Conscious Discipline Training in Eastern Iowa
Several afterschool programs will host a Conscious Discipline training on March 21 and 22, 2019 in Clinton, Iowa. Velda McKenzie, a Conscious Discipline trainer specializing in afterschool programming, will facilitate the workshop. The cost for the two-day training is $135 per person. The training will be located at the Clinton Schools Administration Center.
Registration is open online. For more information about this training, please contact Loras Osterhaus of Clinton Schools at losterhaus@clintonia.org.
One Last Slot Open for Summer AmeriCorps!
One slot remains to host a Summer Ladders AmeriCorps member this summer!
What the Summer Ladders AmeriCorps Member Will Do:
The AmeriCorps Members will develop high quality lesson plans for the host program utilizing the Dimensions of Success (DOS) framework (
www.thepearinstitute.org/dimensions-of-success). The AmeriCorps Member will also be responsible for implementing activities they have developed with high-need youth in your program. The Member is expected to serve a total of 300 hours over the summer.
Cost to Host a Summer Ladders AmeriCorps Member:
The cost share to host a Member (the amount the host site is responsible to pay for each Member) is $1,481 for the entire 2019 summer (300 hours of service). This calculates to a cost to the program of just $5 an hour!
Each Member will receive a living allowance of $3,333 over the summer. The remainder of the cost per Member is covered by the Volunteer Iowa grant.
The Iowa Children's Museum serves as the employer-of-record for each AmeriCorps Member. That means the host site is not responsible for FICA or Worker's Compensation. Each Member tracks their own time using a common time tracking system provided through the grant.
What We're Looking for in Host Sites:
- Ability to supervise the AmeriCorps Member, including coaching and mentoring to meet program goals; discipline; and role modeling good collaboration, communication, and leadership.
- Provision of strong staff orientation to the program, as well as on-going professional development throughout the service period.
- Commitment to evaluation.
- Commitment to ensuring a good Member experience.
To gauge interest in hosting an AmeriCorps Member or team of Members, the IAA asks interested programs to complete a short online survey at https://www.research.net/r/SummerLadders19Interest. An answer of "No" on any question is not necessarily disqualifying. Please answer according to your best knowledge at this time.
For questions regarding this opportunity, please contact Michelle Rich at mrich@sppg.com.
Register Today for Impact 2019
Registration is now open for Impact 2019!
You won't want to miss this year's speakers and workshops.
Preconference: Poverty Simulation
Facilitated by Northwest AEA, this poverty simulation will put you in the shoes of a family in poverty as they make ends meet. You will hop from station-to-station representing the many entities in the lives of families living in poverty, including DHS, grocery stores, and medical appointments. You will leave this session with a newfound appreciation for what families in poverty must do to make ends meet day-to-day with limited money while experiencing various hardships.
Keynote: Joana Faber, Teacher, Lecturer, and Author
Joanna Faber grew up in the Long Island home/laboratory of internationally acclaimed, best-selling author and parent educator Adele Faber. Her father was a leading educator and director of innovative guidance programs in the New York City Public Schools. She taught elementary school in West Harlem while completing post-graduate work in math and science at the City College of New York. During this time her bilingual, special education students published books of poetry and stories, wrote and performed plays, started a school newspaper, and won top honors in the district-wide science fair two years in a row. Faber contributed heavily to her mother's most recent award winning book, How To Talk So Kids Can Learn - at Home and in School, with her frontline experience in the classroom, and recently contributed a new section titled The Next Generation to the 30th anniversary edition of How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. Her own best-selling book, entitled How To Talk So LITTLE Kids Will Listen was released by Simon and Schuster in January of 2017.
Closing Keynote: David Welter, Retired Principal, Afterschool Advocate, and Cancer Survivor, Cedar Falls
Currently a husband (married forty years to Tricia), father of three (John, Rob, and Sarah), grandfather of three (Grace, Lucy, and Hazel), baseball scout for the Atlanta Braves, medical driver for Western Home Communities, educational consultant, farmer, author, and public speaker, Dave was principal at Holmes Jr. High School in Cedar Falls for 16 years. Over his years at Holmes, Dave sustained a 21st Century Community Learning Centers program, ECHOES, and ensured afterschool programming would be in place once he left as principal. Dave has earned multiple awards and honors over his career, including Cornell's Kelly Award for Outstanding Achievement in Teacher Education (1976), School Administrators of Iowa Middle Level Principal of the Year (2012), and Champion of After School Programming by the National After School Alliance (2013). One of his greatest accomplishments, however, and one that influences him everyday is his achievement over cancer.
More information will be released regarding workshops as sessions are confirmed.
Register online today!
The Impact After School Conference wouldn't be the same great event without youth! We are looking for individual youth or groups of youth to perform at the conference over lunch on Thursday, April 25, 2019. Past performances have included presentations, poetry, breakdancing, and singing. We are open to any ideas to incorporate youth accomplishments and voice into programming. The Iowa Afterschool Alliance covers mileage to transport youth to the conference.
To submit your ideas for youth engagement, please follow this link: https://www.research.net/r/19ImpactYouth .
Nominate an Afterschool Champion or Star Today!
Each year the Iowa Afterchool Alliance celebrates contributions of individuals, organizations, and youth in the field of afterschool programming through the Afterschool Champions and 21CCLC Stars Awards. The following awards are now open for nominations:
- Advocate of the Year
- Afterschool Innovator
- Collaboration Award
- Principal of the Year
- Friend of Afterschool Award (Policymaker)
- Outstanding Afterschool Students
- 21CCLC Literacy Improvement
- 21CCLC STEM Achievement
- 21CCLC Youth Community Contributions
- 21CCLC Attendance
- 21CCLC All Around
New Date! Afterschool Snack at the Capitol
Save the afternoon of Tuesday, February 26 for the Afterschool Snack at the Iowa State Capitol Building in Des Moines. Each year, the IAA hosts advocates and legislators for a "get-to-know-you" event spotlighting great afterschool programs across the state. Please join us and bring youth! IAA staff will be on hand to help you meet your legislator and tell them about all the good things you are doing back home!
When: Tuesday, February 26, 2019; 2-4 p.m. Where: Iowa State Capitol, Des Moines What to expect: Legislators are invited to attend and show up anytime between 2 and 4 p.m. in the legislative dining room. IAA staff are on hand to help you tell legislators about what you do to support youth every day back home.
RSVP online so we can have materials ready for you!
For more information about this event, please contact Britney Samuelson at bsamuelson@sppg.com.
Follow IAA on Facebook for Latest Updates
Follow the Iowa Afterschool Alliance on Facebook at www.facebook.com/iowaafterschoolalliance for the latest updates on the Every Student Succeeds Act (formerly No Child Left Behind), PD opportunities, IAA activities, and grant opportunities. Expect an update on an issue of interest every day! You can also follow us on Twitter by following @iowaafterschool.
Professional Development Opportunities
Apply Today for Free Professional Development
Apply to bring in the Iowa Afterschool Alliance to train your staff and/or partners on a number of topics ranging from STEM to sustainability planning. Pick from a
menu of topics for one training with options for online or in-person training.
Apply online by July 31, 2018.
Out of School Time Professional Development Center
The Out of School Time Professional Development Center provides Out of School Time training to OST professionals. The classes provide in-depth curriculum and certificates.
If you or your staff are interested in signing up for courses visit the
Out-of-School Time
. Check out the entire course catalog here
Great Content on Y4Y!
You 4 Youth is a free
online professional development site that is designed to support 21CCLC program staff, but is a valuable tool for any afterschool professional looking to build their skills! Recently, Y4Y has rolled out a whole module on literacy.
Click here to register.
Afterschool Alliance Webinars
The Afterschool Alliance offers webinars on a wide range of topics, from policy and the new Every Student Succeeds Act, to STEM and Social-Emotional Learning. Find out more on their
webinars website.
Iowa Child Care Training Registry
Find professional development for school-age programming on the State of Iowa Child Care Training Registry on topics ranging from health and safety to developmentally appropriate programming.
Find out more online
NAA Talk Tuesday PD Resources
Talk Tuesday provides afterschool professionals with the resources to host relevant discussions among peers, colleagues, staff, or community leaders. If you are looking to connect with afterschool professionals in your area or engage your staff with relevant topics, Talk Tuesday will provide the materials for you.
Find out more on their website
Resources for STEM Programming
The Center for the Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) provides background information that is useful for the development of STEM programming. Find out more on their website.
The Afterschool Tech Toolkit aims to empower afterschool professionals and educators with strategies and training so they can provide students with access to technology outside of classroom hours. It includes training modules on getting started, training staff, accessing technology and devices, and more. Take a look at the toolkit here.
Beyond School Hours Conference
February 20-23, 2019; Atlanta, GA
Beyond School Hours workshops draw upon the experience and expertise of session leaders from through out the United States. The strands cover the topics that range from Trauma Informed Practice and Grade Level Reading to STEM, Family Engagement and more.
National AfterSchool Association Convention
March 15-18, 2019; New York, NY
Join the NAA and 2,000 members of the afterschool community for four days of networking, learning, and inspiration: special events, workshops, daily keynotes, and an interactive Learning Expo all designed to meet the needs of the developing professionals and emerging and current leaders of afterschool. Come to NAA convention and leave saying, "I've found my people!"
2019 Impact After School Conference
April 24-26, 2019; Des Moines, IA
The annual Impact After School Conference will be back for its seventh year in 2019. Join over 200 of your afterschool friends for this fun and engaging conference focused on high-quality enrichment programming.