Advocacy News from LMM
Don't Miss the Upcoming County Executive Forum Series!
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry will be hosting and co-sponsoring a series of forums involving the two leading candidates for County Executive, Chris Ronayne and Lee Weingart. Each forum will focus on a different community need of importance to the agency and residents in Cuyahoga County: health, human services & critical needs, housing & homelessness; and community development. To RSVP to any of these forums, visit the links, or scan the QR codes in the above flyer.  
Ronayne Vs. Weingart
Photo from ideastream
On Tuesday, September 21, 2022, The City Club of Cleveland hosted the first official debate between the County Executive Candidates Chris Ronayne (D) and Lee Weingart (R) at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Cleveland. Topics covered in the hour-long conversation included the county jail, housing, and the need to address racism and inequities across the County. Watch the recording here – or fast forward to minute 59 for a question about reentry and a reference to one of the candidates’ August visits to Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry. 
National Voter Registration Day
On Tuesday, September 20, 2022, LMM’s Advocacy Department celebrated National Voter Registration Day by providing staff partners and visitors the opportunity to register to vote and check their registration status at the Richard Sering Center. To check your registration status and/or register to vote, please visit Ohio’s Secretary of State’s website: or attend one of the region’s voter registration events hosted in partnership with ClevelandVotes. As a reminder, you must be registered by October 11th to be eligible to vote in the November 8th general election! 
LMM Civic Engagement Toolkit
Do you still have questions about the upcoming election or how to run for office in a future election? If so, take a look at LMM’s Civic Engagement Toolkit, created by our Office of Advocacy, for novice and experienced voters alike. Visit the LMM website for resources that outline policy differences between the two county executive candidates, how to be informed when voting for judges, how to run for office, and finally, how to advocate after a candidate is in office. We are confident there is something for everyone in their civic engagement journey. 
ACLU of Ohio Hosts a "Deep Listening Session"
Earlier this week, LMM's Office of Advocacy partnered with the ACLU to host a “deep listening session” for staff partners. This is part of a state-wide effort by the ACLU to hear from 10,000 Ohioans about their hopes, dreams, and needs and in doing so, identify future policy priorities. If you are interested in hosting a listening session at your organization please reach out to Ohio ACLU Organizing Strategist Melekte Melaku at