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Update on New Program to Serve Afghan Evacuees (APA)

The Department of State launched a new Afghan Placement and Assistance (APA) program on September 1 to serve Afghans who were granted entry into the United States through humanitarian parole. The Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC), is one of nine resettlement and placement agencies in the United States. ECDC has been approved to resettle individuals and families across its network of branch offices and affiliate organizations. 

We are honored to announce that Uplift Charity has been appointed by ECDC and the Department of State Office of Refugee, Populations and Migration (PRM) to be the local affiliate for Orange County.

Many of the individuals eligible for the APA program have already arrived in the country on evacuation flights, and others are still in a third country awaiting entry. The Department of Defense is providing temporary housing and initial services such as medical screenings and USCIS is providing work authorization to more than 50,000 Afghan nationals at eight Safe Havens around the country. After completing processing at the Safe Haven, individuals are assigned to a refugee resettlement agency. ECDC then arranges placement with one of its local affiliates that will assist individuals and families with the initial steps of rebuilding their lives in the United States. The local affiliate, Uplift Charity, together with community partners, will secure housing and basic necessities during the first 30-90 days as well as provide cultural orientation, assistance enrolling in education programs, furniture, legal assistance to change their immigration status, employment services, and other services or referrals as needed by families enrolled in the program.

Travel of individuals from the Safe Havens to their final destinations has been slow in the first weeks as the program launched but is expected to pick up significantly in the coming weeks.

Sanaa’s Story­­

The Road to Self-Sufficiency 

Uplift’s main goal is assisting the most vulnerable and impoverished amongst us to help them attain self-sufficiency. Through our case management and assistance programs, we’ve been able to directly impact thousands of lives. Our case managers support their clients through careful evaluations, assessments and service plans. At Uplift, individuals can focus on improving their circumstances by accessing appropriate services, resources and support. 

Sanaa is a community member who was accused of domestic violence by her husband. She was placed in jail and as a result, her son was taken away from her. Her son was then removed from the state and she lost contact with him. So, Sanaa contacted Uplift. We were able to connect her with the Family Justice Center and provided her with an attorney. Uplift continued to support Sanaa by providing her with a donated car and helping her access public services. Since then, Sanaa has won her case and regained full custody of her child. Uplift placed her in a safe home, with a local childcare provider and furniture. Sanaa is now working to provide her son with a safe and comfortable life.

“When I lost my son, I felt like I had hit rock bottom. It was painful and unbearable. Thanks to God Almighty and Uplift Charity, I was able to stand on my feet and get my son back. All of my problems seemed to dissolve when I contacted Uplift. I could not be more grateful.”


Uplift Charity receives many similar calls each day from individuals who are experiencing hardships. In Sanaa’s situation, receiving a car granted her the ability to start working. Cars are highly requested and have been integral in the journey towards self-sufficiency. Because of your support, Uplift is able to continue serving these cases and uplifting the community.  

Afghan Buddy Program

The Afghan Buddy Program is a buddy program whereby community members organize themselves into teams and assist by providing the services that Afghan allies need to thrive in their new community. Buddies not only welcome and mentor the family they are matched with, but they also fundraise and collect in-kind donations to help meet the family’s basic needs. The program benefits Afghan allies and community members alike by creating friendships, increasing two-way understanding, and strengthening support networks. Supported by ECDC’s headquarters, Uplift Charity has been learning from other agencies and developing outreach and training material to prepare for the Afghan Buddy Program. Uplift Charity will conduct an orientation for individuals interested in this program and train the team to prepare them before arrival. Uplift Case Managers will walk every step of the way with Buddies and the family to support and fill-in the gaps when necessary.

Afghan Buddy Program.png



The Create-A-Home Program was designed for individuals and groups who would like to assist and support families by subsidizing their housing for a selected period of time. Individuals may organize in groups and support the designated family. Additionally, groups have the option of co-sponsoring a family. By providing rental assistance for three months, six months or one year, groups can directly improve the family's circumstances. Many Afghan evacuees helped the United States military for decades but today, have been left with no more than the clothes on their back. It is our humanitarian duty to welcome, support and aid Afghan evacuees TODAY

Challenges & Ways to Help

  Given the housing crisis, pandemic and difficult tenancy requirements, we urge the community to help by providing housing in small or large ways based on their ability. 

 Quickly matching allies with employment opportunities and safe housing is integral for attaining self-sufficiency. Please contact Uplift if you have any hiring opportunities.

We urge community members who are able to host refugees to consider being a buddy. Any assistance within your ability is impactful and we are optimistic that by working together, newly-arrived Afghans will have the opportunity at a safe and prosperous life. You can assist in the following ways:

o   LEVEL 1- pre-arrival (airport pick-up & hot meal)

o   LEVEL 2- housing (host, co-sign & furniture)

o   LEVEL 3- post-arrival (school enrollment, job mentorship & transportation)      


  Advocate! To protect the rights of Afghan allies, contact your local and federal government representatives today. Ask the government to increase the capacity on the number of refugees to be settled. Demand that Afghans who were evacuated to the United States receive the same rights as refugees and SIVS. 

 Attention Pashto, Dari & Farsi speakers!! 

Become a volunteer translator. Contact Uplift today to be part of the welcoming team.

Thank you for your interest in our work! Please continue to follow us and stay connected to Uplift’s ongoing work to serve the community.

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(714) 614-7324

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