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YWCA Tulsa is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and
promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.

Keep the Door Open

Help defeat State Question 759 


The Oklahoma legislature has put an affirmative action ban on the November 2012 ballot. Here's why:  


"We've heard tonight that in prison there are more black people. ... Could it be because they didn't want to work hard in school? ... I taught school for 20 years, and I saw a lot of people of color who didn't want to work as hard, they wanted it given to them."


"Another thing we heard about [is] what women make. ... You see, women don't usually want to work as hard as a man because...women tend to think a little more about their families, want to be at home more time, have a little more leisure time." 


-- Representative Sally Kern, April 27, 2011

(video, full transcript)


Oklahoma women and people of color face some of the greatest inequities in our nation. Our legislators' solution? End policies that help ensure equal opportunity for women and people of color.  

This issue is at the heart of our mission to eliminate racism and empower women.  


YWCA Tulsa and our partners invite you to a community action forum to defeat SQ 759. And we need you!


Panelists will engage participants in discussing strategies to defeat the affirmative action ban. Come learn about what will be on the ballot, the impact of SQ 759, and most importantly, what you can do. 


We especially encourage organizations interested in forming a regional grassroots coalition to attend. While we are strong alone, we are fearless together.



event information

Tuesday, June 21, 6-7:30pm

University of Tulsa
Lorton Hall room 207 (map)
View parking and campus map here

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Dr. Linda Allegro
Political Science Professor
Oklahoma State University

Tamya Cox
Deputy Director
ACLU Oklahoma

Marvin Lizama, Esq.
American Dream Coalition

Miguel Medrano
Political activist and advocate
Change Oklahoma

Thank you for your support!

Mana Tahaie
Director of Racial Justice
YWCA Tulsa
(918) 587-2100

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Jana Lewis Harkins: An African American Woman's Reaction to SJR 15 


NAACP Oklahoma: State Conference NAACP Opposes Oklahoma SJR 15  

Tamya Cox: A rollback to racial integration  


Rep. Jeannie McDaniel: On SJR 15 vote 





ACLU Oklahoma  


Change Oklahoma  


Coalition for the American Dream  


TU Coalition for Women's Issues  


YWCA Tulsa