Dear Eno Friends,

You have one more chance to tell the state of North Carolina that you care about water quality in the Eno River!
This past October, the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) received over 1,200 comments from local residents who DO NOT AGREE with the application for the Westpoint development plan, AKA Black Meadow Ridge. We are grateful to the many of you - our Eno members - who provided comment.
The pressure you provided has prompted DWR to host a public hearing via WebEx on January 20th at 6pm. This could be our ONLY chance to speak publicly about how the Westpoint project will forever degrade water quality in the Eno River.
See the official notice, the registration form, and the WebEx link here. Registration closes at noon on January 20th.
We must speak up for the River - here’s why: 
  • A developer wants to build 400 housing units on the land just south of the West Point on the Eno Durham City Park, an area known as Black Meadow Ridge. Based on a 50-year-old outdated site plan, the development legally qualifies for only an administrative review by the city planning department – i.e. no requirement for public input. That means this DWR hearing is our only chance for public input!
  • This site plan is related to an old proposal for “Eno Drive” - a major highway that was going to run along the northside of the property. Durham City and County leaders voted to kill Eno Drive in early 2003, due to significant environmental concerns. We must fight this fight again! 

  • The current Durham Future Land Use Map, approved in early 2018, designates this area as Very Low Density (2 units/acre or less) which is 1/3 the density approved in 1972. As a result, the proposed site plan is wholly inconsistent with adopted City and County transportation and land use plans. Only 128 units should be allowed on this property - not 400!
  • The City’s recently approved Critical Areas Protection plan identifies this site as a “Keystone” parcel that should be protected. See the full publication here, and search for parcels 177601 and 177608 to see more details about Black Meadow Ridge. 
  • We have much stronger standards for water quality and environmental preservation today, to which this site plan should be held accountable.

The Division of Water Resources should deny the application, or at minimum insist that the Westpoint development application be amended as follows:
  1. All of the stormwater from the site needs to be treated. The site plan we reviewed indicates that the stormwater from the road crossing that connects with Roxboro Road will NOT be treated. No certification should be approved unless the plan includes sufficient treatment of the stormwater from this area, and all other areas, during and after site construction.
  2. The site should be redesigned to remove all roads, homes, and stormwater management areas from regulated stream buffers, streams, or delineated wetland areas.
  3. Since this development is occurring in the protected area of the proposed Teer Quarry and Eno River Intake Water Supply Watershed, the developer should have to comply with all regulations for intake water supply watershed protected areas, including 100-foot buffers on perennial streams.
If you agree that the Division of Water Resources should not approve the West Point application, let them know on January 20. 
Thanks again for being advocates for the River and our communities!
With gratitude and hope,
Your friends at the Eno River Association

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Eno River Association
4404 Guess Rd. Durham, NC 27712