Advocacy and Engagement Email
March 10, 2020
YOUR VOICE is needed at the Georgia Legislature! Please take a look and call. Share our graphic online to drive calls ASAP!
The first set of 2020 Census letters and invitations to participate will be hitting mailboxes later this week through March 20th! We need to make sure we promote participation in the #2020Census to build power for our community and bring the necessary resources to them too. See more below for details.
We do hope you appreciate the emails you get from us to engage. GALEO will be transitioning away from ConstantContact soon. Please see below to make sure you sign up with our new email server.
If you would like to keep getting emails from GALEO, please take a moment to subscribe to our new service:
http://galeo.org/join-our-e-mail-list/ You can choose General or Advocacy list to determine how many emails you may get from us.
Thank you once again for your continued support!
Jerry Gonzalez
Executive Director
HB 1083, an anti-sanctuary bill that forces local law enforcement to comply with federal immigration law has moved on to the Rules Committee! We need your help speaking out against this dangerous bill.
Georgia already has anti-sanctuary policy. This bill vilifies the immigrant community and does nothing to make us safer.
Please call Chair Smith, Vice Chair Hatchett, and Speaker Ralston today and tell them to vote NO on HB 1083!
Make your call today!
Chair Smith:
Vice Chair Hatchett:
Speaker Ralston:
And here's a sample script:
Hello, my name is ________ and I'm a resident of ________, Georgia. I'm calling today to ask that Representative ________ kill House Bill 1083. This bill will harm valued immigrant members and families of our Georgia community. These polices are costly and ineffective and will undoubtably hurt our local economy.
Yo Cuento En Georgia! #EstamosAqui |
Get COUNTED in the #2020Census!
The 2020 Census is here!
Starting on March 12, a letter from the US Census will arrive at most homes with instructions on how to participate in the 2020 Census.
It is important that you respond quickly either by phone, or through the website
https://my2020census.gov by counting EVERYONE who is staying at home, ages 0-100 (or more!) Whether they are newborn babies, parents, grandparents, friends or relatives who are staying with you, even if they are not family members, everybody counts.
The census is by home address, only one letter will be sent per house and if you don't count someone living or staying in your home, that person will not have an opportunity to be counted again.
If you do not respond by phone or internet, starting in May, Census workers will start knocking on doors to remindyou to answer the census by law. To try avoid this, we recommend that you respond quickly AND count everyone.
For more information, please visit:
EARLY VOTING happening NOW for the Georgia Presidential Preference Election Primary!
The Georgia Presidential Preference Primary and other elections are on Tuesday, March 24th.
If you're already registered to vote, we encourage you to vote EARLY and you can also check your voter status to ensure your information is correct.
The link is also here for checking whether you are registered to vote:
Questions or problems?
Call us at 1-888-54GALEO (1-888-544-2536).
GALEO is HIRING NOW people to help us with #2020Census and the #2020Election
Are you looking for a new part-time job opportunity? Know someone who is looking for a second job?
GALEO is seeking a bilingual (Spanish/English) person to assist our efforts with the 2020 Census and election cycles.
Job Description is here! These are part-time positions! If interested in these, please email resume to jchow@galeo.org. We are particularly looking for people in DeKalb, Cobb and Hall Counties. Other counties are also welcome with some commuting involved.
Other job opportunities posted here too:
GALEO Events! Save the dates!
Cesar Chavez Day at the Capitol, Tuesday, March 31st
17th Annual GALEO Power Breakfast, Friday, May 8th
4th Annual Latino Leaders Summit, Saturday, September 12th
2020 Hispanic Heritage Month Luncheon, Friday, September 25th
Check our
facebook page for more details as they become available.
YOUR DONATIONS help support our work!
Help us do more in 2020 with your contributions and
how else you can help!
DONATE: Please take a moment to donate to GALEO Latino Community Development Fund on our website and secure link here: https://glcdf.ejoinme.org/Donations
Every donation helps us ensure we can do more in 2020:
- $10.00 will cover the meal of a volunteer as we go door to door to do outreach for a complete count of the Latino/immigrant community in our state for the 2020 Census.
- $25.00 will cover snacks for our volunteers as we text Latino community members about their participation in the 2020 Census.
- $50.00 will help cover the costs of a scholarship for someone to attend our 4th Annual Latino Leaders Summit.
- $100.00 will cover part of the scholarship to participate in our GALEO Institute for Leadership Class of 2020. We are recruiting members now. More info here.
- $250.00 will cover two canvassers for two days making sure that the Latino electorate turns out in strong numbers for the 2020 election.
Every donation helps us do more in 2020 and reach out to more in our community as we #BuildPowerfor2020!
ENGAGE AND FUNDRAISE WITH US: You can also create your own fundraiser on our facebook page and seek donations through facebook! Please follow this link for details:
You can create a fundraiser for the end of the year, for your birthday or for the end of the year!
All support is welcome!
Thank you for your support in 2019 as we build our work for 2020!
Let's work together against 287(g) in Gwinnett!
The campaign to get ICE Out of Gwinnett is a group of concerned individuals from Gwinnett County to end the 287(g) program. The campaign is led by Asian American's Advancing Justice - Atlanta, other organizations, and community members. GALEO is proud to partner in these efforts.
To sign on to support getting ICE out of Gwinnett, please sign up here:
Follow the campaign efforts and activities on facebook:
Check out our Job Opportunities section on our website!
Are you looking for a new career or job opportunity? Know someone who is looking for a job? Also, some volunteer positions will be posted here from time to time. Please check this link weekly!
Join GALEO & become an active member of our network!
Your membership to GALEO supports our work and also allows for you to become part of the GALEO Leadership Council!
GALEO membership is open to anyone who supports our efforts and mission. Please consider becoming a member to help support our efforts in civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community in Georgia. Through your membership, YOU make a difference and add your voice to ours! Together, we are STRONGER!
Become part of our GALEO Familia by becoming a MEMBER of GALEO. Once you are a member, you may join our GALEO Leadership Council to engage in the many activities we have going on to promote civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community.
GALEO Membership: http://tinyurl.com/GALEOMembership
Join the GALEO Familia today!
GALEO & the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund | 888.54GALEO | GALEO.org