NJAAW Partners with the
Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute (PHI)
to Bring the Essential Jobs, Essential Care Program to NJ
"NJAAW is proud to announce its partnership with PHI to bring their Essential Jobs, Essential Care programs to NJ," said NJAAW's Executive Director Cathy Rowe, DrPH. "In tandem with any discussions on aging well, we must include home- and community-based service. Their availability and affordability allow people to remain in their homes – whether renting, owned, public or private. It is critical to focus on the direct care workforce now, which has been challenged by COVID at the same time we expect increased need. Expanding the direct care workforce will allow residents to stay in the homes and communities that they choose and love."
We were pleased to have so many of you join us for our 4-part Housing Series. For those of you who missed it, the video recordings of our speakers, their slides and other information are posted on our website at NJAAW.org/events under “Past Events.” Recordings can also be viewed on our YouTube channel, youtube.com/NJAdvocatesforAgingWell
With the help of our speakers, we explored the continuum of changing housing needs and options that we all face as we age. There is no one solution that works for everyone, and our speakers did a fantastic job presenting the range of options available and the challenges of paying for services and finding appropriate housing when it is needed.
I’d like to thank all of our presenters for their expertise and honesty, and especially recognize our final panelists who ended the series with optimism for the impact current housing discussion and policies can have in giving us a wider range of affordable and appropriate housing options.
One current that ran through each session was that people need to explore options and make plans well in advance – not only in terms of financing through long-term care policies or savings but in knowing what options are available, where they are located and how to apply.
I encourage everyone to start exploring housing options for themselves or for their aging family members and friends. In addition, become involved with your town’s plans for housing. Whether it’s municipal ordinances that allow Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), a commitment to attract developers using Universal Design or the construction of a continuous-care residential site, learn what your community is doing (and NOT doing) to prepare for our aging state and to ensure housing will meet our needs.
New Jersey has a vast array of theatre, visual art, dance, music, museums and heritage sites, but COVID has had a devastating impact on those sectors. Aging Insights TV host Cathy Rowe, DrPH, finds out the latest in these areas from Lynne Toye, Executive Director of the NJ Arts and Culture Recovery Fund.
Learn about the wide range of arts, culture and historic sites in NJ and how the Fund has helped them not only survive but adapt in new and creative ways that accommodate older adults. The arts and culture scene in NJ is ready for you to come back! From performing arts to museums, historic sites and an historic farm, Lynne explains what is waiting for you to enjoy and explore in the Garden State.
Tax Preparation Assistance
Some older adults may qualify for tax preparation assistance through programs including:
United Ways in certain geographic areas also offer free tax prep.
Tax Season and Older Adults:
Older Adults May Qualify for the
Earned Income Tax Credit
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) temporarily expanded the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for low-wage working adults without children at home. This expansion may be especially helpful to many older adults who are working and those raising grandchildren.
The expansion includes adults over age 65 and goes into effect for those with earnings in tax year 2021. It increases both the amount received and the income limit to qualify.
End-of Life-Planning Certificate Program
End-of-life planning is a sensitive topic and social workers are ideally suited to initiate and guide these discussions as they explore an individual’s values and preferences. In fact, a reported 96% of clinical social workers conduct advance care planning conversations and 80% are responsible for educating patients and families about advance care options.
NASW-NJ, in partnership with Goals of Care Coalition of New Jersey, has developed a certificate program for those new to these conversations and for seasoned professionals who would like a deeper understanding of the issue. This is the only certificate Advanced Care Planning course in NJ!
The three-part program includes: 2 CEU hours of pre-foundational reading, 4 CEU hours on-demand videos, and culminates in 4 CEU hours of live instruction (March 8, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.).
CSH’s Healthy Aging Academy New Jersey
The Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) is holding a free, 6-part webinar series, "New Jersey Healthy Aging Academy." The Healthy Aging Academy will help housing and services providers across NJ build their capacity to offer services for their older clients. The six 90-minute webinars will be led by topic-specific content experts and will include facilitated discussions and opportunities for case conferencing and peer learning.
For more information and registration details, click here.
Learn About NJ's Assisted Living Programs (ALPs)
“Breaking the Long-Term-Care Mold to Fill in the System’s Gaps: A Primer on New Jersey’s Assisted Living Program” is a primer developed as part of the Statewide Assisted Living Program Replication Initiative facilitated by Capital Impact Partners. This project, funded by The Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation, is co-authored by Colleen Diskin Communications and Capital Impact Partners. Click here t o download a copy.
From Generations United:
Diverse Intergenerational Programs Survey
As part of Generations United’s Diverse Intergenerational Programs Initiative, GU is conducting a survey to identify and learn more about programs and activities that connect younger and older people. They are especially interested in programs that engage or seek to engage participants from diverse communities. Completed surveys will be entered into a drawing for a $100 Amazon gift card. Learn more and take the survey here.
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