e-newsletter of AgInjuryNews
Summer 2023
This is Volume 2, Issue 2 of the AgInjuryNews quarterly newsletter. We hope these will keep our users and collaborators better informed of ongoing initiatives and milestone achievements. As always, if you have any questions, please connect with us.
AgInjuryNews Now Tells the Stories of nearly 6,000 Injured Individuals
The team continues to collect, enter, and code reports on a daily basis. We have hit another milestone – nearly 6,000 individual victims have been entered, reviewed, and published. While these reports are always difficult to read, we take some solace in knowing these reports are meaningful, and there are potential strategies that can be put in place to prevent future injuries from happening.
Emerging Issues/Pilot funding opportunities
Many organizations have open calls for Emerging Issues/Pilot funding opportunities. Check them out if you have a project that fits!
2023 Agricultural Health and Safety Course for Medical and Safety Professionals
This course is designed to examine key health and safety issues specific to rural and agricultural workers. Experts will present course material relevant to those working in health care, public health, education, and safety professions.
Session A: Agricultural Health — July 18-19, 2023
Session B: Agricultural Safety and Prevention — July 20-21, 2023
Session C: Special Topics — online modules available July 18 - Aug. 18, 2023
As a way of saying thank you to rural and urban healthcare providers, emergency services personnel, and those who provide other essential services to our communities, this course is offered free of charge. However, registration is required.
You may choose to participate in any or all of the three sessions. For Sessions A and B, you may join us in person or via live stream while Session C consists of online modules that you may complete at your own pace.
Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health Core Course
Join us for the virtual GPCAH annual Core Course to learn more about preventing injury and illness on the farm. The Agricultural Safety and Health Core Course has been the national model of effective agricultural safety and health education for over two decades. The course provides information and skills needed to enable safety and health professionals to anticipate, recognize, and prevent occupational illnesses and injuries among members of the agricultural community. Expert instruction is provided by experienced faculty and specialists including Board-Certified Physicians, Nurses, Veterinarians, and Certified Industrial Hygienists. Certificates are provided upon course completion.
Farm Safety II
Call for papers
The open-access journal Safety (ISSN 2313-576X) is pleased to announce a new Special Issue entitled "Farm Safety II". Dr. John McNamara is serving as Guest Editor for this issue. The submission deadline is 15 September 2023 and papers may be submitted immediately or at any point until 15 September 2023, as papers will be published on an ongoing basis. For more information on this Special Issue and submission guidelines, please visit the Farm Safety II Special Issue.
Journal of Agromedicine
Call for papers
The Journal of Agromedicine seeks international original research and editorials describing injury and illness surveillance topics in the agriculture forestry and fishing industry. Papers of special interest include: a) original research on AgFF injury and/or illness surveillance; and b) case reports, editorials or brief reports describing best practices/policies/methods for AgFF surveillance.
ISASH is an organization dedicated to the professional development of agricultural safety and health professionals, providing national and international leadership in preventing agricultural injuries and illnesses to the agricultural community. ISASH provides opportunities for sharing information about research and intervention programs, improving professional skills and knowledge, networking and other supportive activities.
This year there are additional workshops: 9 am – 11:30 am – Monday, June 19th.
A Continuing Tragedy – Roadway Crashes with Slow-Moving Vehicles
Purpose: The purpose of this workshop is to develop intervention proposals to reduce roadway crashes involving farm equipment.
This workshop brings together agriculture health and safety professionals to review our current knowledge about the problem of roadway crashes involving farm equipment. The workshop participants will then evaluate the impact of past interventions and propose new ones to reduce this continuing problem on our rural roads.
Taking Telling the Story to the Next Level
Purpose: To share with others how to write their own farm incident stories with prevention messages. Research has indicated that stories can improve health attitudes and outcomes. At this workshop, members of the Telling the Story Project team will provide attendees with a playbook for creating safety messaging through storytelling.
2023 Work, Stress, and Health Conference: November 8-11, 2023
The Work, Stress, and Health conference is a multi-disciplinary meeting with participants from a wide variety of fields that address worker safety, health, and well-being. Join leading scientists and practitioners from around the world to explore the ever-changing nature of work and the implications of these changes for the health, safety, and well-being of workers, and organizational effectiveness. Work, Stress, and Health is organized biennially by the American Psychological Association, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the Society for Occupational Health Psychology. The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Miami, November 8-11, 2023.
Ag Health & Safety Related Conferences 2023-2024 (Thanks to Peter Lundqvist)
• International Farmer Health and Farm Safety Conference, Ireland. August 2023. Information: David Meredith David.Meredith@teagasc.ie
• Ragusa SHWA, The 6th International Conference on Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture and Agro - food Systems. September 15-18, 2023. Ragusa, Sicily, Italy. Information: http://www.ragusashwa.it
• IARM 2023 International Association of Rural Health and Medicine (IARM) Congress. Belgrade, Serbia September 14 – 16 2023. Information will be provided at: http://www.iarm-jrm.org/about_iarm.html
• 6th CIGR International Conference Jeju, South Korea. May 19-23, 2024. Information will be provided at: https://www.cigr.org/
• IEA 2024 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. Jeju, South Korea. August 25-29, 2024. Information: http://iea2024.com/. (Information about Technical Committee Agriculture: Peter.Lundqvist@slu.se)
• Safety 2024 15th World Conference on Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion. Delhi, India. September 2-4, 2024. Information: safety2024@georgeinstitute.org
Heat-related Illness among Farmworkers:
What is the Dominant Narrative? (Research in Progress)
Isabella Daniels, Joseph G. Grzywacz, Mikayla Heath, & Danielle Thompson
Print media like newspapers play a critical role in shaping the nation’s views about emerging issues like possible employment rules by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration to prevent heat-related illness, injury, and hazards. Our analysis seeks to determine the dominant narrative in print media surrounding heat-related related illness among farmworkers. The team searched 12 media databases (e.g., ProQuest, MexisUni, Associated Press Archive) using search terms used by AgInjuryNews spanning 2017 to 2022. Over 600 articles were screened to determine if they reported a specific heat-related illness event experienced by an agricultural worker. One hundred eighty-eight reports screened as relevant. Thematic analysis indicates a dominant narrative of a perceived need for agricultural worker protection. The narrative is fueled by five cases of heat-related fatality experienced before 2017, predominantly in California and the Pacific Northwest. Between 2017 and 2022, sixteen agricultural worker fatalities were reported in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Fatality Inspection Database: few of these deaths were reported in print news, all in local newspapers.
Noon Talk w/ the AgInjuryNews Team: Nearly a Decade of Inputs and Outputs
It’s hard to believe that this program has been around for nearly a decade already. We do our best to keep stakeholders informed and updated on the latest ag safety and health information, including injury reports. The team recently presented an update and overview of the program as a Noon Talk. The online presentation was recorded and is available for viewing with this passcode: %vWv%q3!
To view an updated listing of peer-reviewed manuscripts resulting from the work related to AgInjuryNews, please visit our Learn More page. If interested in citing the system/data, please use this:
Weichelt, B., Salzwedel, M., Heiberger, S., Lee, B.C. (2018). Establishing a Publicly Available National Database of U.S News Articles Reporting Agriculture-Related Injuries and Fatalities. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 61(8), 667-674. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.22860
Juan Saucedo is joining the team on loan from the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health here at MCRI. He has multiple years of experience in clinical research and public health projects. A Doctor of Medicine graduate pursuing a career in research and public health, Juan brings a different yet useful perspective to our center and AIN project that will ensure its continued progression and success.
Goodbye and Good Luck, Christopher
As Christopher Benny concludes a very productive 18 months with the National Children’s Center and National Farm Medicine Center, we wish him a fond farewell and best of luck as he begins medical school. In his short time, Benny served as editorial coordinator for Frontiers in Public Health’s special issue on safeguarding youth from agricultural injury and illness; as principal investigator on a pilot project to assess the U.S. media’s reaction to a suggested shift in terminology from “accident” to “incident”; and as a core team member for the AgInjuryNews, Agricultural Youth Work Guidelines and Legal Response to Childhood Agricultural Injuries and Fatalities projects. Benny also assisted with coordination and planning of a national work group of pilot/emerging issues program directors. Thank you for everything, Christopher, it was a pleasure to work with you!
The AgInjuryNews Core Team
Bryan Weichelt PhD, MBA, Associate Research Scientist, NFMC
Serap Gorucu PhD,
Assistant Professor
University of Florida
Christine Maynard Balcaen
Canadian Agricultural Safety Association
Juan Saucedo
Research Coordinator,
Christopher Wanat,
Research Coordinator,
Matt Pilz
Senior Software Engineer, NFMC
Rick Burke, MPH
Research Specialist, NFMC
Contributors to this Issue
In addition to our Core Team, the following have contributed to this issue of the AIN Newsletter: Marsha Salzwedel, Marie Fleisner, Scott Heiberger and Melissa Ploeckelman. Thank you!
Funding support has been provided through the National Farm Medicine Center, the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, the Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASHCA), the Dean Emanuel Endowment, and the National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety via the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH; grant number: U54 OH009568).