Preliminary Overview of the 2022-23 Executive Budget
Governor Hochul unveiled her $216 billion 2022-23 proposed Executive Budget today, an increase of 3.1% from FY22. As we previewed following the State-of-the-State Address on January 5, the proposed budget includes significant investments in our sector. The governor proposes to rebuild and grow the healthcare workforce by 20 percent over the next five years with an overall investment of $10 billion. The budget makes both one-time and ongoing investments and adds to the state’s operating reserves, yet the governor shared that the state budget is already balanced against the financial plan leading up to FY 2027, due to increased state tax receipts, stock market dividends, and an influx of federal aid. This is unprecedented.
The Executive Budget includes significant investments specific to the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) field, outlined in this alert. Regarding managed care, language from last year carries over, that the state will continue to assess the viability of managed care moving forward.
While by no means exhaustive, we hope the information below assists Chapters in understanding what is ahead as budget negotiations commence with the legislature. Over the past year, we have advocated for many of the items mentioned below, which is a testament to the dedication and tenacity of our advocates. In light of our advocacy successes in the Executive Budget, we will develop and communicate a new a strategy in the coming days to ensure these funds are included in the final budget and sustain our advocacy efforts moving forward. For the first time in many years, we are entering negotiations from a position of strength, and must ensure that legislators recognize the urgency of funding for our field. We will continue to update you once budget bills are released and further budget discussions are held.
Budget References
Highlights of the 2022-23 NYS Budget Relative to OPWDD
The proposed 2022-23 Executive Budget:
- Includes a 5.4% cost of living adjustment (COLA) for OPWDD, OMH, and OASAS voluntary providers. The total value of this investment is $379.7M in state dollars, and $643.6M including matching federal funds.
- Commits $1.2 billion for a frontline healthcare worker bonus program to workers earning up to $100,000 annually to incentivize the recruitment and retention of qualified frontline healthcare and direct support professionals. Specifically, $200M in bonus funds for OPWDD, OMH, and OASAS staff, including a 20% longevity bonus, 20% retention bonus, and heroes pay and vaccination bonuses, with up to $3,000 bonuses going to full-time workers who remain in their positions for one year, and pro-rated bonuses for those working fewer hours.
- Commits an additional $15 million to develop housing. As stated in past years, these funds are distinct from, and in addition to, resources available from the five-year, $20 billion affordable and supportive housing plan.
- Provides $13M in enhanced subsidies for Individual Supports and Services (ISS) and Self-Direction programs to increase payment standards and align reimbursement for administration of these subsidies with changing policies.
- Restores $9.5M to Supervised and Supportive Residential Habilitation providers whose room and board costs exceed projected revenues. OPWDD will align room and board supplemental payments with actual costs and reimburse providers for the full amount of OPWDD-approved costs incurred. This would restore the budget neutrality factor from 0.88 to 1.0.
- Includes $4.5M for rate enhancements for intensive behavioral services and mobile crisis.
- Includes a $10 million investment to increase the number of Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessments and reassessments conducted by Care Managers with the goal to better align the needs of individuals and the services provided.
- Leverages an additional $40.7 million in state funds to support minimum wage increases for staff at not-for-profits licensed, certified, or otherwise authorized by OPWDD, OMH, and OASAS.
- Includes authorization for a COLA of 11% for special education provider tuition rates in SY 2023
- Provides $2.4 billion for healthcare capital infrastructure and improved lab capacity
- Reflects an 11.9% increase in local government state spending on OPWDD.
Further Actions
Improve Employment for Individuals with Disabilities
The briefing book promises to increase the number of job opportunities for people with disabilities in the public sector by increasing the number of positions set aside, developing training to better support individuals, and creating toolkits designed to allow local governments to become model employers.
Create the New Office of the Chief Disability Officer (CDO)
This new office is intended to lead the charge in making recommendations that will assist businesses in hiring people with disabilities.
Reinvest in Behavioral Health Services
The Executive Budget directs that $111M in funds recouped from Medicaid Managed Care plans be spent to increase rates paid for community mental health and addition services, including clinics.
Expand Crisis Services
OPWDD has continued to expand its crisis intervention and behavioral health services over the years, implementing Crisis Services for Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (CSIDD) and establishing regional crisis networks. The Executive Budget provides $4.5 million to continue rate enhancements for Intensive Behavioral Services (IBS) and improve connections to county-based mobile crisis services. These investments will allow more individuals to remain in independent settings or with their family, and can also reduce unnecessary emergency room visits.
Address NYS Direct Care Workforce Recruitment and Retention
The state will begin to address its workforce recruitment and retention challenges immediately, in key direct care titles
Budget details are still developing and we will share additional information in future updates as it becomes available.