Nominations are open for the 2025 MIT Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Awards! The deadline is Monday, December 2 to nominate a student, alum, staff member, faculty member, or group that embodies Dr King’s ability to bring communities together. Winners will be recognized at the annual MIT MLK Celebration in the spring.
Accessibility guidelines: Communications and the AeroAstro CommLab have put together an internal best practices guide for everyday accessibility in your communications.
Submit your photo to be featured on our Meet AeroAstro screen: Share a fun fact, your research interests, or anything else you would like the community to know about you, along with your favorite photo of yourself, to be featured in the second-floor hallway.
Upcoming event:
“Materials Matter: How materials impacted our world and my career” with MLK Visiting Scholar Justin Wilkerson
Thursday, Dec. 5, 12:00 - 1:00pm
The Nexus, Hayden Library, 14S-130 or via Zoom
The Roundup is a monthly newsletter to keep the AeroAstro community up-to-date on research, community news, and important happenings across the department and MIT.
Submit upcoming events to the Calendar (log-in required).
Send us news about your research using this form.