Family doctors, 

This has been an especially difficult week for many as you received an update on possible Year 3 payments under the 2021 Physician Services Agreement. Additionally, fellow family doctors in Sault Ste. Marie have been dealing with a devastating situation that could see nearly 30 per cent of its population lose access to their family doctor by the end of the year. 

The core of both issues is the same. Challenges in family medicine – despite widespread awareness – have not been acted on with urgency. The Government of Ontario can change this by acknowledging the severity of the crisis and prioritizing it on its agenda.  

The Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP) believes change will come – it must.  

Ontarians need family doctors. It's not just a “talking point” to say that family medicine is the foundation of our healthcare system. The care you provide cannot be replaced – just as the expertise you provide based on years of education and training cannot be replaced. 


Year 3 Compensation Adjustment 

The OCFP is hearing from many family doctors that you are extremely disappointed with news about the potential Year 3 compensation adjustment stemming from the 2021-24 PSA. The OCFP recognizes and supports the role of the OMA to negotiate with the Ministry of Health. However, we are also a voice for family medicine. We share your concerns that compensation is not keeping pace with inflationary pressures and does not reflect the complex care family doctors provide to patients across the province. It is imperative that you have the support needed to carry out vital work on behalf of patients and communities. We have shared your concerns with government. 

Read our statement. 

Sault Ste. Marie 

Meanwhile, in Sault Ste. Marie, the OCFP has been supporting family doctors with an extremely difficult situation. More than 10,000 patients will be de-rostered and more are at-risk. In Sault Ste. Marie, family doctors have gone above and beyond for patients – as you all have in communities across Ontario. However, the issue is complex and requires system-level change and government support. What’s unfolding in Sault Ste. Marie is an example of what’s happening - or could happen - in other communities unless there is immediate action to support family doctors. 

Read our statement. 

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Ontario College of Family Physicians 

400 University Avenue, Suite 2100 

Toronto, ON M5G 1S5

416-867-9646 | Fax: 416-867-9990