Find the full Impact 2019 Schedule and workshop descriptions online here.
You won't want to miss this year's speakers and workshops. Here are just a few highlights:
Implementation of Conscious Discipline in Afterschool K-8
Cassie Gerst, Burlington Community School District
Student behavior is a daily challenge in an after school setting. Students are tired after a long day of school and we tend to see a number of "bad behaviors" in our programs. Burlington Community School District's PIECES after school program decided to shift its classroom management style from a reward/punishment approach to a trauma informed, evidence-based, SEL best practice called Conscious Discipline. This session will discuss BCSD's first year of Conscious Discipline implementation within its five elementary sites and one middle school site. Learn how a public school district designed and implemented staff training, student behavior policies, coordination of school day and after school discipline practices, and reduced after school suspensions and office referrals by 90%.
Investing in Family Engagement with Y4Y
David McConnell and Monique McDowell, Foundations, Inc.
Engaging families in your program can be challenging but is easily worth the investment of time, energy, and resources when you see the value in terms of student success. This session will explore best practices for improving and developing relationships with families. You for Youth (Y4Y) trainers will collaborate with participants to customize free resources and tools to help create a family-friendly environment, serve family needs, plan activities for engagement and solicit family input and leadership.
Literacy: Above and Beyond
Theresa Slaughter, Central Iowa OST Enrichment Coach
Literacy is all around us. In this session, participants will be given another perspective in going above and beyond the traditional approaches and practices to literacy. Participants will be led through group discussions providing a standard definition for what literacy is along with a toolkit of various activities to go above and beyond.
Supporting the Whole Child using the 5-2-1-0 Approach
Lyn Jenkins, Every Step
Child wellness can impact attendance, concentration, behavior, and overall development. Whole child wellness efforts include physical and social-emotional needs. This session will use the framework of the 5-2-1-0 messaging and approach to deepen participants' understanding of creating an environment to meet student wellness needs. Participants will leave with evidence-based strategies to improve the policy, environment, and practices of their programs and ways to connect with partners and resources for successful implementation.
And so much more!
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