Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. Matthew 22:9
Jesus wants to gather all souls about Him. He wants all of us to be His instruments to bring others to Him. He wants to be the Shepherd of His Sheep and give them peace where there is no peace. He wants us all to discover that "we are complete In Him." Colossians 2:10
Jim and I have had a growing desire to help all those who want to KNOW Christ which is more than knowing about Him. To KNOW Christ is to experience His love to us personally. To experience His power in us to change us from sad to happy, from despairing to trusting, from angry to patient, from fearful to courageous "In Him". Our emotions and feeling are not to control us. We are to believe His Word over our feelings, emotions and standard habits. To discover His powerful ways of transforming the way we think, we feel, and we respond because Jesus walks with us and talks with us is life-changing. Our heart's desire is for them to KNOW and experience Jesus in them, not just know about Him!
We have sent many boxes of our materials and bibles all around Africa to help the lay pastors who care for their people to grow and understand more of Christ in a practical way, and to be Christ's under-shepherd to reach out to others. They have each picked out the materials we have sent. We'd like to share some of the responses from them so you can see what your funds were used for and see some of the outcome so far.
Thank you so much for your loving heart and encouragement to churches with your materials.
l praise GOD for the love and care He puts into the hearts of His children toward each other.
It is so comforting to know that there are strong believers in this world like you, who have a desire to share your materials with others in Africa free of charge. It is hard to find people/ministries like you here where we are - The teaching has become so watered down in most churches, as most preachers try to keep people in their congregations by not offending them. They do not preach against worldliness and selfish living.
They ignore the offensive parts of the Gospel. For the Cross is offensive to the World. And we should not shrink back from it in order to win "converts". If they are brought to Christ through intellectual knowledge only of the Cross, then they are brought to an empty version of a worldly Christ...not the Lord Jesus. Praise GOD for the Cross of Christ, and His amazing Mercy toward us! l pray to our Lord that you and your family will be strengthened through His Holy Spirit to stand strong in the face of all those who are enemies of His Cross, inside and outside the walls of the
church ...
l pray that GOD will continue to use you to speak truth to those all around you and that He would begin to bring to you more and more of those who are living in darkness without Him, to have Christ made real in them.
Jane from Nigeria
I want to convey my sincere thanks and gratitude for the books. To say that the books has been very useful to us in our ministry is an understatement. These books are indeed a source for renewal and strengthening of faith through the insightful and its inspiring messages. May God bless and prosper your ministry and use the work to draw souls to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I shall continue to pray for you all.
"Those gift of books from you especially, "Escaping Back To God"- provided the increase I needed to be a usable vessel for our Lord during this time. Thanks again for serving and providing such valuable tools and resourceful blessing. l will try to share detail comments on those books as soon l can..
Pastor Ray
Praise God for grace and mercy towards us. I've got a call from the paramount chief of Ekumfi district with about 56 villages on permission to teach and train all youth and adults in Bible morals, health/temperance, English reading and organic farming skills. This will take about 1 year rotation in the villages and great opportunity from King Jesus and may need partnership support for transport, books and materials for the people, so pray for me to get support since I going next Sunday with old computer and parcels here. I met our district pastor today and was glad too but sad for not getting any support for me. Our God will provide for this grand Escape to God, It's All about People, and Parenting by the Spirit are my delight books for my public outreach. I've to settle Ghana post and other tax before next Monday. Lord have mercy and help me
Yours in the Lord-Chris from Ghana
... your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 1: 2-3) We appreciate your reaching out to us with your Books and trust that through our exchanges, we can each come to a greater appreciation of the goodness of our Heavenly Father and the promises that He has extended not only to His people but in due time, the world of mankind as well. May the fullness of the Lord's blessing be upon you.
YES.. please send us those used bibles. they are greatly needed.
We believe that everyone needs a whole bible so they can read it and know who the real Jesus is. There are many people who preach or teach about a different Jesus than the Jesus in the bible. We here believe that it is very important to know who the true Jesus is. The only way to know who the true Jesus is, is by reading his word and having a relationship with him. Which is why we want to give out your free, whole, used bibles, and we pray that God provide the means for you to ship them whenever you are able!
Chabby from Zambia
Your books were recently displayed at our ministry conference fair hosted here by pastors and many were browsing through these books on display at the Literature stand. Thereafter every day, church leaders who could not attend that meetings phone me up and ask for those your materials displayed there. 'l don't feel good when we can't help, but sadly we tell them we have none to give out but was forced to give your email address to some selected pastors whom l know very well.. but am sorry passing out your email address anyway. thanks for your understanding.l will send a list reputable pastors and pray for God to provide the funds to ship them.
Pastor Ray from Nigeria _______
Church Leaders like these selected pastors in developing countries have few or no reference books. A pastor in a Western country may have 500 to 1000 books in his library. A pastor in a developing country may have 5 or 10, or possibly none at all. Bible Colleges and other ministries also suffer, with staff and students everywhere struggling to get resource material. The reason for this shortage is simply that Christian workers lack the money to buy books, and that such books may not even be available to buy, because of currency problems and near-bankrupt economies. I pray the hearts of those in your midst would be touched to give and sponsor a box of books to help pastors and Bible teachers who can't afford them., perhaps you may want to ship a box of books to them anytime fund are available for shipping... l know this will not be any easy task but l pray the Lord open doors and possibility for it. If those request of those pastors is a great burden to you to fill. . l am sorry but l appreciate your understanding on this issues. Thank you ever so much!
Pastor Ray from Nigeria
Received the books. thanks Keep up the good work. God will not forget your labor of love. Thomas from Nigeria
I have many more responses, some very long expressing their joy, their gratitude and their encouragement receiving these materials. But I think what we have shared here will let you know that your sacrificial donations are doing the Lord's service and a Big encouragement to lay people in their own countries. These leaders are inspired to KNOW Jesus by experience as they seek to be empowered to share the Christ-centered Gospel with those needy and thirsty around them.
We thank you for your help in this area and request you to ask Jesus if you can join us to help even more?
Spreading the Gospel of the power of God to change us,
Sally & Jim