Today is the fifth annual National Day of Empathy, a day dedicated to using empathy, understanding and love to create a greater understanding of individuals with justice involvement and their families, and to push for reform of the criminal justice system.
At Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry (LMM), we know that people are more than their worst days and worst decisions. We also know the criminal justice system is inherently discriminatory and disproportionately punishes people of color and of limited means. For these reasons, we share a commitment to both restorative justice and to ending mass incarceration in the United States.
Below are stories of women from LMM who have been incarcerated, have learned from their mistakes, and are now dedicated to being the best version of themselves. Get to know their story, and then sign up for additional programing through theNational Day of Empathy.
Note: You can tune in at 5:00pm EST for a national eventhosted by the nonpartisan, nonprofit DREAM Corps Justice. There is also anevent hosted by Ohio partnersat 11:30am-1:00pm.