Welcome to
The Afterlife Advocate
 A Conversation  about Conscious Dying, Conscious Grieving
and the Journey of the Soul
Issue # 29 - May 2017

Published by The Afterlife Education Foundation,
producer of the Original Afterlife Conference  
Events we

with Hollister Rand

Maui, HI.   May 3- 8
Spring retreat
with Ram Dass,
Krishna Das
and friends

Save $50 on general admission to the Afterlife Conference!

Exploring the
Science and Spirit
of Death and Beyond

Save $50 on
general admission
with promo code 
(a limited number available, so act now!) 

Boulder, CO.
July 29-30
Living and Dying Consciously
with Kitty Edwards 


Faber. VA.
June 24 - 30
OBE Intensive 
at The Monroe Institute
Now That we Know,
What Can we Do? 

Death awareness is increasingly becoming a trendy topic, and this is great news for those of us who promote conscious dying and life beyond the physical body.  Legendary researchers like Dr. Raymond Moody and Dr. Melvin Morse opened that door for us in the 1970s, and contemporary figures like Eben Alexander and Anita Moorjani have shared their stories with eager audiences worldwide. 

Since the 70s we have collected an enormous body of evidence that validates NDEs, deathbed visions and after-death communication. But for experienced spiritual seekers, that's old news, and it's time for a new generation of teachings to take us to the next step.

What does that look like? How do we move beyond merely collecting evidence toward taking action?  Here are four suggestions

1. Become multi-cultural. Get familiar with afterlife accounts throughout history and across religions and cultures.  THIS VIDEO is a great place to start.  

2. If you're an author or spiritual teacher without traditional credentials (degrees, certifications, etc), get some alphabet soup after your name to add credibility to your platform. If you're a medium, get trained in grief counseling to enhance your helping skills and add mainstream benefits to mediumship. 

3. If you do have credentials -- as an academic or health care professional -- reach out to your professional community by offering classes on conscious dying, afterlife research or mystical traditions related to death and grief.

4. Explore beyond the "threshold" by learning about the deeper reaches of the afterlife by studying shamanism, out-of-body journeying, remote viewing and other tools for working in non-physical dimensions.
Going forward, we must be fiercely committed to education, validation and credibility. When Moody and Morse started out, there was no internet, so word spread slowly. But today, we can access everything we need -- research, education, history, spiritual development tools and more -- with the click of a mouse. And I propose that we move beyond the woo-woo into the world at large by working within the system as much as possible.

Rev. Terri Daniel, MA, CT
Founder, The Afterlife Conference
Interfaith Chaplaincy, Bereavement Support
[email protected] 

Special Afterlife Conference Discount
for our Subscribers!

We're sending out the May issue of our newsletter a little early to give you a chance to make plans to attend our 2017 conference, which is just around the corner. And thanks to a recent donation to our scholarship fund, we are able to offer a limited-time discount of $50 on general admission.

There are a few of these discounted tickets available, so it's first-come, first-served. To get in on the deal, REGISTER NOW   and use the promo code  DISCOUNT50 for the general admission ticket. 

We hope to see you there! 

Five Ways to Improve Care at End of Life  

"G raduate medical education includes little training on the needs of patients in the last years or days of their lives. We need to create financial and professional incentives to expand the number of doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, social workers, and other health care professionals who have the right training to effectively and compassionately provide end-of-life care." READ MORE...


In Case you Missed it...

The archived recordings from our Death and Afterlife Telesummit
with Dr. Karen Wyatt and special guests are available

Dr. Raymond Moody
Dr. Melvin Morse 
in Conversation

T wo of the world's pioneers in near-death research  
share eye-opening details about their work, 
how afterlife research is changing, and how Dr. Morse's 
recent experience in prison changed him.

Conversations: Redemption and Lessons of Love is a documentary film featuring a conversation between these two pioneers in afterlife studies. Over the past 40 years, both men contributed immeasurably to the body of knowledge about near-death experiences (NDE), bringing the topic into the mainstream and paving the way for continuing scientific research.

Dr. Moody is the world's leading authority on the near-death studies, and is credited with coining the term "near-death experience." Dr. Morse is a pediatrician whose research on the NDEs of children launched him to international prominence. In 2012, when Dr. Morse found himself a reluctant guest of the Delaware prison system, he learned the meaning of love from hardened criminals, and deepened his understanding of meditation and the importance of spiritual practice.

Conversations: Redemption and Lessons of Love
is scheduled for release this summer.

Advance orders receive a 25% discount.

Brant's Back!

If you've attended past afterlfe conferences, you will remember our master of ceremonies, Brant Huddleston, who is joining us again in 2017. Brant hosts the popular podcast Dance to Death Afterlife, which focuses on issues related to aging, end of life, and what lies beyond. And under the pseudonym Paul Coruso, he recently published the suspense/thriller

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