Monthly Newsletter for Georgia Agribusiness Council Members

December 2023

AgOutlook is the monthly online publication of the Georgia Agribusiness Council. For information about what is going on within the GAC as well as updates on agribusiness topics of interests, read below. As always, please feel free to contact the GAC staff at any time. Contact information can be found at


Governor Brian Kemp ordered the General Assembly to convene a special session on November 29th to redraw State Legislative and Congressional maps. This order came after U.S. District Judge Steve Jones ruled in October that Georgia’s Congressional, State Senate and State House maps violate federal law by diluting black voting power. Judge Jones mandated that one additional Congressional district, two additional state Senate districts and five additional state House districts have a black majority. The Judge also indicated that the new congressional district should be on the West side of Metro Atlanta. 

Both the House and Senate Reapportionment and Redistricting Committees got to work immediately to find a solution to this new order. Senator Shelly Echols and Representative Rob Leverett serve as the chair to their respective chamber committees and have reiterated that their main goal is to comply with the Judge’s order whatever way possible. These committees came up with map proposals that were voted on and passed by each chamber. The maps, however, change many district numbers as well as lines that state legislators have become accustomed to. While things will change with the lines, the final party line outcome will not be known until the Judge approves the maps and the 2024 election occurs. 

The perceived outcome looks like Republicans will retain their current 33-23 majority in the Senate chamber, and the new House map that could cut the GOP majority there by one or two seats from the current 102-78 margin. Outside of those two maps, the congressional map has gathered a lot of attention. The committee originally rejected a Democratic proposal that would have likely cut the Republican congressional margin by one seat to 8-6, by forcing Republican U.S. Rep. Andrew Clyde to run against either U.S. Rep. Rich McCormick or U.S. Rep. Mike Collins. However, after many hearings and meetings, the House and Senate voted to pass which seeks a wholesale reconfiguration of a suburban Atlanta district now represented by McBath. The new Congressional map creates a new majority black district in parts of Fulton, Douglas, Cobb and Fayette counties on the West side of Atlanta. This will likely hold the current 9-5 Republican majority in Georgia’s Congressional delegation.

U.S. District Judge Jones has set a Dec. 20 hearing to consider the legislative maps that were passed by the legislature. If Jones rejects any or all of them, he is likely to appoint a special master to draw maps on behalf of the court.

Map Links Below

House Maps

Current Map

New Map

Senate Maps

Current Map

New Map

Congressional Maps

Current Map

New Map


On Tuesday, Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA) released a statement disclosing his recent and sudden diagnosis of prostate cancer. In his announcement, Chairman Thompson was optimistic in his abilities to continue serving Pennsylvania's 15th District while receiving treatment. The full statement can be found here. Please keep Chairman Thompson in your prayers as he starts his battle.


Last Monday, USDA launched an online application for Direct Loan customers. Each year, over 26,000 customers submit applications. The interactive and paperless tool, is part of USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) efforts to streamline processes, enhance customer service, and broaden credit access through offering online features like electronic signatures, attachment of supporting documents, balance sheet completion, and farm operating plan creation. The online application replicates in-person support from an FSA Farm Loan Officer. This initiative, alongside other process enhancements, aims to decrease incomplete and withdrawn applications. Borrowers can track application progress using the online tool found either here or on This tool is initially available for individual farm operators, with plans to expand to married couples and other legal entities in 2024. 


We are grateful to all of you who supported the GAC Foundation and made this year the most successful Harvest Celebration to date. Your support will help our fight to keep agribusiness the number one industry in Georgia.

We were honored to have Governor Brian P. Kemp address those in attendance and were proud to award several scholarships and other special recognitions. Senator Russ Goodman and Representative Steven Meeks were recognized as the 2023 GAC Legislators of the Year. The Gary W. Black Ag Leadership Award was presented to AgriTrust of Georgia for their 30 years of dedicated service. We are grateful the GAC Foundation was able to give three deserving students the "Sumpin' Big Scholarships". This event brought a huge crowd with over 750 attending, and we are thankful to everyone that donated or purchased items in the Silent and Live Auctions.




The 2024 GAC Star Sponsor program registration is now underway. This program helps with events during the legislative session along with building support for a variety of projects and initiatives that cannot take place without the added participation. Star Sponsors are reflected in each of our newsletters, as posted on this page, along with the weekly legislative reports throughout each session of the Georgia General Assembly, monthly newsletters, and more. Click here for 2024 Star Sponsor registration information and email Jill Hansard or call the GAC office at 706-336-6830. Thank you!


Agriculture education support is a cornerstone for the mission of the Georgia Agribusiness Council as we invest in a variety of programs to build an even stronger position for our future. The GAC Foundation, our 501(C)3 organization, was started for this exact reason. Tax-free donations to the GAC Foundation are used to help young people that will serve our industry now and in the future. The Foundation supports numerous ag education programs such as the Dr. Joe B. Crane Classroom Grants, the Mr. Bill Baisley “Sumpin’ Big” Scholarship, FFA initiatives, 4-H, Congressional Fellowships, and more. With 2024 coming up fast, we would appreciate your consideration of making a donation to these educational programs. Please call our office at (706) 336-6830 for more information or click here to access the online donation form. Thank you!


Georgia Ag Forecast

Strategic insights delivered to you from our researchers. The annual seminar shares the latest research and information from UGA faculty to help farmers and agribusinesses in Georgia's No. 1 industry. The 2024 Ag Forecast will be held on Jan. 26 in Tifton, GA. For more information click here.


In a policy environment that is rapidly changing, supporting state political leaders that understand and support agribusiness has never been more important than it is today.

The Georgia Agribusiness Council was created for the purpose of advocating for agricultural interests in the legislative and regulatory arenas. This lofty initiative continues to get harder and harder each election cycle. In our efforts to advance these activities, the Council formed the Georgia AgPAC several years ago that utilizes member's donations to:

* Financially support the campaigns of political candidates who are supportive of agriculture;

* Educating elected officials and key decision makers on issues important to agribusiness;

* Advocacy of issues that advance our industry and rural communities

We ask for your financial support so that we can continue to fight on behalf of Georgia agribusiness interests. Campaign contributions from Georgia AgPAC is restricted to non-federal candidates in races for legislative and statewide offices. Georgia AgPAC needs your contribution to advance this initiative. 

Your corporate or personal commitment will help us prepare today. All donations are welcome. Please call our office at 706-336-6830 or click here to download the donation form to be a partner in this effort. 

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College

Bagwell Insurance Group, Inc.

Center for Rural Prosperity and Innovation

Georgia Crop Production Alliance

Georgia Electric Membership Corporation

Georgia Power Co.

Osage Farms Inc.

Premium Peanut

Southwest Georgia Farm Credit

Ag Technologies LLC

Albany Dougherty Economic

Development Commission

Brooksco Dairy LLC

Carroll EMC

Color Burst

DeWitt Produce Co. Inc.

Fort Valley State University

Georgia Cotton Commission

GA Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association

Georgia Green Industry Association

Georgia Peanut Commission

Georgia Young Farmers Association

Green Fern Enterprises, LLC

Greg Sikes Farm, LLC

Growers Gin & Warehouse, Inc.

Growers Supply Inc.

Hattaway Farms Partnership

Hillside Orchard Farms, Inc.

J & B Irrigation Inc.

Kelley Manufacturing Co.

Leatherbrook Holsteins LLC

Mixon Seed Services Inc.

Mobley Greenhouse, Inc.

SafEnvirons, Inc.

Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition

Terra Chula Property Holdings

The Turfgrass Group, Inc.

U.S. Poultry & Egg Association

USA Poultry & Egg Export Council

WDairy LLC

Woodruff & Howe Environmental Engineering, Inc.

Agri-Business Technologies, Inc.

AgLanta Grown

American Peanut Shellers Association

American Peanut Trailers, LLC

Barrington Dairy, LLC

Boston Gin Co.

Broken Antler Farms

Bulloch Gin Inc.

Burriss Law Group, LLC

C.M. Tanner Grocery Co. Inc.

Calhoun Stockyard Hwy. 53 Inc.

Centurion Poultry Inc.

Circle C Farms Inc.

Coley Gin & Fertilizer

Cotton Partners LLC

Curry Farm Supply Inc.

Easterlin Pecan Company

EGA, Inc.

Emanuel Peanut & Grain LLC

Embry Farm Service

Feeding Georgia

Food Safety Net Services

Funston Gin Co. Inc.

Georgia 4-H Foundation

GA Assoc. of Conservation Districts

GA Assoc. of County Agricultural Agents

GA Assoc. of Professional Ag Consultants

Georgia Cattlemen's Association

Georgia Christmas Tree Association

Georgia Crop Improvement Assoc.

Georgia Federal-State Inspection Service, Inc.

Georgia FFA Association

Georgia Foundation for Agriculture

Georgia Milk Producers Inc.

Georgia Peach Council

Georgia Pecan Growers Association, Inc.

Georgia Pork Producers Association

Georgia Poultry Federation

Georgia Seed Association Inc.

Georgia Vocational Ag Teacher Association

Georgia Watermelon Association

Georgia Women in Agriculture Association Inc.

International Forest Company

Israel Farm Supply, Inc.

L. R. Land & Cattle Company, Inc.

Lenox Peanut Company

Longleaf Land LLC

Majors Electric & Mechanical Company, Inc.

Moultrie Colquitt County Development Authority

National Peanut Buying Points Assn.

Northeast Georgia Livestock

Oglethorpe Power Corporation

P.G.C. Farms

Pike Creek Turf, Inc.

Quality Gin, Inc.

Red Clay Ranch Equine Rescue & Sanctuary, Inc

Samara Plantation, LLC

Shealy Farms, Inc.

South GA Ag & Fertilizer

Southeastern Cotton Ginners Association

Southern Crop Production Association

Southern Livestock

Southern Seed Company, Inc.

Southern Specialty Equipment

Sweet Corn Co-Op

The Satsuma Company, LLC

Three Brothers Trucking, LLC

University of Georgia Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication

Vidalia Onion Business Council

Special thanks to all of our Star Sponsors. Please call our office at 706-336-6830 for details. Thank you!

This information is intended for members of the Georgia Agribusiness Council, Inc. No part of this document shall be copied, edited, or redistributed in any form without express written consent from the Georgia Agribusiness Council, Inc.

Georgia Agribusiness Council | 706-336-6830 | WWW.GA-AGRIBUSINESS.ORG


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