping of red blood cells leads to reduced energy.
  3. Mood and attention disorders due to unstable blood sugar levels.
  4. Increased risk of Cardiovascular disease due to protein glycation (sugar damaged proteins)
  5. Increased rate of all age related diseases include Alzheimer's, kidney disease, reduced vision and Cancer due to increased levels of AGE - advanced glycation end products from high sugar consumption (as well as other factors). 
  6. Candida, fungal, bacterial and parasite infections are fed by sugar leading to gastro-intestinal disorders, immune system stress, increased food allergies from leaky gut, skin disorders and more. 
  7. Unhealthy weight gain. Your body will convert excess sugar to fat. 
  8. Sugar depletes the body of essential vitamins and minerals including all the B vitamins, chromium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. This in turn contributes to increased risk of osteoporosis, adrenal fatigue and other degenerative conditions. 
  9. Decreased growth hormone levels which leads to decreased muscle mass.  
  10. Damage to DNA which can lead to a myriad of health problems. 
There are many factors which determine how particular foods or meals will effect your health. The glycemic index (GI) of a food is a measure of the effects of carbohydrates in food on blood sugar levels. Of course this is just an estimate because there are many factors which effect how much and how fast a food or meal converts to sugar in your blood stream.
Follow these basic principles to cut down on adverse health effects of sugar: 
  1. Limit sweets and deserts  to rare occasions (1-2 x week at most) and always eat at the end of the meal so protein and fat in meal will slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood. 
  2. Since alcohol converts to sugar quickly, reduce consumption and frequency and make sure you have food with a reasonable amount of protein and fat (meat, nuts, seeds, cheese) in your stomach to reduce absorption of alcohol into your blood stream. 
  3. Reduce or avoid refined four/grain products. Stick with whole grains, potatoes, sweet potatoes if you want more carbohydrates in a meal. 
  4. Pass on the fruit juice and drink fresh vegetable juice instead (mainly greens, celery, cucumbers) use less carrot and beets in juices. 
  5. Fruits are best consumed in moderation (maximum 2-3 servings per day) and combined with high fat foods like avocado, raw nuts and seeds or raw milk cheese. Focus on lower glycemic fruits such as sour apples, pears, berries. 
  6. Start meals with some protein (especially if your metabolic type is either a fast oxidizer or parasympathetic type). Eggs, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, cheese. 
  7. For alternative sweeteners use raw honey or Stevia.  
Diet has a huge impact on our health. Balancing proteins, carbohydrates and fats are a critical component for getting our diets to work for, as opposed to against, our health. 

I always appreciate feedback and comments on these video newsletters. 

James Jordan, CNC, JD, CMTA
Create Vibrant Health
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