• Want to know where your vote-by-mail ballot is?
  • Cuyahoga County residents, track your ballot here
  • Lorain County residents, track your ballot here
  • Tip: We recommend dropping your completed ballot off at the Board of Elections drop box in your county to make sure it is counted in time!

  • Want to know what's on your ballot before you vote?
  • Cuyahoga County Sample Ballot
  • Lorain County Sample Ballot
  • Tip: If you plan to vote in-person, bring your printed sample ballot - with how you plan to vote for each candidate/issue - into the polling booth. That way, you can vote quickly!

Still confused about voting in the 2020 General Election? Email LMM’s Director of Advocacy Margie Glick at mglick@lutheranmetro.org! Also, stay tuned for additional advocacy alerts by LMM on Issue 68 and Issue 70 and how to be an informed voter when it comes to judicial candidates.