After Wildfire: News and Networking
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We will send occasional emails with new reports, learning opportunities, and other announcements for those of us working in post-wildfire landscapes. If you have announcement relevant to this interest group please email [email protected]. Thank you.
Post-Fire Session at Cohesive Strategy Workshop
Improving Post-Fire Actions to Build Landscape and Community Resilience:
Story Circle on Integrating Post-Fire Impacts into the Cohesive Strategy Framework

WHEN:  10:15 am, Thursday, March 29, 2018
WHERE: 2nd annual National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop, Reno NV

Burned Area Learning Network: Santa Clara Field Trip & East Jemez Working Session
Two-day program exploring post-wildfire impacts, responses, and best practices.

WHEN:  May 10 and 11
WHERE: Santa Clara Pueblo & Canyon; UNM Los Alamos

Santa Clara Pueblo has extended an invitation for a field trip on May 10th to see first-hand the effects of the Las Conchas Fire and the restoration projects that have been implemented to replant burned slopes, restore riparian areas, and mitigate channel incisions. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from the restoration practitioners who have planned and carried out recovery treatments. 

After seeing some of the on-the-ground restoration at Santa Clara, you're invited to join us on May 11th to continue exploring the restoration potential of other watersheds in the eastern Jemez. Through this working session, participants will share more information on the state of our knowledge and describe actions occurring in the fire, flood, and drought-affected areas of the eastern Jemez landscape. This is a work day for us to brainstorm ideas for strategies, research proposals, actions, or partnerships to advance restoration in these areas.

Collaborations for Improved Post-Fire Preparedness
Post-fire incident management is not seamless across all boundaries to the same degree as wildfire incident management. Federal policies guiding Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) allow and encourage cooperation "where practical", and when appropriate agreements and provisions for payment are in place. Not surprisingly, without clear policy direction, cooperation varies greatly. There is, however, a growing number of great examples of collaboration to improve post-fire preparedness and response.

  • April 2018 - Free Workshop Series: "Preparing for Large Fires in New Mexico. Hosted in five New Mexico communities. These workshops are being convened by an interagency cadre and include post-fire response on the agenda. For more information, contact Mary Stuever at [email protected]

  • Plans are underway to pilot a workshop to introduce responders and communities to post-fire preparedness tools and resources. The workshop is being developed by a collaborative group encompassing The Nature Conservancy, Forest Stewards Guild, New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Mexico State Forestry, and New Mexico Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management.

  • The Greater Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition (, a broad collaboration working across federal, tribal, state, and private lands in the southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, is integrating analysis, planning, and preparation for post-fire events into plans and strategies to live with and prepare for fire across the landscape.
Save the date: Post Wildfire Flooding Seminar
On May 2, the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition is hosting a seminar titled Post Wildfire Flooding: Think Ahead of the Fire. The seminar will be at REI in Santa Fe from 6 to 7:30pm. More information will be available on the Fireshed webpage.
FAC Net Blog on Post-Fire Preparation

In this blog Allison Jolley shares stories of how to prepare yourself, your communities, and even your pets for evacuation. The same principles apply for evacuation in advance of post-fire flooding.
New Research
Eskelson, B. N. I., & Monleon, V. J. (2018). Post-fire surface fuel dynamics in California forests across three burn severity classes. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 27(2), 114.

Saxe, S., Hogue, T. S., & Hay, L. (2018). Characterization and evaluation of controls on post-fire streamflow response across western US watersheds. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22(2), 1221–1237.

Tucker, M. M., & Kashian, D. M. (2018). Pre-fire forest remnants affect post-fire plant community structure and composition. Forest Ecology and Management, 408, 103–111.