COVID-19 Policy Update: American Rescue Plan
Today President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into law. All of the advocacy efforts undertaken by The Arc network over the past year to show #WeAreEssential are reflected in the $1.9 trillion relief bill, which passed the Senate last week, and the House this week. The hard- fought advocacy for supports for people with disabilities, their families, our workforce and the systems that provide services paid off. While we will celebrate the victories, we must also turn our attention to priorities for the recovery legislative packages to come in 2021. The full press statement from The Arc US can be read here. Below is a summary of major provisions of the law.
Accomplishments/What is In the Bill
- Includes a Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) specific FMAP increase. An additional 10% FMAP from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 is available to strengthen and expand access to HCBS
- Provides a 5-percent FMAP increase for Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) for states that have not yet done so
Stimulus/Taxes/Paid Leave:
- Stimulus payments for people making under $80,000 for individuals or $160,000 for couples, including adult dependents
- Expanded Earned Income Tax Credit to provide enhanced benefit to childless adults
- Expanded and refundable Child Tax Credit to help low income families
- Renewal of tax credits for businesses providing COVID-related leave to employees
Child Care:
- $15 billion for the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program and $24 billion for a child care stabilization fund
- $2.58 billion for grants to States under part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- $200 million for preschool grants under section 619 of the IDEA
- $250 million for programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities under part C of the IDEA
Health care:
- Significant premium subsidies for people purchasing health coverage on the Marketplaces
- Includes funding increases for coronavirus testing, vaccine distribution, and increases the size of the public health workforce
- $27.4 billion for emergency rental assistance, including $5 billion for housing vouchers
- $5 billion in homelessness assistance
- $10 billion in homeowner assistance
- Utility assistance
- Expansion of the Paycheck Protection Program to apply to non-profits larger than 500, as long as there are not more than 500 employees at any one location
- Federal Unemployment Coverage for Reimbursing Employers. The legislation includes language improving the federal coverage of the unemployment costs of reimbursing nonprofits from 50% to 75% prospectively during the period April 1 through August 29, 2021
State and Local Government:
- Provides $350 billion to help states, counties, cities, and tribal governments respond to COVID-19
- $30.5 billion for transit agencies
- Amtrak relief funding
- Funding for airports and airlines
Schenectady ARC Virtual Rally Tomorrow!
Join Schenectady ARC tomorrow at noon for a Virtual Rally to urge State Legislatures & the Governor to make people with disabilities a priority! Show your support by logging on via zoom or watching live via Facebook. Full details can be found here.
Registration Now Open for the Disability Policy Seminar
You're invited to join The Arc US and their partners for the 2021 (virtual) Disability Policy Seminar, April 19 - 22. Sessions are available from the convenience of your computer, so it's never been easier to attend. With a new Administration, a new Congress, and renewed calls for equity and progress amid a continuing pandemic, your advocacy has never been more important. The Disability Policy Seminar is an opportunity to join advocates from across the country to protect and advance the programs and supports that make community life possible for people with disabilities.
Grant Opportunity: Building Community Resilience Through Inclusive Disaster Preparedness
The Arc is offering $5,000 - $20,000 grants to chapters of The Arc and other community organizations to develop virtual service projects that help communities be better equipped in case of disaster. Learn more here and apply by March 19.
Looking for New Fundraising Resources to Beef Up Your 2021 Campaigns?
The Arc US chapter portal has templates you can use for your mailings, emails, letters, and development calendar. The Arc has also developed several key partnerships to help our chapters expand their fundraising efforts, develop a planned-giving pipeline, and identify prospective donors in your community.
Contact: Philip Aydinian, Associate Executive Director for Governmental Affairs
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