Legislative updates
Though the next legislative session won’t open until January 9, 2019, NAMI TN is already hard at work and we will be convening our first policy committee meeting the week after Thanksgiving.

NAMI members from across the state have already been meeting with legislators and we are planning a big grassroots push for Day on the Hill February 20th to get our issues in front of legislators.

So what are the issues? Medicaid expansion, mental health parity, decriminalizing mental illness and investing in crisis services and mental health support services such as stable housing and supported employment. Re-read our 2018 Legislative Priorities. If you have questions or are interested in joining the policy committee contact [email protected].

New Governor, lawmakers
There's been a huge turnover in the legislature and we have a new governor. This makes it especially important that, as mental health advocates, we educate the incoming administration and legislators about the issues we care about.

Click the button to submit comments on Gov.-elect Bill Lee's website telling him to expand Medicaid and #Act4MentalHealth
New opportunities to improve Medicaid mental health care
Participate in an advocacy training

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services may now allow for states to pursue Medicaid reimbursements for short-term inpatient treatment in mental health facilities despite a decades-old exclusion.

NAMI strongly urges states to step up to the plate and use this flexibility from CMS to improve care for people with mental health conditions. Read more
NAMI Smarts for Advocacy is a hands-on advocacy training program that helps people living with mental illness, friends and family transform their passion and lived experience into skillful grassroots advocacy.

Members & affiliates interested in hosting a training, contact [email protected]