Flamingo Park Neighborhood Slow Streets
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
With recent Miami-Dade County approval for a pilot program, the City of Miami Beach is introducing Slow Streets in the Flamingo Park neighborhood. During COVID-19, we have seen a nationwide reduction in traffic volumes and with that, a shift in community needs.

Beginning today, for approximately one month, please abide by the 'rules of the road' and adhere to posted signage on all Slow Streets. See map, right, for local streets that are a part of the program.

The concept of Slow Streets was introduced as a tool to transform residential streets with low traffic volumes into alternate mobility boulevards and shared streets to increase pedestrian and bicycle activity. Slow Streets have been used in other cities affected by the pandemic throughout the United States; the concept consists of taking existing streets and making them one-way or closed to through traffic therefore encouraging more pedestrians and bikes to share the road.

Only LOCAL TRAFFIC is allowed on a Slow Street and these are the 'rules of the road'
  • Walking, biking and non-motorized scooters are welcome on this street
  • Slow your speed
  • Look out for each other
  • Maintain a 6 foot distance
  • Residential parking is not affected

For additional questions, please contact:
Lauren Firtel, South Beach Neighborhood Affairs Coordinator