e-newsletter of AgInjuryNews
Fall 2023
This is Volume 2, Issue 3 of the AgInjuryNews quarterly newsletter. We hope these will keep our users and collaborators better informed of ongoing initiatives and milestone achievements. As always, if you have any questions, please connect with us.
Save the Date - ISASH 2024
Join us in beautiful Portland, OR, June 17-20, 2024 at the Hilton Portland Downtown for an exciting week of education, networking and tours at the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health's 2024 meeting!
AgInjuryNews Now Tells the Stories of 6,000 Injured Individuals
The team continues to collect, enter, and code reports on a daily basis. We have hit another milestone – over 6,000 individual victims have been entered, reviewed, and published. While these reports are always difficult to read, we take some solace in knowing these reports are meaningful, and there are potential strategies that can be put in place to prevent future injuries from happening.
Produce Labor Conference
Dec 14, 2023 in Pueblo, CO
The Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association (CFVGA), in collaboration with CSU Extension, will be talking “all things ag labor” at the 2023 CFVGA Produce Labor Conference, Dec. 14, at the Pueblo Convention Center. Attendees will learn about changes to the federal H-2A program, new opportunities to hire farmworkers from El Salvador and the newest requirements under Colorado labor laws. Booth space is available for vendors with products and services for Colorado produce growers. See full agenda and register here.
Youth agricultural safety featured in public health journal
“Safeguarding Youth from Agricultural Injury and Illness: International Perspectives,” edited by the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, has been published by the open-access journal, Frontiers in Public Health. The special issue includes 29 manuscripts from Argentina, Australia, Burkina Faso, Canada, Ireland, Israel, Lithuania, Nigeria, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States. Its content is also available as an e-book. Simply go to the special issue page and click the “download e-pub” tab.
IFISH 6 - Call for Abstracts and Sessions
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety: Agriculture Forestry and Fishing (NEC) are pleased to announce the 6th International Fishing Industry Safety and Health Conference (IFISH 6). The conference will be hosted in Rome, Italy from January 8th-12th, 2024.
The IFISH 6 conference will provide a rare opportunity for researchers, safety and health professionals, safety instructors, workers, industry experts, ergonomists, governmental/regulatory representatives, and other professionals from around the world to network, learn, and innovate. The conference will offer opportunities for individuals and organizations to showcase research, disseminate safety innovations and solutions, and develop new and effective partnerships. As with prior conferences, IFISH 6 will feature late-breaking science, innovations, and evidence-based solutions for protecting the health and safety of workers on fishing vessels, in seafood processing plants, and in aquaculture.
Hired Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines Published
The just-published Hired Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines (HAYWG) are designed to help farm employers and supervisors of hired youth reduce the risk of injury for young workers. HAYWG includes guidance for training and supervising young workers, information on regulations and tip sheets for supervising youth performing common farm tasks. Adults can use this resource in tandem with the Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines (AYWG), which help them assign age- and ability-appropriate tasks to youth. Release of the new guidelines was announced Nov. 9 at the Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Conference in Dubuque, Iowa.
To view an updated listing of peer-reviewed manuscripts resulting from the work related to AgInjuryNews, please visit our Learn More page. If interested in citing the system/data, please use this:
Weichelt, B., Salzwedel, M., Heiberger, S., Lee, B.C. (2018). Establishing a Publicly Available National Database of U.S News Articles Reporting Agriculture-Related Injuries and Fatalities. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 61(8), 667-674. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.22860
The AgInjuryNews Core Team
Bryan Weichelt PhD, MBA, Associate Research Scientist, NFMC
Serap Gorucu PhD,
Assistant Professor
University of Florida
Christine Maynard Balcaen
Canadian Agricultural Safety Association
Juan Saucedo
Research Coordinator,
Christopher Wanat,
Research Coordinator,
Matt Pilz
Senior Software Engineer, NFMC
Rick Burke, MPH
Research Specialist, NFMC
Contributors to this Issue
In addition to our Core Team the following have contributed to this issue of the AIN Newsletter: Marsha Salzwedel, Marie Fleisner and Scott Heiberger. Thank you!
Funding support has been provided through the National Farm Medicine Center, the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, the Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASHCA), the Dean Emanuel Endowment, and the National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety via the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH; grant number: U54 OH009568).