Workforce Advocacy Campaign Toolkit
The Arc New York developed a Workforce Advocacy Toolkit to support efforts to address the escalating workforce crisis. The toolkit includes information sheets, specific talking points, hard data, and advocacy strategies to support engagement with elected leaders, media, and the wider community of families, self-advocates, and allies.
Our goal is to meet with federal and state representatives to advocate for a living wage for our dedicated workforce and other solutions to the recruitment and retention crisis facing providers of I/DD supports and services.
Elements of Better Care Better Jobs Act will be woven into a budget reconciliation resolution by early August, so it is critical that we continue to educate our legislators on the need for significant investments in our direct care workforce. This will be a multi-pronged and protracted campaign, so expect updates on a continual basis.
As part of this strategy, The Arc New York will assist with coordinating meetings and rallies with federal and state representatives and their corresponding chapters and advocates. The first of these events is a Rally next Thursday, July 29, hosted by Schenectady ARC in partnership with Assemblyman Angerlo Santabarbara. Get the full event details here.
Please contact Philip Aydinian, Director of Governmental Affairs, with any questions or inquires throughout this and other advocacy campaigns.
NYDA and The Arc New York Send Response to “5/1” Cuts
In collaboration with New York State Disability Advocates (NYDA), The Arc New York sent a letter in response to the published adoption of proposed residential cuts to OPWDD Commissioner Dr. Theodore Kastner and DOH Director of Strategic Initiatives & Special Medicaid Counsel Brett Friedman. The letter reiterates congress’s mandate that states supplement, and not supplant, existing state funds expended for Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) in effect as of April 1, 2021, per Section 9817 of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
New York state has continued to push for cuts that defy our interpretation of the law and guidance from The Federal government. The Arc New York is actively seeking response from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the validity of New York’s assertions and it relates to statue and CMS guidelines.
ACL Publishes Retrospective for 30 Years of Community Living (1987-2017)
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) released a free 50+ page book exploring the evolution of integration and inclusion of people I/DD in American society. The book summarizes data collected between 1987 and 2017 and illustrates the progress made since the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed 31 years ago. Included are numerous stories, relevant timelines, and supporting data that chronicle this historic period of advancement. This rich collection serves to inform our current and future advocacy efforts on the federal and state level.
Grant Opportunity: 2022 MLK Day of Service
The Arc US is partnering with AmeriCorps to offer $5,000 to $20,000 grants to chapters of The Arc to develop service projects that include people with and without disabilities. Volunteer activities should help to provide food to those suffering from food insecurity within the local community. Learn more here.
Upcoming Arc US Webinar
Advocacy Made Easy: State & Local Chapters Working Together
Wednesday, August 4 at 2:00 p.m. ET