You Are the Heart and Soul of What We Do
Advocate Appreciation Breakfast 2024
We are thrilled to celebrate the accomplishments of you, our Advocates for Life at our annual Advocate Appreciation Breakfast on Saturday, February 24th from 9:00am-11:00am at the Denver Zoo. Don't worry- the event is fully indoors! You'll be receiving an e-mail invitation in the coming weeks with all the details.
Wyoming Signature Events 2024
For our Wyoming Advocates: As we evaluate and prepare for our 2024 Signature Events in Wyoming and consider our Advocate gathering times for the year- we need your feedback! If you are unable to make events around the below dates, can you e-mail Mandy to let us know?
  • Saturday, April 20th (Donor Dash)
  • Saturday, September 28th (Donor Family Tribute)
Reminder- February Advocate Call Monday, February 12
After evaluating your feedback, we have pushed our 2024 Advocate calls back to 5:30pm to allow more Advocates to join after their workday. We will continue to have the calls on the 2nd Monday of each month unless the call falls on a holiday or other observance week. You can click here to request the full schedule of Advocate calls and Zoom link from Mandy here. For February's call, we will be joined by Community Relations Coordinator for Wyoming, Jessie, and our Event Coordinator, Sammi! They will be sharing exciting updates and answering your questions about our Wyoming and Colorado Donor Dash events for 2024!
Advocate Spotlight: Laurie Weaver, Casper, WY
Donor Alliance Advocates for Life are the heart and soul of our efforts to inspire and inform our community about the importance of signing up to be an organ, eye and tissue donor in Colorado and Wyoming. Each of our Advocates has their own unique and inspiring story to tell. In this month's Advocate Spotlight, meet Laurie Weaver, a donor's wife from Casper, WY. Laurie has been an Advocate for Life for over 5 years!
Featured Upcoming Events

Administrative Support: Front Desk Administrative Assistance
We are looking for a few Advocates who would be open to being trained to help support our front desk administrative team on days that all staff are required at a staff meeting or other event. We would bring you to the office for training alongside staff and would let you know as opportunities arise. This includes: operation of multi-line switchboard, answering incoming calls, direct calls appropriately, checking in and directing visitors and special projects. To submit your interest, e-mail Mandy.

Special Project: DMV Ambassador Project
Calling all Colorado and Wyoming Advocates! We are very excited to be kicking off our brand new DMV Ambassador Project, inspired by your feedback! This program is geared toward equipping our Advocates to visit your local DMV or Driver Services offices to share your story, answer questions, debunk myths and more. You can click here to submit your interest to learn more. A training will be provided.
DDS: Denver Chapter of Hispanic Nurses Health Fair
The Denver Chapter of Hispanic Nurses is partnering with Vuela for Health. This event will be held on a Sunday to target the Latin community coming and going to church and in the neighborhood. Donor Alliance will have a Donate Life Community table with informational materials and promotional items for the community. This event will be held at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Denver. Sunday, February 4, 9:30am-2:30pm. *Bilingual Advocates are needed. To sign up, e-mail Mandy.
Upcoming Training Dates
As we kick of 2024, we have updated our training sessions. We invite you to join us for any of the below sessions! All sessions take place on Zoom. To sign up, e-mail Mandy.
  • Advocate Speakers Bureau: Saturday, January 13, 10:00am-11:30am
  • Advocate 101: Wednesday, January 17, 6:00pm-7:30pm
  • Becoming a Community Advocate: Saturday, February 10, 11:00am-12:00pm
  • Advocate Speakers Bureau: Saturday, March 23, 10:00am-11:3oam
Happy Birthday
to You!
1: Adrienne Shirk
3: Savanna LeDoux
8: Pat Thomas
9: Mary Parker
13: Don Hansen
13: Doris Gray
13: Marijean Conci
21: Lella Young
23: Morgan Swingholm
24: Gabe Basquez
24: Lucy Williamson
30: Elsa Tellez
Transplant Anniversaries
January 30, 2005
Eamon Lujan, Heart Recipient

January 27, 2021
Guadalupe Kerr, Kidney Recipient

Loved Ones
In loving memory of those who are not here today, but are forever present in our hearts.

January 23, 2004
Jamie and Julie Gibson, Remembering Dee

January 1, 2008
Robin Mitchell & Joanna Patterson, Remembering Joe

If we have missed your loved ones date, please reach out to let us know.
200 Spruce Street, Suite 200
Denver, CO 80230