Advising Team Updates

April 2023

Hello MSW Students,

Happy Spring! This is our April Advisor Update! We hope that you find it helpful as we continue through the semester!

As a reminder, the Graduate Advising Team is hosting open Advising hours each Wednesday from 12-1pm. We would love to have you drop-in!

Meeting ID: 988 1102 7639

Password: ADVISING

Especially as the semester wraps up, please stay in communication with your Instructors and/or Advisor if you are need of assistance, guidance, and/or support.

FOR STUDENTS CONTINUING IN THE PROGRAM (taking Summer and/or Fall courses)

We hope what we have sent previously regarding registration has been helpful as you navigate some new timeframes (set by the University) and to continue to figure out the SIS system (and all of its quirks).

Note: There are some updates to what was sent previously.

Please read information below carefully.


The system recognizes 400 level courses as Undergraduate, and therefore, does not let all MSW students self-enroll. We have found out that some students do have access to these, so you are welcome to try to self-enroll.

If you aren’t able to - For 400 level courses within the school of Social Work, please complete the override form:

Link to override form

For courses (400+) in other departments, please contact the department for permission/enrollment if needed.

If a course indicates that there is a pre-requisite that is not part of your programming (particularly Advanced Standing students), please complete the override form (above). This is another system issue that, unfortunately hasn’t been resolved as of yet.

Your enrollment appointment does NOT mean that you need to make an appointment with your Advisor to enroll in courses. This only lets you know when you will be allowed to start to self-enroll.

You are guaranteed a seat in the required courses per the program option curriculum

Link to Curriculums

If there are multiple sections assigned to your program option, these are on a first come, first served basis.

All electives are on a first come, first served basis

The waitlists are not active, and not utilized. Please do not put your name on the waitlist with the expectation of a seat if/when it comes available.



The list of electives offered through the School of SW is also attached.

Link to Electives

Please make sure to note the details of offering (Summer A, B or full, format (on-line, in-person), etc.)

Current Courses

The “current courses” document for Summer 2023 can be found at:

Current Courses

Please note: there have been a couple of changes in section offerings since the last one was sent out.

This outlines the courses and sections for the various program options and cohorts. Please review CAREFULLY, and only register for sections assigned to your program option/cohort. (For example: Statewide Blended, Part-Time, admitted 2022, East Lansing, Weekend, etc.)

Registration Date

Registration for SW courses for Summer 2023 will open

Friday April 14 @ 9am

Please note: This is a change from the 4/15 date that was previously indicated. 

(As a reminder - Registration for courses in other departments is open now.)

FALL 2023

The “current courses” document for Fall 2023 can be found at:

Link to Current Courses Page

This outlines the courses and sections for the various program options and cohorts. Please review CAREFULLY, and only register for sections assigned to your program option/cohort. (For example: Statewide Blended, Part-Time, admitted 2022, East Lansing, Weekend, etc.)

Enrollment for...

Current students

enrollment for Fall is open. 

(Open enrollment (meaning everyone no matter their appointment date) started on 3/23.

Enrollment for...

Incoming 2023 students

you should be able to enroll in Fall as soon as your are matriculated into the system. This is done by the Admissions Office. Please do not contact them – as this will not expedite the process. 

Additional Seats for Courses 

If you have attempted to enroll for Fall, but see that the section(s) you are to be in for your program option are full, please plan to self-enroll (if possible) on 4/14 (starting at 9am) when additional seats are being added. 


If you need an override form (due to pre-reqs (for Advanced Standing students)),

please submit on 4/14 (starting at 9am)

The Graduate Office will be working diligently to assist with enrollment.


we are excited to be in the homestretch with you! 


To make sure that your degree is conferred, be sure that you have completed your GradPlan and applied for graduation (correct semester). Do not worry if your GradPlan is still in the review process. You will be notified if something on it needs to be changed. 


If you plan to attend the ceremony, make sure to register to attend and get your regalia!

We are the College of Social Science (citron)


Raul (MSW Student Supports Coordinator) is going to be sending out an additional update to confirm some opportunities within the School of Social Work and the University. 

Please be looking out for that, and get involved! 


As always, if you have questions/concerns, please connect with your assigned Advisor. Be sure to include your name, MSU email, cohort information, and specifics of the nature of the email. We are happy to help!


The MSW Advising Team,

Kelly Fornwalt – Assistant Program Director & Flint Advisor -

Jen Scholes – East Lansing Advisor -

Jenn Benway – Statewide Blended Advisor -

Raul Vargas – Weekend Advisor & Student Support Coordinator -



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