Artists by their very nature are not "unionized" or "organized in trade organizations" in the way that many other effected small businesses are. The Restaurant Assoc.; Performing Artist Union; Builders Assoc. and so on. They are all pulling out all the stops to obtain economic relief and keep their business afloat during this devastating time.

 Right now Congress and States are determining what the Covid-19 economic relief package(s) is going to be and who will get what benefits.

Visual artists need to lobby and lobby and lobby more to protect your businesses. And you need to do it now. We want to see you "on the other side" enriching our communities.

To support that effort, below is a draft of a letter/email/text to send to your elected officials. It is just our suggestion, please make it your own and write from your heart but with your economical survival (not your emotions) as the point.
NOTE: we didn't write this letter - we copied it and edited from an online forum. Thank you to whomever wrote it.