Welcome to
The Afterlife Advocate
 A Conversation  about Conscious Dying, Conscious Grieving
and the Journey of the Soul
Issue # 22 - October 2016

Published by The Afterlife Education Foundation,
producer of the Original Afterlife Conference  
Events  we

with Terri Daniel
October 8 and 9, 2016


Online Worldwide  
Through Oct. 9

Help the Afterlife Conference win an award as a bold, innovative business!  


A Night of Spirit Communication
with Austyn Wells and Robert Brown 


Online Worldwide 
Nov. 10-13
with Dr. Karen Wyatt
and special guests 


Andover, MA - Oct. 29
Power of the Soul 
with John Holland
Message to a Grieving Friend  
The following quote is excerpted from 
Embracing Death:  A New Look at Grief,
Gratitude and God
(2 010)

G rief is a spiritual form of open-heart surgery. Nothing rips us open, scars us and heals us more than loss and trauma, and nothing offers more valuable soul expansion. The unexpected death of a loved one changes us permanently and profoundly. And because we are never truly separated from those who have crossed over, their deaths invite us to enter new worlds along with them. 

Grief shakes us loose from our spiritual lethargy. When we recognize our losses as openings rather than wounds, we find hidden gifts in releasing our assumptions about life being safe and predictable. If we honor and nurture that opening, stretching and strengthening it a little bit each day, we can discover previously unimagined worlds of wisdom, and choose enlightenment over annihilation. 
I dedicate these words  to my friend and colleague  David Kessler , one of the world's leading bereavement experts. Earlier this month, David's 21 year-old son died suddenly, initiating David into that dreadful world that nobody consciously chooses to visit... the world of parents who've experienced the death of a child. As a card-carrying member of that world myself, I offer David my deepest love and heartfelt support. May love and light surround you and yours my friend.  

Rev. Terri Daniel, MA, CT
Founder, The Afterlife Conference
Interfaith Chaplaincy, Bereavement Support


Maire's Journey is Now a Book!
In our November 2015 newsletter, we mentioned 24 year-old Maire Kent, who was dying from cardiac sarcoma, and came to our conference to learn how to face death consciously and fearlessly. She was accompanied by a PBS film crew that chronicled her story for a series called The Embrace of Dying. 

The film's director Keith Famie was so moved by Maire's end-of-life experience that he launched a new project... an extraordinary tribute called Maire's Journey, which you can learn about here:

Maire's Journey is currently showing at the Great Lakes International Film Festival, and Keith has just published a book to accompany the film. Once you watch this clip, I'm sure you'll want to own the book. You can find it HERE


 The Looming Divorce Between Religion
And The Afterlife
by  Stafford Betty, PhD

Most religious people, at least most Christians, assume that God has something to do with the afterlife. We earn our way into heaven or hell according to the beliefs and deeds of our present life, and God oversees the process, punches our cards, and rewards and punishes as necessary. Consciousness research finds no such God. Death and what follows is entirely natural: (1) our inner being, or conscious self, or soul sheds the body; (2) our inner body hidden by the physical body up until death now shines forth as the outer, or "astral" body, in an astral environment; (3) the individual being that we are, soul and body, gravitates to its proper sector or sphere as naturally as we gravitate toward our friends and family on earth, or at least to what we are familiar with; (4) the habits we built up on earth, both good and bad, govern our other world experience from that point on; (5) we live our lives as the beings we have made ourselves to be, for better or for worse, but our will is as free to change over there as it is here. READ MORE...  

    Portland, OR., June 1-4, 2017 

Registration is Now Open! Save $50
With an exclusive earlybird discount for our subscribers!

As a subscriber to  
The Afterlife Advocate,  
you can take advantage of our earlybird discount
($50 off on general admission to the conference).  

This offer ends November 30.

Each year, our conference expands and elevates
the global conversation about death, grief and afterlife. 
Join us in a rare learning environment
where shamans break bread with scientists,
and mystics, medics, scholars and spiritualists
gather to share their wisdom

New for 2017:
. More professional development classes for nurses, social workers,
counselors and others who work with death and grief

.  More experiential, in-depth workshops

. Specific content for those working in the field, including
Conscious Dying in Clinical Settings and 
Self-Care Practices for Death Care Professionals

.  Inner work through sacred ceremony, interactive group processes
and mystical journeying 

. Panel discussion for near-death experiencers

.  Progressive theological and academic discourse

. Research on deathbed visions, shared-death experience
and near-death experience

. Sacred labyrinth walk for grief

.  CEUs for nurses, social workers and counselors

. Beginning and advanced mediumship training


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