November 2019
FY20 21CCLC RFA Released
The FY20 Request for Applications for Iowa 21st Century Community Learning Centers grants has been released by the Iowa Department of Education. Applications for funding are due December 13, 2019. To review application materials and to apply, please visit the Iowa Department of Education website.

***The Iowa Department of Education has extended the deadline for Letter of Intent to November 29, 2019.***

Recommendations for funding are made to the Iowa Department of Education through a peer review process. The Iowa Afterschool Alliance is seeking peer reviewers from across the state to help determine which applications are funded. Peer reviewers are provided a stipend and compensated for travel to the Des Moines area. Key dates reviewers must be available are:
  • Thursday, December 5, 2019; 10:30 am to 12:30 pm: Peer Reviewer Training (online)
  • December 18, 2019 - January 17, 2020: Applications are reviewed and scored
  • Wednesday, January 22, 2020; 10:00 am to 3:00 pm: Peer Review Conference in the Des Moines area
Coaches Corner
We know it's important that students are aware that we see them. Here is a simple and powerful way to check in with yourself. 
  1. Divide a piece of paper into three columns.
  2. In the first column, write the names of your students in the order that they come to mind. If it took a while to remember some names, try observing these students more often.
  3. In the second column, write one thing you know about that students that is not school related. If it's tough to fill out this column, talk with these students during breaks or free play. You could also ask parents for insights about these students' talents and interests.
  4. In the third column, mark if you're sure they know you're aware of this fact. If you're not sure, look for moments when you can ask questions about things you know are important to that student.
Try this exercise on your own or with staff members, an exercise created by Donald Graves
Afterschool Snack at the Capitol - Save the Date!
Iowa Afterschool Alliance Afterschool Snack Advocates save the date! The IAA Afterschool Snack at the Iowa State Capitol is scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, 2020 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. This is your chance to speak with our legislators regarding the imporance of afterschool programs to our communities.

If you have questions or are interested in attending, please contact Britney Samuelson at
Share Your Best Practices at Impact 2020!
Impact After School Conference logo Impact 2020 will be better than ever! Join 200 of your peers from across the state at this premier learning and networking event in Des Moines. Have a best practice to share? Please consider presenting at next year's conference.

Impact 2020 is confirmed for April 1-3, 2020.

To submit a presentation proposal, follow this link. Proposals must be submitted online. To review the questions before submitting, see this document.

For more information on Impact 2020, contact Michelle Rich at
Follow IAA on Facebook for Latest Updates
Facebook Follow the Iowa Afterschool Alliance on Facebook at for the latest updates on the Every Student Succeeds Act (formerly No Child Left Behind), PD opportunities, IAA activities, and grant opportunities. Expect an update on an issue of interest every day! You can also follow us on Twitter by following @iowaafterschool.
Professional Development Opportunities
Out of School Time Professional Development Center
The Out of School Time Professional Development Center provides Out of School Time training to OST professionals. The classes provide in-depth curriculum and certificates.  If you or your staff are interested in signing up for courses visit the  Out-of-School Time  website . Check out the entire course catalog here
Great Content on Y4Y!
You 4 Youth is a free  online professional development site that is designed to support 21CCLC program staff, but is a valuable tool for any afterschool professional looking to build their skills! Recently, Y4Y has rolled out a whole module on literacy. Click here to register.

Afterschool Alliance Webinars
The Afterschool Alliance offers webinars on a wide range of topics, from policy and the new Every Student Succeeds Act, to STEM and Social-Emotional Learning. Find out more on their webinars website.

Iowa Child Care Training Registry
Find professional development for school-age programming on the State of Iowa Child Care Training Registry on topics ranging from health and safety to developmentally appropriate programming. Find out more online

National AfterSchool Association PD Resources
NAA provides afterschool professionals with resources to stay up-to-date on the latest topics in afterschool and summer learning.

Find out more on their website here.  
Resources for STEM Programming
The Center for the Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) provides background information that is useful for the development of STEM programming. Find out more on their website
The Afterschool Tech Toolkit aims to empower afterschool professionals and educators with strategies and training so they can provide students with access to technology outside of classroom hours. It includes training modules on getting started, training staff, accessing technology and devices, and more. Take a look at the toolkit here.   
Beyond School Hours Conference
February 26-29, 2020; Orlando, FL
The nation's premiere conference for educators and leaders serving K-12 students in school, afterschool, summertime and beyond.
For more information, please visit the conference's website. 
National AfterSchool Association Convention
March 15-18, 2020; Washington, DC
Please join the 2,300 members of our community at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center for four days of networking, learning and inspiration: special events, workshops, daily keynotes and an interactive Learning Expo all designed to meet the needs of the developing professionals and emerging and current leaders of afterschool. Come to NAA convention and leave saying, "I've found my people!" 
For more information about the convention, visit the event's website.  
BOOST Conference
April 28 - May 1, 2020; Palms Springs, CA
Join the largest, most recognized and comprehensive global convening for after school, expanded learning, and out-of-school time professionals. Set in a retreat-like atmosphere, this annual, extraordinary event will rejuvenate your passion, boost your direction for quality programming and provide tools and resources that will inspire you to create change.
For more information and to register, visit the conference's website.  
Impact After School Conference
April 1-3, 2020; Des Moines, Iowa
Join 200 of your peers for this great learning experience! More information coming soon.
For updates, please visit the Impact website