January 13, 2022
The deadline for the 2023 Executive Budget is drawing near, and it's is more important than ever to let Governor Hochul and the legislature know that services for New Yorkers with I/DD must be a funding priority. We were disappointed not to be included in the State of the State address, but Governor Hochul committed to lifting up New Yorkers and giving them their best life. We must make the case that funding services for New Yorkers with I/DD is essential in meeting that commitment.

Our one-click campaign gives you the chance to easily call on your elected officials to invest in supports and services and this one-page information sheet will support you in sharing our need and our asks. Take a moment to let state leaders know that this funding matters to you. Raise your voice and spread the word on social media so others may add their voices to the call!

The Arc New York and our NYDA partners are calling for:
  • Establishment of a Direct Support Wage Enhancement (DSWE)
  • Inclusion of the statutory 8.5% Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

Under the DSWE provider agencies will receive $4,000 per eligible employee to be used for the purpose of enhancing the hourly pay for all staff that have direct care/support responsibilities for people with I/DD. This wage enhancement will enable provider agencies to raise wages by approximately $2.19 per hour.

The annual COLA is intended to increase budgets appropriately to adjust for inflation and rising costs. In the past decade, inflation rose 27%, yet providers of supports and services received only a 1.2% COLA. A 5.4% COLA was committed in the 2022-23 budget, but this promised increase does not compensate for a decade of underfunding. Upholding the COLA will support the increased cost of delivering quality services and sustain supports for the future.

We'll keep you apprised of more opportunities to voice your support for New Yorkers with I/DD throughout the budget season!
2023 Joint Legislative & Advocacy Forum
The Arc New York and The New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation are excited to share that our 2023 Joint Legislative & Advocacy Forum will take place in-person on February 13 & 14, 2023 at The Hart Lounge of The Egg in the Empire State Plaza in Albany, NY. Learn more and register here.

The annual Joint Legislative & Advocacy Forum provides access to information on the 2023-24 Executive Budget proposal, upcoming legislation, advocacy strategies, and opportunities to engage leadership in the Senate and Assembly.

Parents and family members, self-advocates, direct support professionals, not-for-profit agencies and other stakeholders will hear from presenters across a wide range of timely topics, reflecting the importance for us to be a strong voice in Albany this year and beyond.

If you are traveling and plan on staying overnight, a block of rooms have been reserved at a discounted rate of $129/night at the Hampton Inn and Suites Albany Downtown for this event. The deadline for hotel reservations is January 20, 2023, after which the discounted rate cannot be guaranteed. Click here to complete your reservations
NYDA Capitol Rally February 13!
On the first day of the Joint Legislative & Advocacy Forum, The Arc New York and our New York Disability Advocates (NYDA) partners will rally in the War Room of the Capitol at 11:30 AM to call on state leaders to fund services for New Yorkers with I/DD and the staff who support them.

If you plan on attending the rally, advance registration will help us manage the logistics. Register here, and please spread the word!

February 14 Day of Action
Following the Joint Legislative & Advocacy Forum on February 14, we will head to the NYS Capitol and Legislative Office Building (LOB) to participate in lobby day. Join us in Albany and be part of our advocacy day! 

We encourage people to schedule meetings with their legislators and staff. A phone call to their Albany office is the easiest way to get on their calendar. If you are unable to be in Albany in person, consider scheduling a meeting at their district office, sending a letter, or making a phone call in support of our advocacy priorities. There are many new legislators, so find your representative here. We hope to see you there!

Want to do More?
Visit The Arc New York Advocacy Center for more ways to take action, including campaigns to support federal funding, employment opportunities, and our dedicated workforce. You can also find tools and resources to help you be a stronger advocate for New Yorkers with disabilities.

This and all advocacy updates are archived on The Arc New York website for future reference. Please contact us if you have questions regarding any of this information.
Contact: Philip Aydinian, Director of Governmental Affairs 
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