SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act Reintroduced
On Tuesday, the bipartisan, bicameral SSI Savings Penalty Elimination Act (S.2767/H.R.5408) was introduced at a press conference on Capitol Hill. You can watch the event livestream on Facebook and be sure to read The Arc’s press release.
At the press conference, Emily Demko, an 18-year-old with Down syndrome who works three jobs and gets SSI, and her mother Margaret shared how SSI caps prevent Emily from seeking greater opportunities. You can watch a video of their speeches here. The press conference also included speakers from JP Morgan Chase, AARP, Microsoft, and other coalition partners. The Arc of the United states has updated their action alert with the new bill information.
Action on Important Legislation
As a result of the newly introduced SSI legislation, we updated our campaign focused on preserving Medicaid funding. The campaign includes advocacy on the Better Care Better Jobs Act (H.R. 547/S. 100) and raising SSI limits, as noted above. Join our one-click campaign to add your voice here!
We are also urging Congress to support the bipartisan bill, "Recognizing the Role of Direct Support Professionals Act" (S. 1332/ H.R. 2941), which creates a Standard Occupational Code for DSPs. The bill recently passed the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee with a unanimous vote. Please join our one-click campaign to quickly send a letter directly to your congressional representative calling for their support of the bill. This legislation is critical as we seek to get DSPs the recognition they deserve.
You can read more about these campaigns in our August 11 update.
Times Union Editorial on Staffing Crisis
On Sunday, the Times Union Editorial Board released an opinion piece on “New York’s Care Crisis.” The article recognizes the need for investments from the state and the dire situation faced by many providers of home care and other health services. They noted, “The governor and Legislature need to deal with this holistically as a health and human services crisis, starting with a broad, honest look at what is driving these staffing shortages and closures. For starters: Are state funding and reimbursement rates too low?”
The article supports our ongoing advocacy efforts as we seek to ensure front-line care workers receive the recognition and investment they deserve.