Advocacy News from LMM
Final Reminder: Go Vote!
Monday (August 1st) is your last day to vote early in person prior to the August 2nd primary election. If you are unable to vote early, you can vote on election day at your polling location from 6:30 AM-7:30 PM. In this election, you can vote in the primary for your state representative, your state senator, and members of the State Central Committee. State-level positions are important as they have tremendous influence over policies related to housing, criminal justice, and racial justice.

To learn more about your early vote options, what’s on your ballot, or how to vote on election day, click the button below: 
Advocacy 101 Presentation
Last Week, LMM’s Advocacy Department hosted an Advocacy 101 presentation for LMM staff partners. The purpose of this biannual community event is to educate staff partners on the work of the Office of Advocacy, ways they can engage in ongoing advocacy efforts, and provide space to share issues or opportunities for future advocacy. Fourteen LMM staff partners attended the program and engaged in an advocacy-centric conversation.
A Summer With LMM pt. 2 - Morgan Edwards
"It is hard to believe that there are less than two weeks left of my ten-week summer internship with LMM. These past few weeks have been filled with so many great experiences and projects that I am so grateful to have been a part of. As I think back to what I envisioned myself doing when I applied for this internship back in January, I can wholeheartedly say that this summer has exceeded all of my expectations."

Everyone please join us in wishing a warm farewell to our Advocacy Intern, Morgan Edwards, as she returns to John Carroll University in August for her sophomore year! Read her full recap of working with LMM this summer here:
Boys Hope Girls Hope Visits LMM
LMM welcomed 15 students from the education nonprofit Boys Hope Girls Hope for a tour of LMM’s workforce development programs and a presentation on LMM’s advocacy function.

The attending 10th graders are participating in a social entrepreneurship program this fall and are being introduced to the concept through site visits through this summer program. Thanks for visiting us, Boys Hope Girls Hope!
What We're Reading, Watching, and Listening to!
As you wade through these hot (and sometimes rainy) summer days, you may find yourself spending more time inside. Use this time to catch up on the latest happenings in policy and advocacy around Northeast Ohio!