E-Newsletter - October, 2015
What's new?
AdvisorNet Insurance's 10 Minute Tuesday's are back with a great line up for the Fall.  Click here to register and get them on your schedule. 

Reminder: Please make sure you have completed your required State and Carrier Annuity training prior to dating an annuity application.  If in doubt  contact Cathy Barner or Robyn Santana to confirm.

November is Long Term Care Awareness MonthClick here for some marketing resources to help guide the conversation with your clients, whether it's traditional or combo LTC.  

Important Updates
Allianz continues to provide exceptional Indexed annuities that create Lifetime Income guarantees.   They were recently upgraded to A+ by A.M. Best.  Click here  for more information. Click here  for a Quick Look at the top selling indexed annuity in the industry.  Contact Cathy Barner to talk about Indexed annuity products and how they might fit into your client's portfolio.    

Athene is still in the process of transitioning a large number of policies over to Accordia.  This process has taken longer than expected.  During the transition some scheduled drafts have been delayed, and there could be limited access to inforce information.  Please contact  Blaine Williams with any questions.   
American General continues to get traction with their Asset Protector concept that addresses all three areas of a financial plan - Dying too soon, Living too long, or getting sick along the way.  Join them October 22nd for a webinar to learn how to turn illiquid death benefit into a liquid pool of money. 

Cincinnati Life has increased their first year fixed annuity rate to 2.2% and offer ROP.  A Great Product to consider as a CD alternative for your clients. 
John Hancock has continued to add on to their best in class resources for working with business clients.    Click here to access their Business Planning Brochure that covers the technical aspects of business planning along with great tips on marketing strategies utilizing social media.   Contact Nick for more details.
Do you have clients who are close to 70 ½ but don't need their RMD distributions.  Lincoln has a great piece on how to maximize Qualified dollars to leave a tax efficient legacy plan.    Click here for details.
Met Life just rolled out their Class Match.  From now until December 31 st, 2015 they will issue a new policy matching a client's inforce policy's underwriting class and face amount up to $1.5M with limited underwriting.    Check out the details. 
Nationwide just released their YourLife No-Lapse Guarantee SUL II with LTC rider.  It's a cash indemnity model that can help cover LTC expenses as well as provide a solution for legacy and estate planning needs.  Click here for some great case studies on how to utilize for an adult child and aging parent.  

Principal re-priced their term rates 9/19.  All cells have decreased, but either pricing will be accepted until October 19th.  Both also qualify for their Accelerated Underwriting program that can potentially avoid any Exams/Labs for up to $1M of Term or Permanent coverage. 

State Life is the industry leader in Hybrid Life or Annuity with LTC products.   They specialize in Joint Life products with Lifetime LTC benefits as well as offer qualified fund options.  Contact Cathy for more information

You no longer have to be the book of knowledge, but rather, the librarian.

Important Dates & Upcoming Events
10 Minute Tuesday's

How To Keep Clean - Don't Do What They Did! 
Ethics, 2015

Currently full, [email protected]
 to be put on a waiting list. 



Interested in putting on a client workshop? 


We can assist. 


Contact  Joe or Aaron for more information!