Welcome to
The Afterlife Advocate
 A Conversation  about Conscious Dying, Conscious Grieving
and the Journey of the Soul
Issue # 48 - DECEMBER 2018

Published by

Events we Recommend

Thousand Oaks, CA 
Sunday, Nov. 25, 2-4  
Community Grief Ceremony
Contact us  for details

Boulder, CO.
Dec. 6-9
with Dr. Linda Backman

Worldwide Online
Feb. 12 - April 16 
with Dr Linda Backman

Portland, OR.
Jan. 18 - 20
The Art of Death Midwifery
with Olivia Bareham

Dec. 9
with Austyn Wells
With Deepest Gratitude

It's difficult to find words that adequately describe the experience of being at The Afterlife Conference. This year's conference, like all the others, was beyond words. Our staff, our presenters and our attendees have a natural instinct for easily and instantly creating community, and a sense of belonging can be felt everywhere. I am so blessed for having been given the privilege of stewardship for this remarkable gathering year after year.

I bow down in gratitude to all who were present at this year's conference, and also to those who wanted to be there but could not. I am deeply touched by your enthusiasm and support, which includes your continued interest in this newsletter, in our Facebook group and in our various events and workshops. 

To express our thanks, we are offering a free 24-hour pass to watch the 2018 conference livestream recording on Thanksgiving day.   See below for details... 

Love and blessings to you and yours,
Terri Daniel, MA, CT
Founder, The Original Afterlife Conference
End-of-Life Advisor, Interfaith Chaplaincy

The Gratitude Channel 
by Terri Daniel
As Thanksgiving approaches and America's thoughts (hopefully) turn to gratitude, I feel compelled to share an excerpt from my 2007 book,  A Swan in Heaven about a beautiful little concept called "The Gratitude Channel." It is especially relevant today, as we grieve in response to mass shootings, wildfires and other national tragedies. In fact, the reason I'm sending the newsletter early this month is because I am traveling to Thousand Oaks, California next week to organize a Community Grief Ceremony for Sunday November 25.

The Gratitude Channel
(a channeled message)

Interaction with divine energy happens on many different  frequencies, on different channels, like tuning in to different radio  stations. There are thousands of these channels located at different levels  of consciousness, and each channel has a specific purpose and  characteristic.

Extreme emotional pain is one of these channels because it opens your
heart, and in this open state you can surrender completely to the divine if you  choose to. Grief does the same thing, and on this channel there's a lot of  work to do that has the potential for tremendous growth and healing.  Breathing is a channel, as are levels of deep meditation, prayer and  chanting. Each chakra is a separate channel, and forgiveness is
most certainly a channel. Dreams are extremely clear channels. Other
channels are art, music, dancing, crying, playing, sexual love,  brotherly love, spiritual love... the list is limitless, and everything that  comes to us via these channels takes form in our physical  lives.  READ MORE...

 Metaphysical Movies We Recommend 
(on Netflix, Amazon and You Tube)  

In future issues of this newsletter we'll be including more 
Metaphysical Movie Recommendations for films
on Netflix or Amazon streaming, or on You Tube. 


In  keeping with the Thanksgiving spirit, as a gratitude gift to our subscribers, Path 11 Productions is offering a free 24-hour pass  to watch the complete conference livestream online!

This is your chance to gobble up everything you missed at the conference. 
The pass is good from midnight Wednesday 11/21 to midnight Thursday 11/22 (Eastern Time). It's a great way to spend Thanksgiving Day!

2. Enter your name and email address
3. Create a password
4. Select Thanksgiving Special.  

My First Deaths
by Larry Patten

Some are relieved when a loved one (or a not-so-loved-one) dies... but they never expected to feel that relief so strongly. Other responses include disbelief, anger or numbness. The immediate (or delayed) feelings are an emotional tsunami, not there and then completely there , forcing us to our knees or causing us cry out as if struck by a   fist. READ MORE...

Help Wanted for Next Year's Conference! 

Our next conference will be in Salt Lake City, UT., June 6-9, 2019.  We're always looking for good volunteers, but next year we need someone specifically to serve as our exhibits manager. To qualify, you need retail and marketing experience, and excellent organizational and communication skills. Even better if you're local to the Salt Lake City area! Contact us for details.


For lively discourse on topics related to 
death and the  afterlife, join the conversation in our  

We also have a thought-provoking blog. 
Read it (and comment) HERE.