The National Network for Youth hosted its 6th annual National Summit for Youth Homelessness on March 18-19, 2019 in Washtington, D C. More than 250 attendees coming from all over the United States learned about how government agencies, foundations, policymakers, young leaders, service providers and other experts can partner together to prevent and respond to youth homelessness. Conference speakers included individuals from the U.S. Department of Education , Schultz Family Foundation , National Safe Place Network , Schoolhouse Connection , National Center for Homeless Education , The McCain Institute for International Leadership , U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness , Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago , Department of Housing and Urban Development , and others. After8toEducate Executive Director Hillary Evans attended the Summit to bring back best practices and connect with other service providers and stakeholders from across the country.  

Young leaders, who experienced homelessness, had a strong presence and role throughout the conference. Together they advocated for more youth shelters, greater access to health care, more resources in rural communities and elimination of legal barriers.  

The conference also offered opportunities to meet with congressional leaders on legislative priorities and hear from key federal agency officials and national experts on addressing youth homelessness system-wide.