We have created a save-the-date flyer with a link to register for the event. Please feel free to distribute this widely to your family, friends, and on social media. Information on logistics, messaging for signs, and parking will be released in a future update. Registration is very important, as we are gauging interest for coordinated group transportation.
We've launched a one-click campaign in advance of the rally to inform the governor and other representatives of our budget requests. We are excited to be launching this rally immediately following the election and hope you and many others register and attend. This will be the first of many advocacy opportunities to come!
If you have any questions, please email Philip Aydinian, The Arc New York Director of Governmental Affairs at aydinianp@thearcny.org.
FY24 Budget Advocacy Resources
To help prepare our advocates for the capitol rally and meetings with their representatives, we created an information sheet, which details our budget requests for this year.
The Arc New York and our NYDA partners are calling for:
- Establishment of a Direct Support Wage Enhancement (DSWE)
- Inclusion of the statutory 8.5% Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
Under the DSWE provider agencies will receive $4,000 per eligible employee to be used for the purpose of enhancing the hourly rate of pay for all staff that have direct care/support responsibilities for individuals with I/DD. This wage enhancement will enable provider agencies to raise wages by approximately $2.19 per hour.
The annual COLA is intended to increase budgets appropriately to adjust for inflation and rising costs. In the past decade, inflation rose 27%, yet providers of supports and services received only a 1.2% COLA. A 5.4% COLA was committed in the 2022-23 budget, but this promised increase does not compensate for a decade of underfunding. The proposed 8.5% COLA for
2023-24 is derived from NYS statute, which states the annual COLA will be calculated based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) from July of the previous year. Upholding the COLA will support the increased cost of delivering quality services and sustain supports for the future.