Advocacy Updates from Indiana Library Federation
April 12, 2019
In this issue of your ILF Advocacy Update
  • Key Bills Affecting Libraries - The Latest
  • State Budget and K-12 Education Funding
  • Training session for Library Board members
  • Quick Links
What YOU can do
  • Celebrate National Library Week April 7-13. Tag us @ilfonline with photos of your activities. Check out these COOL PHOTOS.
  • Review the Bose Report or ILF Bill List (linked on page 3 of report)
  • Attend a session to Meet your Legislator -See calendar.
What you missed in prior issues - Catch up here.
Key bills affecting libraries:
What happened and what's coming?

As we approach the committee report deadlines 4/15 and 4/16, we see bill language being amended in and out of other bills. The full range of bills in which ILF is actively involved is described below.
  • HB1001, the biennial state budget billincludes funding for Indiana State Library operations, statewide library services, as well as our ILF priorities of stable funding for INSPIRE, Indiana's virtual library, and internet connectivity, which helps libraries offer free internet to millions of Hoosiers each year. Last action: The Senate released its version, inclusive of INSPIRE and internet connectivity for schools and libraries. (Page 79 of budget bill). The Senate may revise its version after the revenue forecast. Because the Senate version is different, the budget bill will go to conference committee.
  • HB1052, Local Income Tax, changes the allocation of LIT revenue that is based on property taxes to be based on maximum permissible property tax levies instead of actual levies. Last action: This bill is officially dead, although some provisions were amended into HB1427.
  • HB1214, Construction Managers as Constructorsadds public libraries to the list of public agencies in a definition. The remaining parts of the bill are not specific to libraries. Last action: Senate passed 43-5 (see vote count) and returned to House.
  • HB1343, Libraries, provides the elected fiscal body the option to have binding review over library budgets if three criteria are met related to more than 10% increases in budget or levy or accumulation of more than 150% unallocated funds over budget. It allows the Council to cut the budget or levy by no more than 10% and requires public notice. Last action: Senate passed HB1343 with a vote of 34-14 (see vote count).
  • HB1427, Local Government Matters, makes several changes related to processes with Department of Local Government Finance, enables changes to the distribution of certified shares, requires an interim study of Local Income Tax and GIS mapping. Last action: After being amended by Tax and Fiscal Committee, it awaits final vote in the Senate.
  • SB64, Criminal Background Checks, would require background checks for employees, volunteers, speakers, performers and presenters whose scope of work includes contact with children less than 14 years of age. While SB64 is dead, criminal history check policy for public libraries was amended into what started as a Nurse Licensure Compact bill and is now called SB436, State and Local Administration.We support the addition of language "A public library shall adopt a criminal history check policy for employees and volunteers" (page 33 of the bill).
  • SB623, Property Tax Matters, addresses the assessed valuation of retail certain properties, sometimes called the "dark store" bill. Last action: still pending action by House Ways and Means Committee.
HB1343 passed out of Senate 34-14
HB1343 was amended on the Senate floor 4/9 and passed the Senate 4/11 with a vote of 34-14. Some Senators who voted no either expressed philosophical opposition to binding review for libraries or concerns about how impacts may play out in their local communities.

The amendment 1) changed the date to July 1 that a resolution would need to be passed, and 2) changed the third criteria threshold for unallocated funds to 150% over budget. This aligns with the threshold for townships and their capital improvement funds in HB1177 . See scenarios of how first two criteria could apply and our explaining LIRF infographic .

Note that every amendment to HB1343 was a result of our advocacy. We sincerely appreciate working with legislators who listened to our concerns and offered our amendments. ILF supports the Senate passed version. We are hopeful that House authors will concur with Senate changes.
Attention: Library Board Members

We are pleased to announce a web-based session on Wed, May 1, 10amET/9amCT. Tax experts Tamara Ogle and Larry DeBoer from Purdue will offer " Property Tax and Libraries. " This abbreviated and customized web-based session will help library board members understand property taxes and levies specific to libraries and in comparison with other units of government. There is no cost to attend. We aim to record for trustees and make available to members. Register here . Or distribute this  one-page flyer .
School Funding in the State Budget

The Senate Appropriations Committee released its budget 4/11. K-12 education comprises 50% of total general fund appropriations. Review the Senate Budget Proposal slides .

Both chambers agreed on the pre-K pilot ($22 million per year) and on the Career and Technical Education funding formula . Here are a few changes the Senate made that will likely be the subject of final negotiations with the House:
  • The Senate increased K-12 education by $775 million over the 2-year budget with a 4.9% increase in tuition support (2.7% in FY20 and 2.2% in FY21--both higher than the Governor's and the House Republican versions).
  • While the House had doubled charter school grants, the Senate applied that $15 million per year to Teacher Appreciation Grants (increasing to $45 million total). The Senate stipulates that at least one-third will go to teachers with less than five years experience.
  • The Senate increased funds for English Language Learners.
  • The Senate removed the dual credit line item and instead put it in institution's base operations, reducing the likelihood of further expansion of dual credit in K-12.
  • The Senate removed virtual charters from the funding formula and instead gave the IDOE a line item to manage.
Neither chamber appropriated or mandated increases to base teacher pay, offering that "that's still a local decision," said Ways and Means Co-Chair Tim Brown.

A second reading amendment is expected after the revenue forecast on the 4/17. The budget negotiations often go into the wee hours of the final day of session.
What YOU can do: Attend a Third House or Meet Your Legislator event
Legislators meet with constituents through "Meet your Legislator," "Third House" or "Cracker Barrel" events from December through May. Sessions are often hosted by a local library, Chamber of Commerce, Farm Bureau or League of Women Voters. See our calendar for upcoming Third House events in your area . Several are coming up in the next two weeks.
Prepping to Meet Your Legislator
  1. Find your legislators where you live and where you work. Research their bio and committees. Or email us for insight and tips.
  2. Email us for specific information and let us know what you learn. Develop a relationship.
  3. Plan to develop or deepen your relationships with legislators and key influencers in the community. Introduce yourself. Offer to be a resource for them about any library questions.
Indiana Library Federation Links